Three Ways to Fix America
Are we just going to give up on the greatest country in the history of the world? Or are we going to fight for freedom and a thriving future? For Dave Rubin, the author of Don’t Burn This Country, the answer is obvious. And, even better, he has a battle plan.
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Something ain’t right and we all know it.
Are we just gonna give up on the greatest country in the history of the world?
Or are we gonna fight for freedom and a thriving future?
They always tell us we’re at a once-in-a-lifetime pivotal moment.
But this time, they’re actually right.
You know it. I know it. You know that I know it. I know that you know it.
And they know that we all know it.
So, what are we going to do about it?
Well, I’ve got a few ideas…
First off…
Be an individualist.
The American Heritage Dictionary defines an individualist as “one that asserts individuality by independence of thought and action.”
If that sounds self-centered, it is. But why is that bad?
Everything in your life starts with you—our attitude, how you project yourself to the world, whether you take responsibility for your own actions.
The Founders of America sought to create a government whose primary purpose was to protect the freedom of the individual. After that, as far as George, Ben, and Tom were concerned, you were on your own.
Nobody saw this more clearly than the 19th-century French writer, Alexis de Tocqueville. He came to America to see what all the commotion was about and was absolutely blown away.
This new American democracy—what he called, “the equality of conditions”—was not merely a new way to govern, he realized, but a new way to live. For de Tocqueville, American individualism was not about being self-centered, but about being self-reliant.
Government can’t guarantee your happiness, but it should guarantee your right to pursue it.
This is the only way to make progress on a national level and still be authentically inclusive. Because where true freedom exists there will be individualism, and where individualism exists there will be true freedom.
But being an individualist is just the start.
You must also…
Be a Family.
There are lots of ways to measure the strength of a society. But family has to be at the top of the list.
This hit me very deeply one night during Jordan Peterson’s worldwide lecture tour in 2019 which I hosted. Jordan and I were leaving the theatre after our show in Dublin, Ireland. Two men ran toward us.
Wiping tears from their eyes, they told us their story. They were a father and son. Several years ago, they had a huge falling out. On their own personal timelines, they had both bought Jordan’s book, 12 Rules for Life, and began fixing up their lives.
Separately, they had attended the show. As thousands of people exited the theater, they saw each other in the crowd, and—right then and there, after so much time and so much heartache—they embraced and made amends. The family bond was restored.
So how important is family?
According to a 2019 American Enterprise Institute survey, which asked participants to rank attributes of the American Dream, a good family life ranked number two, right behind freedom of choice.
It’s no surprise. It’s within the nurturing bonds of family we learn to deal with the world.
Once you have your head screwed on straight and you’ve made things right with your family, then you’re ready to move on to the next level of real social improvement….
Be a Community.
There are all kinds of communities.
It’s your church or synagogue. It’s your neighbors. It’s the girls you meet for brunch or the guys you play basketball with. It’s the group of people that know you and care about you. And you care about them.
Next to breathing and maybe a few other things, I don’t know what’s more essential than that.
When George Bailey’s brother toasts George at the end of the classic movie, It’s a Wonderful Life, “to the richest man in town,” we know exactly what he’s talking about—George’s community.
Are you catching the theme here?
When individuals are healthier, the family is healthier, and in turn, so is society.
It’s obvious… We know it.
Which is why those on the left oppose all of it—every piece.
For the complete script, visit: https://www.prageru.com/video/three-ways-to-fix-america

Sadly in some ways I feel like this is telling me to ignore problems around me. Especially hearing this guys the author of “don’t burn the country” I think there’s a lot to be pissed about. The destruction of organized strikes, trickle down economics, the legalization of lobbyists, the smallest middle class in history, and now economic turmoil.
Damn, I love talks about nothing
We need a few constitutional amendments
1. The line item veto so we can see exactly what the President supports and opposes in a bill, and that makes all bills cleans . (no unrelated spending, regulations or laws)
2. A balanced budget amendment that not only limits how much the government can spend in a year but also stipulated that any surplus go to paying of the national debt. and if its ever paid off that any further surplus go toward federal infrastructure, or tax refunds to the American people.
3. An amendment that limits pay increases of Congress, the supreme court and the President to the rate of inflation, and bares them from holding any investments in public companies or receiving special interest rates, or any other kind of perk from any organization.
4. term limits on Congress. 3 consecutive or 5 nonconsecutive terms.
