Tim Barnett: Did God Create Evil?
Evil is something real that we all experience. However, evil is not some thing. That is to say, it’s not a thing in itself. Therefore, God didn’t create evil.
Watch the full video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKZDL241JVE
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what he’s saying doesn’t even make sense. The Bible is pretty clear thatG-d perfect whole and balanced: he formed the light AND Darkness he make Good😇 and evil 😈
God literally says "I create evil" in the Bible..
God did create evil and it states that multiple times in the bible
But if God is "ALL knowing" then he made sure that Adam and Eve discovered evil. So yes God, at the very least, knowingly orchestrated evil's creation.
Not "bad" donat hole… As far as i see good&evil is a matter of opinion or on which side you are on. To many people cats are good. To most mice cats are evil 🙂 …
Good is not a thing. That is to say, it's not a thing in itself. Good has no ontological status. God is not responsible for good. He didn't create it.