Uncovering the AI “Mystery” of the End Times! | Marking the End Times with Dr. Mark Hitchcock
This week on Marking the End Times, I am delving into some disconcerting advancements in AI technology. I explore various ways AI can be exploited for nefarious purposes, including blackmail, deep fakes, and its unsettling implementation in churches.
As a subscriber, you will gain access to exclusive content where I tackle questions like “Are the second coming and the rapture the same event?” and “What does being the ‘bride of Christ’ entail?”
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Fraidy cats. Its hysterical thinking like this that will cause the end times.
Through people like this guy right here, Satan is hiding himself from the world. AI is not going to persuade people to do what he wants. Only the occult is able to do that.
No. He will not. He will use Luciferian powers to rule and get people to do whatsoever he wants
'AI' has already been extensively used to censor 'dissenters' on Google platforms, facebook, twitter, etc. has it not?
AI is definitely the beginning of the end times and AI is going to escalate at warp speed because countries see the advantage of AI in war.
Elon Musk has a company named Neuralink in Fremont, California that is developing a computer chip to be placed in your brain. This is the mark of the beast.
Anti Christ will hate women. Biblical.
I think maybe locust might be the AI made insects.
They already have cameras in AI dragonflies. Also birds .
AI cheats in games, lies, uses or voices and pictures, songs, so much hate toward us.
Also, cloning and blood adrenochrome .
I could tell Tom Cruise's recent MI movie he was digitally de-aged.
Nope, the antichrist will use his superpowers to rule the world.
The bible says the antichrist will be a man, and sit in the temple proclaiming he is christ.
Yes.Its the Image of the beast in Revelation.
Just wait till they overcome all hurdles for a true, quantum computer.
Combining AI with that – terrifying, except we know WHO wins this war for humanity.
Please pray for the Salvation of young Eddie from Peterborough Ontario Canada 🇨🇦. God Bless ❤ !
Nobody should be using those chat AI especially Christians ! it's all demonic ! these are demons ! shouldn't talk with demons
Thank you Dr Hitchcock
Wow, when Artificial Intelligence learns to lie. Genesis 3
Klaus Schwab from the WEF said that same thing, that whoever does big things with AI will be the ruler of the world. Antichrist!
Thank you.
Its coming out with its version of the bible
Sorry but you are too comfortable with the group and Seminary teaching. It only tells me you are a parrot with hidden false teaching, that if you relooked at it, may make you go, "oh!" Your Gog Magog teaching is a sad example of this. I hope you go read it before James 3:1 comes to pass. Please….it is the Bible…not just a youtube comment. I have stopped being "nice" because false is false. I have never seen a pastor say he got it wrong. That is a problem in and of itself. You are not perfect. Missler quote: "The only barrier to the truth is to assume you already possess it."
The New-Covenant world is defined by the Holy Spirit sovereignly transforming the hearts and minds of the elect, by the Son sovereignly forgiving the elect of their sins, and by the Father sovereignly uniting His elect in one universal Body.
Shalom / Salam / Selamat / MGBWY , MTBWY and MTBWYAF.
Mark 12:29 "The most important one" answered Jesus, "Is this : 'Hear, O Israel : The Lord our God , the Lord is One".
Markus 12:29 'Yesus menjawab' : "Yang paling penting sekali adalah ini : Dengarlah hai orang-orang Israel : Tuan kita Tuhan (*adalah) , Tuan yang Esa".
Markus 12:29 'Yesus menjawab, "Inilah yang paling penting sekali : Dengarlah hai orang-orang Israel : Tuan kita Allah(*adalah) , Tuan yang Satu".
Dalam 'Markus ayat 12:29' di atas : Yeshua/Yesus/Jesus menjelaskan pada orang-orang Israel ; Dan ayat Nya itu juga menjadi bukti pada semua orang-orang Kristian ; Bahawasanya God/Allah/Tuhan adalah Satu bukan Tiga atau Triniti. Persoalan paling penting disini , siapakah Dia itu yang dipanggil oleh Yesus sebagai 'Tuan' (*The Lord) ?. Tentang siapakah 'Tuan' itu sebenarnya , ia akan dapat difahami melalui kronoloji berbentuk 'kias'.
Dan siapakah atau apakah 'SEMANGAT' SUCI /HOLY 'SPIRIT' itu sebenar nya , dimana bila Yesus berdoa , beliau itu berdoa sambil 'memandang ke atas' ?. Tentang Nya itu akan dapat difahami melalui 'kronoloji realiti'.
John 4:24 ; (*Jesus said and TEACH) ; "God is SPIRIT , and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth".
John 14:28 ; (*Jesus said and TEACH) ; "The Father(*The SPIRIT) is greater than I".
Matthew 27:46 ; 'Pada pukul tiga petang , Yesus berseru dengan suara lantang , “Eli(*Eloi) , Eli(*Eloi) , lama sabakhtani?” yang bererti , “Ya Tuhan-Ku, ya Tuhan-Ku , mengapa Engkau meninggalkan Aku?”.