5. Any restrictions passed by Congress on the American people must equally apply to members of Congress, and any benefits congress gives itself must equally be granted to the American citizens.
6. Neither Congress or the president can delegate it's constitutional authority. They must take full responsibility for their authority and votes.
7. Only U.S. citizens may vote in any federal, state or local public elections, and any of those wishing to vote must show some kind of verifiable ID.
8.. Presidential candidates who don't have enough electoral votes to win a primary have to be removed from running and their votes given to another candidate of their choice.
9.. Repeal of the income tax. The abolition of the IRS and any such department. All federal revenue must come from duties, excise taxes, fees and direct taxation of the states.
10 Direct taxation of the states without regard to it's population size or its GDP. States have to be completely responsible for their own finances. No state welfare.
11. No personal, corporate or state welfare payments from the Federal government.
12. All supreme court rulings must include a direct quote from the Constitution and explain how their ruling doesn't violate it. No precedent, or common law shall supersede the words of the Constitution.
The only hope is to bring back Donald J. Trump. The greatest President in over 100 years.
Doesn’t he kinda look like Chris Pratt?
This guy is such a fantastic HYPOCRITE because he is a homosexual man married to another man and he's lecturing me how important family is? What a fantastic JOKE Prageru is
Can you explain to me how to fix a broken family, or a community that is impoverished or has family members in other countries, incarcerated or dead? I love the first point it makes sense but the other two seems unrealistic / impossible to solve
Whoever planted the seeds of division is of no real importance! What matters is that for the sake of each other we find a way to overcome our differences & realize our relationships were much better when all of our beliefs lived inside our minds! Freedom has stipulation & that's fine as long as stipulation is equal (such as no harm to others pursuing liberty & happiness). Politics is a topic best thought about, voted on ,& then left out of daily life. We have entered a time where lies, greed , & division buy attention & votes. If realy thought about how do either party have the individual at thought? They both live as a higher power making X amount of dollars for no real achievements. The common individual has the slightest idea they're taxed to death. The system is held up solely as excepted slavery. You own nothing. They take a % from everyone. You then are offered an opportunity to borrow your own money at a premium that will take you the rest of your life primarily to repay & they reep the benefit of your interest. We have the same problems with crumbling roads & infrastructure year after year , yet brand new taxation is formed because we need just a little more. Career politician should be a thing of the past! They're given too much time & money to get comfy & figure out new ways to divide & rule! You should be payed a minimum amount be elected for a set term & then make your way back into society as a productive working class member after said term! Then you will see people who really care & want to make a difference coming forward. Nothing to gain but better quality of life for there fellow citizens & family!
just want to say this, vote for policies not the party. don't let the radical left or right dissuade you from voting on the better policy.
Saw this from an ad and have to agree; Both Collectivism as per Nationalism AND Individualism per Self Reliance, Self Pride, and Self Accountability, are All & BOTH needed and required for a Free Nation and a Free People., else we have what has become the issue in modern times. That without regards for Family, Community and Nation you fall apart just as how the same that when no one cares about their others, When you do not support the Rights of the Individual you neither the same can have Nation as a Group ultimately is those who form said groups.
We cannot have strong groups without strong Self Reliant and Self Accountable Individuals to form and shape the Group and to help encourage Identity both of the Group and those In the Group individually.
The same that we cannot have Nation without that core foundation of Family, Nationalism, Identity and Accountability from each Individual upwards through each stage and step of the Social Ladder.
"We Are per as We Do" both individually and collectively, with it being the responsibility of every Individual to hold the Collective accountable the same as they hold themselves; and for each individual to be held accountable the same as they would hold others.
"We All Lift Together" else we all fall apart much as how a wise person said "We either hang together or we shall surely hang separately." That either ALL Lives Matter else they don't; and if they don't who is to decide who is to decide who decides? and by what measures? Thus being in everyone's best interests.
Yet as we have seen with those who are Not-Rights, be they fake christians or not real conservatives who pretend to be "Right Wing" yet the same as the Extremist Left as extremists themselves violate what the goals are of being Pro-Moderate, or in simpler terms the same both extremes what We the People mean by "Americans."
That what such groups seek as represented well with Pazul in WF as with such characters in literatures similarly, who are in easy terms what the 'LGBTMAPQ+ Agenda are doing and represent; Hypocrisy and Dominan. And not so far apart from Ballas had tried; To seek a One-Sided control where ONLY they the ones or the few as THEY decide to hold power with no other source of Authority of Decision nor Control such no one is of the power to hold Them accountable to what They do; such they the singular few per no Technocracy nor Accountability to the Governed to have Supreme Power and Absolute Authority, per no meritocracy nor answerability again to those they govern.
