Tyre Nichols and Police Brutality
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Is police brutality a major problem in America? Many activists, politicians, and the media would have you believe that it is. But what does the actual data say? Rafael Mangual, senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and author of Criminal (In)Justice, presents the facts.
The public’s reaction to the deadly beating of Tyre Nichols in Memphis in January 2023 has been virtually unanimous: a clear-cut case of police brutality.
The cops agree.
Police executives, rank-and-file officers, and union representatives from across the country also expressed their strong disapproval.
The president of the Fraternal Order of Police, Patrick Yoes, denounced the incident as “a criminal assault under the pretext of law.”
NYPD Commissioner Keechant Sewell described the Memphis officers’ conduct as “disgraceful.”
Here’s why they’re right.
After the initial encounter with Nichols, bodycam footage shows one officer saying to another that Nichols “made me [pepper] spray myself.”
A second officer seemed agitated at having had his glasses knocked off during the struggle, later saying “I hope they stomp his ass.”
A third appeared to have hurt his leg in the melee.
None of this excuses kicks to the head, punches to the face, or baton strikes doled out to a man who was not resisting. What it looked like was an unjustifiable beating handed out by hotheads.
Though it’s little consolation to Nichols’s family, Memphis authorities didn’t hesitate in punishing the offending officers. All five were swiftly terminated, arrested, and indicted for their outrageous behavior.
But this isn’t enough for some.
“We need to show the world what lessons we can learn from this tragedy,” District Attorney Steve Mulroy said during the press conference in which the charges were announced.
Perhaps the lesson is simply this: policing is a human endeavor and is therefore subject to the shortcomings of inherently flawed human beings, which means that some people, cops included, will sometimes act out of malevolence.
To the activists, however, bad police officers are not the exception, they’re the rule.
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, for example, grumbled about “[t]he effort to separate the officers who murdered Tyre Nichols from the system of policing that produced them,” going on to assert that “Charges alone aren’t justice. Change is.”
But there’s good reason to separate the officers who beat Nichols from the institution of policing: their actions constituted a sharp departure from police training and practice. The available data show this to be true.
For the full script, visit: https://l.prageru.com/3Hj9Vwg

Love this video. Is there a source we can find some of this data at? He mentioned Police scorecard. Any others?
isn't running away resisting? I don't get it?
Since the numbers are this low then why is it such a problem to remove qualified immunity and make police carry insurance so that tax payers dont foot the bill in these lawsuits
The actvists are not saying all police are brutal. Their problem with police brutality is not that its widespread but that it seems to always involve ppl of color. Great argument, but that's not really their point.
Maybe, if the system isn’t able to detect people who will do bad things, it is broken. Ever thought about that?
Funny how they don’t site their sources
This is proof that you can’t trust the media.
There are ways they get around reporting violence. If they want you all they do is allow medical to clear you once at the station, after your arrest. Then they beat the shit out of you and then say "I don't know, he fell" when asked. They under report their own misconduct. Change words to give different meanings. Punches and kicks becomes gaining compliance. A citizen asserting their rights becomes suspect was argumentative and suspicious. So, knock it off with your shining the police brass over there. power drunk cops are the norm. Not the exception.
Police are corrupt. Abolish qualified immunity!
This video should have at less 100 million views.
One time I was driving down the road and there was a car accident at an intersection. There were cops by the accident, but no one was directing traffic. It was genuinely unclear how to get around the accident, so I started driving. Then a cop started screaming at me for going the wrong way. He walked up to my passenger side window and he was screaming at me for a few minutes. He called me a moron, an idiot, and few other similar terms. Finally he let me go, but only after I apologized to him. The reaction when I told people this was very telling. When I tell white people, they act like it's unheard of for a cop to act that way. But when I tell black people, they laugh because they go through much worse all the time.
My man its not only about violence per se. U failed to mention the false arrests (without resisting) and the enormous amount of threats that ppl take seriously and just comply with whatever shitty orders cops give them.