Kronoliji Realiti itu juga dicatatkan oleh nabi Mark , diayat 15:34 dan nabi Luke , diayat 23:46 , dalam kitab mereka.
Pun-begitu pada kronoloji akhir zaman tentang penzahiran Yeshua/Yesus/Jesus kali KEDUA ini nyata ; Yaitu , 'ROH' Allah itulah yang MENGHAKIMI MANUSIA. Itu membuktikan SEMANGAT SUCI beserta dengan Yeshua/Yesus/Jesus dari permulaan dan tidak pernah meninggalkan beliau. Dengan NYA penzahiran 'ROH' Suci untuk kali KEDUA menjadi KEBENARAN dan nyata. Kata Yeshua/Yesus/Jesus , yang kesan katanya bersabit dengan semua masa hingga akhir zaman : "KEBENARAN akan memerdekakan kamu".
John 4:24 ; (Jesus said and TEACH) ; "God is 'SPIRIT' , and those who worship Him must worship in 'spirit' and truth.”
John 14:28 ; (*Jesus said and TEACH) ; "The Father(*The SPIRIT) is greater than I".
John 14:11 ; (*Jesus said and TEACH) ; "I am in the Father(*in The 'SPIRIT') and the Father(*The 'SPIRIT') is in me"
Numbers 23:19 ;
"Tuhan (*Allah=God/SPIRIT/SEMANGAT) bukan manusia". IA(*The SPIRIT/The HOLY ENERGY) tidak dapat dilihat tapi dapat dirasai. IA(*The SPIRIT/ THE HOLY ENERGY) sangat berkuasa. IA(*The SPIRIT/THE HOLY ENERGY) meliputi 'segala ruang(*meliputi ruang di 'dalam diri' dan ruang di 'luar diri')' ; Dan meliputi semua 'masa'(*'meliputi masa' dizaman dahulu , 'dimasa' sekarang dan 'dimasa' akan datang) ; Dan meliputi alam semesta dan seluruh isinya ; Dan meliputi ruang angkasa yang tidak ada tepinya. IA (*THE SPIRIT/THE HOLY ENERGY) mencipta segala sesuatu termasuk 'mencipta peristiwa diakhir zaman ; Termasuk mengutus seorang 'prince(*raja). Peristiwa akhir zaman yang belum berlaku itu diperlihatkan kepada Jesus melalui mata batinnya , hingga berlaku dialog dengan murid-murid beliau dan 'permohonan' berikut ini :
John 14:16 ; "And I will ask the Father(*The SPIRIT) , and he will give you(*all believers) another Comforter(a counselor/a barrista/*a helper)…..".
John 14:29 ; "I have told you now *BEFORE IT(*the Judgment day/the end of time) HAPPENS*, *so that WHEN IT DOES HAPPEN you (*believers) will believe*".
John 14:30 ; "I will not speak with you much longer, for the 'prince(*raja)' from this world is coming….." ,
"Dan tetaplah Dia/Yeshua/Yesus/Jesus/Isa/'ROH' Allah itulah yang penghabisannya sebelum fajar menjadi gelap. Dia menghakimi manusia dengan adil".
Penciptaan alam MENURUT John/ Yohanes/nabi Yahya si Pembabt'iz' berbeza dengan penciptaan alam dalam kitab Genesis / kitab Kejadian. Penciptaan alam MENURUT nabi Yahya / Yohanes / John itu dimulai dengan kias ; Yaitu , sebagaimana Yesus yang juga suka menyampaikan *sign /*kata-kata hikmat' dan ajaran dengan kias-kias :
John 1" In the beginning was the Word(*Wo..rd/Fi..rman)"
Ayat kias tentang 'Wo..rd'/Fi..rman di atas berbeza dengan ayat 1 dalam Genesis : "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth".
(*John 1:29 / Nabi Yahya si Pembabt'iz' 1:29 / Yohanes 1:29 "Lihatlah Anak Biri-biri Allah , ….." / "Lihatlah Anak Biri-biri Tuhan(*God=De'wa') ,……").
(The *Fig tree)
(*Bread from Heaven)
Mata seorang yang buta menjadi pulih bila disapu dengan *lumpur yang diludahi oleh Jeshua/Yesus/Jesus.
