Truth Exists Whether We Know It or Not
Jon Noyes of Stand to Reason answers the question “What is truth?”
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Talk about being ignorant, this is all manipulation of what truth really is, shame on you Jonathan.
How many daughters did you say you had? How old are they?
Just curious, because i am looking for a gullible, easily manipulate-able wife…
Truth and truth claims are two different things and there is no evidence to support the truth claims that there is a god.
True believers know that our truth from God is not a set of concepts but a person named Jesus Christ. They live by this truth.
Very good. We need to have more discussions on this important topic. How about a video for each point made in this video? We really need it. Thanks Jon
Truth is the set of all archetypes in the mind of God. A proposition is true if it is one of those archetypes, and false otherwise.
True words – thank you! However, the virus might be not discovered but invented because it is a lie.
STAND TO REASON IS THE BEST! They inspired me to create my own Christian Youtube Channel to refute the lies of cultural Christianity! Check it out!
Yes, truth exists whether we know it or not. Your definition of truth is an accurate one. However, none of this supports any claim of the supernatural.
I believe that the Truth is the Word word was God. However, I must object to your truth is discovered, not invented premise. You mention the beer virus as truth, because it was discovered by scientists, in addition, pluto truth because it was discovered, not invented. How can you be so sure that pluto wasn't actually invented? Same for the beer virus. So are you saying that pluto, and the beer virus are both absolute truths, because they were "discovered?"
Personally, I couldn't tell you if either one is truth or not. Nasa lies, therefore I question their discoveries, governments lie, therefore i question this whole beer virus.
I have never seen pluto outside of cgi images from the only source that claims pluto as fact. I haven't met, nor do I know anyone who contracted beer virus, in addition every single person i asked if they knew of anyone who contracted it, I never met one person who claimed they did.
Maybe i am misinterpreting what you are trying to say with that statement??
Thank you I like that saying. And you all need to hear it .
Your basic premise that truth is discovered is false. Facts are discovered, truth is revealed.
I was the first thumbs down. What if all the discoveries and the reflections of realities are lies, then you are lost with your truth. But I will tell you what truth is, Jesus who is God in the flesh is the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, then by Him.