This is even WORSE than we thought, and we are on to them | Redacted News with Clayton Morris
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We are watching the great reset unfolding in more ways than one. New videos reveal China’s covid quarantine camps where people are held for weeks against their will. The new Twitter Files drop shows troubling collusion between the government and social media giant. Governor Ron Desantis plans to take on Pfizer and Moderna over false claims.
On Today’s Show:
00:00 Countdown
24:26 Welcome
30:13 Covid Camps
48:23 Desantis vs Vaccines
01:10:05 Twitter Files Update
01:24:36 Saudi Arabia
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About Clayton and Natali Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former Fox News anchor. In Redacted, Clayton and his wife Natali take an in-depth look at the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else is telling. Along with the facts and the full picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.
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Klauss Sc. he does have a white cat. Alex Jones talked about it. The movie Bond was made about klauss
No amnesty. No quarter given. The criminals all need to be indicted, prosecuted tried and sentenced. Nuremberg trials, & National trials.
What is going on in this country they're just getting away with it
Your right that Klaus is a creepy villain but he is real
I feel sad for canada ? The premier likes China. Reckon the new world order= enslave = sad for Canadians in general. You've had gun rights nixed? I sorta think goodbye canada= enjoy communism. Lol ?
What exactly will being on to them do omg 😲 there billionaires your grinding yt views I bet there real worried.
I wonder how America's gun killing compares to China's detainments compare.
the goverment make this planet a big prison people must woke up and lock up the criminals
This ids the end of humanity and civilization.
how wonderful it is, already being old …. !
We’ve picked the best time on earth and enjoyed it.
Poor Young ones.
Does Clayton turn her camera off in order to win an argument? 🤔
I don’t trust any republican that wears the vest and jeans
jt should move to china
About Jim Baker…. That old saying goes, “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”
I think Elon wanted to catch Baker in the act so there would be no doubt what he was up to. Baker is too smug and too stupid to realize why he wasn’t fired right off the bat, so he stuck around, kept playing his game and got caught.
Did Howard Hughe reincarnate to run this ?
Happy birthday Philip
Quicker way to fix the world is lock up these elites that are causing all the problems
Those lock down capartments are insane.. All this is entirely psychotic😨
46:49 Insanity did not reign in the west. Evil, however, really, really did.
I watched that procession and thought of Auschwitz and the showers to which people marched to die.
BREAD and CIRCUS is what Romans did to entertain the population meanwhile the politician doing funny business behind of their backs. Nothing new!
The Truth of three matter
These Turncoat Governors and Ex President Trump can not be trusted !
The only person the USA can trust
Is the Highly Interesting intellectual Historian USA Patriot Dr D. D 🙌🏻💪🏻 🇺🇸
Until you all get your head around this
Nothing will change !
We are doomed !
Fauci is an archon!
Estrogenic disinfectant.
You sure your'e married, ha ha