Which to a point such one does the building of said such a community and people CHOOSE to be a part of it is a fine thing as by all rights who is to decide what You should be made to do with what YOU make and what YOU found and guide into success; Such again the point being Choice & Merit., that the ones are who are in charge such they are the ones to Make and Do such the same that it is the CHOICE of those being governed or included to do so with the freedom to stay or go as They choose.
Leftism instead to be that We the People have no choices in the matters and Neither did They the Usurpers make anything., but took from those who did so for themselves at our cost and our expense. They are infiltrators and invaders who steal and stole from us what WE the People do and make and shape., to then tell US to include the US how we the US and Others how to live Our lives without to be allowed the same onto them less they be called out and held accountable as they would seek of others; not having made the community nor the systems and neither the same the Rights of Choice for those involved to make their own nor to leave to those places they make their own themselves., as seen with the 2nd American Revolutionary War of Independence and the same per Atals Shrugged works.
But such the same ultimately Castles that stand on but Pillars of Salt and Pillars of Sand cannot and do not stand; Things built upon Lies and Hypocrisy ultimately fall to that same as they are made.
Keep up the great works and vids P.U, and supports to those who value Truth., for God and Truth are Absolutes and the Truth shall be upheld. Glory to the Truth, (amen.) o7
I try to fix my family growing up. I saw all my friends families and thought this is how it suppose to be. My dad had no money problems. But I started working in 4th grade and paid for my clothes and everything the rest of my life. He provided food and shelter and at 18 we needed to pay room and board. Trying to change my family was the biggest mistake I ever took and I started in elementary school. Instead of focusing on education. I was focus on work and trying to change my family. I think every kids need to talk to councils every month or so. Find out what’s family life like. Molestation and abuse.
I’m not for big gov. But we police the world. Time to police usa. But let each city vote on it. I believe bring military home and protect all schools and buildings as much as possible. I believe ghetto areas will at 1st say no. But with time they see subways and other places crime goes down. I believe if you want to stop drugs. You test kids at schools and adults that work or warfare. If caught. It’s rehab or something. we give aid to countries and I think we should send are criminals there to do their time. Let see how someone wants to stay in Afghanistan, Iraq, S america coubtries. The money save we put it toward homeless and mentally ill. No one sleeps on streets. Drastic, yes but it pay off. I was in Poland and only crime I saw if it was a crime. A person pass out on street. Look drunk and pass out. Omg, 3 police vans block the scene bc I think they didn’t want anyone to video. 6 officers pick him up so quick and threw him in the back of van. They didn’t even check if he was alive. Woman walk alone down the streets at 4 am. They ain’t playing in Poland. In El Salvador they starve gang members if their gangs continue to do crime on streets. It reduce crime by 60% the 1st year. Gang members call from phones and beg their gangs to stop or they starve. Criminals shouldn’t be treated like babies. Hard on crime. You see a change. In life in prison. My opinion is they are organ Donors and till than then they are chain in factories and work and sleep from the spot 24/7 and have buckets to pee and 💩 and no privacy. They get food on tray and wash by bucket with water and sponge. Ppl seeing this and hearing this will probably never do a crime. Anyone killing someone is now torcher to death. But it has to be 100% sure it was them. Do you think this is cruel? Their crimes were cruel. Time for a tough change. Watch the criminals change. All money save goes to free healthcare and free college.
Won't work, or it would have worked already. Most Americans don't care about the Founding Fathers, or even like them. Most kids come from single-parent, broken homes. Communities are hosts of statue-pulling and riots. The answer is a commitment to Christ. When nations follow Him, they do good as a consequence of following Him. If not, they devolve into the "indivualism" of which you spoke = division, arguments, fits of rage, gossip, etc. When America was a Christian nation, things were better
Agree. The change starts with each one!
3:52 Is where the Propaganda starts, and let me just tell you my perspective on this.
