THIS is how world elites plan to force National Socialism on PRIVATE BUSINESSES | Glenn TV
The world’s top political and economic elites have been planning to force nationalism socialism into every corner of the world for years now. And now, in 2020, their conditions are ripe for it: they’re about to go into overdrive and it all begins HERE. Glenn details two reports from the World Economic Forum that show exactly how they plan to WEAPONIZE the United Nations to take control from private businesses until they comply with everything big-government mandates…and it’s all under the guise of “climate change.”
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WW3? 😭 OMG this is scary 😦
Why are we even in UN? WHO? They are useless
or at least some caricature disgusting version of it.
why would the predominantly jewish government push the very ideology that opposes zionism, globalism, and communism?
By definition national socialism is for nations to take care of their own nation by themselves. The “United Nations” want global fascism. Look into what nat socialism actually is first. It’s basically MAGA and I support both now that I’m more informed and DYOR
The nest egg Pelosi has created and continues to pad with taxpayers money is done to ensure that the future plans of the Democrats are well funded. They are prefunding the plans of the future — every diabolical scenario imaginable by them — with a backup petty fund that will pay for any godless tyranny they did not address in 2021 or failed to imagined in the future.
this is only the beginning. next will be curfews then the declaration of marshal law. under marshal the outlaeing of the the first amendment the confisgation of private property.
Judges are apart of the elite. I wish people understood this. I hear people saying "If the courts deny Trump case? Then I guess it's biden is president"? I read the OWO books omg wish people would realize how deep this goes. These evil elites are tricking people into things people want, in reality is nothing for helping anything but themselves. Not the equality promised. UNITE FIGHT FREEDOME, take out corrupt government, don't fight each other. Got to take out corrupt officials. TRUMP is our President trying to save USA
On all your videos, when I hit "like", it doesn't register. Thought you should know. You have many more likes than what's showing.
Count me in🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
U guys will loose and we will laugh 😂
Everyone needs to go subscribe to Tony Heller.
Climate facts. Not Climate propaganda.
Fools with big plans seldom are able to implement…. especially with 350,000,000 firearms in the US!
Socialism does not work–and there are 1.5 Billion bodies to prove it !!!
They better pack a luch!!
Time to fight back with everything we can.
The best laid plans 🐁
The String Theory.. 🧵
Is part of the Great Reset the squashing of small business hence the rioters destroying them atm?
I hate to say…but Trump isn't the good guy….he is only part of the show. Evidence? ..where is Hillary? Where is the wall? If I'm not mistaken…the blue collars where promised a better economy…and …mmmm….
Don't fall for the lies….both sides of the same coin…this country was sold out for the purpose of the new world order. Run from the voting clown system and run to Jesus. He will be the only one helping you soon. Prepare with food and water…and hold on to your Bible…soon you will see who is targeted the most!
Fifth element. Coruscant.
Wake up America and Pay Attention ! These "pinkos" must be stopped ! That word shows my age but the people who matter will get what I mean ! NEVER BIDEN, NEVER DEMOCRATS !!!!
Brave New World was disgusting on so many levels
how long is it going to take for the republican party to realize all these soros paid terrorist are doing this to keep trump from reopening the economy, you can't open up businesses that have been destroyed all across the united states , trump needs to declare soros is supporting terrorism , go after the paper trail and block all money from him and freeze all his assets and any of his sons assets to , that are paying these protest/terrorist that are attacking america and citizens . RE ELECT DONALD TRUMP 2020
I'm with you Glenn 100%
Are you just (now) discovering U.N.'s Agenda 2021 and Agenda 2030??? What did you think was going on?
They call it moving from stockholder to stakeholder. Everyone on the planet will be a stakeholder. It's insanity.
They are agents of SATAN, … he knows his time is short, so he wants to bring down as many people as possible.
Well looks like we all might be fighting the good fight we never thought we'd be fighting thinking that was won in 1944. This year has had a fundamental change in who I am. Ive changed quite a bit. Im more proactive and feel like fighting for freedom. In the past i never thought that was a thing we were fine… I think my parents won out having no major wars, the US was on top of the world now its total shit and NOW it looks like we may have to fight for our damn lives.
When I mention Agenda21/2030, the fake Climate Crisis, or Communist takeover, people laugh and call me nuts.
Bla bla bla? Will not happen! It's called guns!
Glen I agree with what your saying. Just look to the CCP to see what the future could hold regarding monitoring and controlling everyone.
Resistance is futile we are BORG.
Our Representatives don't even read the Bill's they sign Beck!
Dear President Trump it is time to arrest and execute the traders to America,start with Soros,Pelosi,Shiff CNN MSNBC, Glen you say fight for freedom but you want to use words at this point words will not work
Luke 22:36 Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.
Ray Dalio should be charged with treason! He's trying to convince investors that making the FED able to spend money (rather than purchase assets – huge difference) is the proper way out of debt. It will ruin the US if he gets his way. Look up Lacey Hunt for more information on monetary policy.
American politicians Democrats have already cross the line are going to find themselves targets for what they’re trying to push on America
Never settle for losing your hard earned to the feckless.
And they are forcing many small businesses to close due to covid until eventually, only large corporations will be left. That's the idea.
I know where they can stick their foot print !!
Does the crap ever end? WTF over
Brave new world ends in death??? I remember it ending with Lenina (🤮) being told nothing would happen to her but that things are truly better this way and she must recognize that. Did they change the ending????
E eh dyxb ray
Maybe just a short term thing but why would people want to move to dense cities when COVID has been bad in dense populations? How can we stay 6 feet away if everyone is jammed together? Plus what’s the plan to feed everyone? Can’t keep us fat and lazy if there’s no pork and burgers.
Um, the "world elites" are WAY too busy picking your pocket with Republicon and other rightwing governments assistance. The "world elites" are National Socialists [sic]" as are Trump, and his rightwing friends. You guys really need to learn history.
Sounds just like we’re headed to
The UN is the most evil organization to have ever existed.
Vote for President Trump! He is the greatest President of my lifetime!