Police brutality might be the exception but police accountability is also the exception. That is one of the reasons for protests, that cops have little accountability and the reason is police unions give money to politicians to draft laws that hide disclipline recoreds, among other things
The problem with use of force reports is that police do not always report their use of force. Many videos showing excessive force, the officers never report the usage. Police who lie and are not truthful on police reports, as when they testify, should be fired but because qualified immunity protects bad cops, that seldom happens
How was he not resisting? Brutality not justified, but I think the non resistance bit is embellished.
How does someone accidentally engage an officers pepper spray, not resisting?
When large sections of society hate cops and have the support of elected officials, those cops who police those sections of society have a more dangerous job. In those sections of society, the police are taunted, ridiculed, spit on, and sworn at, and that is from all ages in that section of society, from little kids to elderly adults. So they quit their jobs or move to another city that will hire them. Now they need to be replaced. But now that the media has made it obvious that having a job with the police is not a good job, and the city wants to defund them, and the department is growing woke, what type of people apply for those jobs? This is how it is with any job. If society makes it a bad thing to have a job, the good people don't want those jobs, and after many cycles of hiring, the employer ends up with exactly the opposite of who they would like in those jobs, but they have no other applicants. Society is causing this, not the police.
Want to stop Police brutality and excessive force real fast…..?.
Simply have any $ payouts to a victim, come from Police Pension funds.
Watch how quickly Police beatings stop overnight.
It's often said, "it's only a couple of bad apples' when Police do bad things.
Nope, the entire orchard is rotten.
there are bad people in every profesion in life ……………but when you need help you are NOT going to call a crackhead ,you are calling the police ////////end of story.
Of course you scumbags at PragerU jump all over making a video about police brutality when the cops were all POC. Where are all of your videos calling for justice when white cops murder people? Oh, no time to make those, huh?
There are 700,000 people working in law enforcement at any one time. If they murdered even 1 person every month, they'd have a far better homicide rate than the average American.
Rare but the leftist liberal (marxist) media make sure it's all over the news.
We all know why those 5 were swiftly dealt with vs the ones who till today are still having their day in court for George Floyd
The officers involved were so fat, out of shape and lazy that they weren't even attempting to bend down to restrain him. They found it easier to beat him into submission then collect his lifeless body.
The Tyre Nichols even wasn't police brutality. It was a personal grudge over a woman. It was just a gang hit.
I will take any police brutally if the crime rate will fall.
Just found you all today. Please keep up yhe great work. This type of data and logic driven analysis is what this country needs.
RARELY are cops held accountable for their illegal, immoral, unethical actions
Until today, Police have killed 363 people in 2023.
you all need to do more work like this issue, have you ever tried to make a complaint to the police, they investigate themselves and they use there powers to harass you,
These cops that beat Tyre Nicholas were a disgrace to the uniform. And most of them should have never been hired if it wasn’t for the lowering of standards by MPD. Sickening.
I wonder how many of the spectators would trade positions between the Police and the citizens. They want everyone to stop like it is in NYC, …. Until they are put in a tough spot, call an officer out – apologizes for what they've done to the cops — so will you please guard me from my neighbors?
The police have had it!! They no longer hire out to police in cities. They are going to be at risk no matter what is done on the streets. I think this country, and BLM – especially – needs to make a decision to stand up for the police & the good guys – but DO HAVE THE RIGHT TO ASK QUESTIONS!! But, not on National TV!!
BLM is disgusting. They are search & destroy rioters, killers of people and whiners when they do not get their war — yet they want a perfect environment for their families. If that is what they want, then dammit — quit trying to always make the Police fear their jobs when they do make an arrest. You are seeing first hand in S.F,, L.A. MN, TN, — there are only a few states that this doesn't happen… and I happen to live in one of them. I had a cousin who was shot point blank in an AZ Police uniform by the very man who cried "Police Brutality" – he had just committed murder himself. I believe he was 23yrs old.
This is great video and the topic the way you broke it down was great but I’d like to see a video on disability rights and the systemic problems that disabled people have
800 people murdered in Chicago last year – no protest
The problem with all this is we no longer talk about personal sin – in fact, there is no such thing, anymore – that is a failure of the American church
Nichols – protests
Uvalde – nothing