I used to be a Leftist. I used to try desperately to be part of the collective. I wanted to be somebody, feel like someone, but I never did. Anyone on the left that Dislikes Community, Family, or Individualism have not JUST been programmed to believe that it leads to racism, homophobia, Transphobia, Etc. Etc. They have also seen firsthand, whether through shitty parents, bullies at school, or selfish bosses, Roommates, Companies, Teachers, Etc. that these experiences ring true for them. Unfortunately, there is a LOT of pain and worthlessness that people have to go through when the ability to pursue happiness is a daily struggle mentally, financially, and for some folks, physically. But it's ultimately truly, a mindset they've been convinced is the "Right" way to live life.
So don't be too harsh on the Left. Cause they don't know it yet, but they want the same thing. They just don't realize that America already has it as soon as they stop reading Twitter and the News.
WE. DO. NOT. HAVE. A. DEMOCRACY! We never have and, God willing, we never will. What we have is a constitutional republic. The only real issue is the way it's been abused. We shouldn't be talking about tearing it down, but rather opening it up, cleaning out the gunk and returning it to working order.
Pay attention to the small stuff… while the federal government robs you blind
How is all of this going to fix poverty, violence, people dying from preventable diseases, etc? 10 million young people that live in poor neighborhoods aren't going to get a good job and earn enough money to live comfortably and securily by "being yourself" or "loving your community" or whatever.
You lost me at "Are we just gonna give up on the greatest country in the history of the world".
As teen I thought my perception was whatever it was, I didn’t realize I could change my thoughts and perception to be more positive and joyful. Change you perception and change your reality. But never lie to yourself. You hold the power, sometimes you just have to get out of your way.
So oppression but business is somehow “personal responsibility”.
toddy for president 😀 ahahahahahahahahhahaha
This is incredibly well done. Love everything Dave says.
However I must push back a and say it’s ironic that he speaks against BLM deconstructing the nuclear family yet his lifestyle is doing the same thing. It’s wrong. Dave appreciate what you do but marriage is only between one man and one woman. Jesus can forgive and change you. Praying for you
Number 1: socialism
Dave Rubin after all can read, that brain dead look tells me he is reading the praguer script
way to go, a bland video with no real solutions. As if we weren’t already trying to be self-reliant. Why are you wasting people’s time?
Youre working with Jordan Peterson is the beginning of your failures
America: Shoveling Christian Propaganda for 200+ years
PragerU is disinforming people to be nationalist. Although I am not against nationalism, PragerU is just American propaganda to protect its interest on the Mid. East, Central America and more. To fix America and other countries stop propaganda, help your community and your family.
Only 2 genders
I had a good family life, not perfect but reasonably solid with both a Mum and Dad. Dave has many good interviews, I like him but not a fan of his choice of using a woman to have children within a gay relationship.
Individualism is not "pursuing one's own interest at the expense of others" as the leftists tend to argue. Individualism is about recognizing that every individual has rights, and it's your responsibility to yield to those rights.
"On the left, blacks and gays stick together."
Gee, it's almost like they're… communities.
1: End the White Supremacist state of the USA and return the land to it's rightful owners.
2: Provide both reperations and material support to everyone in the world wronged by US imperialism.
3: Overthrow the systems of capitalism causing immense harm to all but the most privileged few.
U don't speak well at all
Are we just going to give up on the greatest country in the history of the world? Unfortunatly we already have, and the roman empire is not coming back
Be an individualist unless that makes you trans/gay
"The Founders of America sought to create a government whose primary purpose was to protect the freedom of the individual."
Unless you were one of the slaves most of the 'founders' owned.
"Which is why those on the left oppose all of it—every piece."
Ah, there we are. The right wants to be individualists and still tell everyone what to do and how to do it lol.
Wow another guy who thinks he’s got all the answers.
not everyone is lucky enough to have a family
Ever here Of an orphan, a spinster,??
It all seems so simple, but it is not. The entire system is flawed. Workers rights lack way behind Europe. Healthcare lacks way behind large parts of the world. The school system is outdated. And I am not gonna be some lefty and blame everything on capitalism. Instead I am going to blame that litterly everything is privately run, in some places with too little regulation. Insulin for example is crazy expensive, simply because such a hard-to-produce product doesnt allow for much competition. So the key is to find where more regulation is needed and where it should be reduced. And dont let lobbyists get in the way
"After that…you were on your own." That kind of thinking is how we get homeless encampments, people can't just be left out to dry without some sort of help.
And the white people don't have a collectivist ideology and have their Community because when blacks try to buy a house in nice white areas they run into trouble. even if their credit and income qualifies them for the house in a nice predominantly white neighborhood that community of white people will treat him as an outsider or worse.