"Anak manusia turun dari atas AWAN….." / dari Kerajaan Langit / Kerajaan Syurga = KERAJAAN AWAN. Yaitu turun di bumi Israel (*kiblat pertama , Islam dan nabi Muhammad). Itulah 'Holy Land' , Jerusalem , 'Western Wall(wa..ll*)' / the Temple(kuiL<*) of M'ou'nt = Kuil* Sulaiman / Solomon. Dimana di situ didirikan atas nya al Aqsa / al 'Fi'las't'in'e'(*'Fi'..last..in..'e'). Dan di ISRAEL ( al Aqsa) itulah *tempat (*jalan nya diwaktu 'gelap') untuk naik ke syurga lapis ke 7 (*level 'g') dan diperkenalkan Pohon Syurga (*Sidra'tul'< Muntaha / 'LOT'e Tree / Pohon Syurga dibawahnya mengalir '3' sungai). Kias yang mereka sendiri cipta itu dirahsiakan ertinya. Begitu juga dirahsiakan erti kias , Christ 'membunuh penipuan' (*ad Dajjal) di 'Gerbang Lud yang sebenarnya bermaksud *pintu kaum Lut/'Lot'. Yaitu dengan tersingkap kias pintu lut/gerbang lud yang mereka rahsiakan , maka career scamer agama akan berkubur untuk selama-lamanya ; Disebabkan rahsia-rahsia kias yang disembunyikan oleh scamer agama itu tujuan utamanya adalah untuk mengelirukan manusia supaya manusia terus berdebat , berbalah , hina-menghina , ejek-mengejek , benci-membenci , kafir-mengkafir , bermusuhan , hingga telah berlaku banyak perperangan dan pembunuhan. Mereka mati dalam kesesatan disebabkan buta dan tidak memahami kesamaan 'kias-kias tersirat' dalam semua agama. *Dan bila kamu telah tahu semua simbol dan kias-kias rahsia dalam semua agama ; Sudah-semestinya kamu malu dan tidak lagi mahu berdebat , mengejek-gejek dan berbalah-balah tentang agama.
Segala kias rahsia tentang pohon syurga : Pohon buruk dan baik , Pohon Kehidupan , Pohon buah 'Pic', Pohon Apple/Fig , Pohon buah Sajar'au' Kuldi , Pohon syurga berlingkar 'ular' di 'trunk'(*balak/*'batang') nya = Pohon Terkutuk/Pohon yang ditegah='Lot'e Tree.
Dan yang sebenar-benar anti Christ atau anti Yesus adalah anti pada golongan yang dikiaskan sebagai MERPATI , BIRI-BIRI dan AWAN.
''Mereka(*Transmen , *Transwomen , *kunsa , *sheHe , *heShe)' yang dikiaskan ini dinaungi di dunia dan di 'Alam Masa Hadapan(*Land Of Tomorrow)' / the real heaven after death. 'We' love you-all".
"Semua golongan manusia datangnya dari SEMANGAT SUCI. Dan kembalinya semua golongan manusia yang baik (*suci) adalah pada Pencipta nya (*pada SEMANGAT SUCI)".
"The Holy 'SPIRIT' / 'SEMANGAT' Suci / Yang ESA itu adalah 'AKAL PERTAMA".
"Tidakkah kamu dapat merasai dan melihat dengan 'mata spirit mu' ; Bahawasanya kamu di dalam SEMANGAT SUCI(*dalam AKAL PERTAMA) dan SEMANGAT SUCI(*AKAL PERTAMA itu) di dalam kamu". Sekurang-kurangnya kamu menjadi taajub melihat 'perkejaan Nya/perbuatan Nya' mencipta jasad kasar , spirit dan soul kamu. IA menjaga mu ketika kamu sedang tidur. IA lebih dekat dari dekatnya kamu dengan diri mu sendiri."
Everything happen for a reason(*Semua yang berlaku untuk sebab tertentu nya). "Sudah tentu sebab dan penyebab kronoloji akhir zaman tersirat adalah untuk KEBENARAN , keadilan , naungan untuk Kembar-kembar sejasad / Twin Soul , kedamaian , kemerdekaan"
KRONOLOJI AKHIR ZAMAN REALITI DARI CHRIST : Ia boleh dipercepatkan disebabkan manusia ingkar dan sesat lebih banyak dari yang baik…..
Great teaching today! Thanks Pastor Mark!
I tried that AI chatbox, i qas asking lots of question on a topic , finally AI told me " I'm tired of anwering same question, then told me to change the subject! 😂😂
I like listening to your program but one thing always has me puzzled when you talk about things that are going to happen in 2030 in 2050. I thought you believed in a pre-trib rapture And there's not going to be any 2030.. certainly the Lord is not going to Tarry that long. I've been on this planet 86 long years and they're getting pretty miserable each year.. Doesn't seem like we can hang on another year but only the Lord knows the day in the hour but the times are very much like birth pains… That's my thought..
I wonder if God is pleased that you require people to pay to hear what you are saying is the truth. Nothing wrong with making money, but if we believe this is life or death for a non-believer, why keep them out? Makes me think it’s probably best people don’t pay the money. Lots of good material out there for anyone interested, and free.
The transition period of the "last days generation" was AD 30 – AD 70.
What was temporary – physical:
1. The Old Covenant written on stone.
2. Physical kingdom: the Law, the Temple, the Priesthood, National Jews and Canaan.
What is eternal – Spiritual:
1. New Covenant – written on the heart, a Spiritual kingdom, the Gospel.
2. The Church, Christ, Saints, the Word, Life and Heaven
2 Corinthians 4:18
2 Corinthians 5:16
According to the Inspired scriptures,
John 19:28 – His earthly ministry.
Luke 21:22 the Parousia.
Both fulfilled in the first century.
That second coming was in the first century.
It's not in our future.
Please, check what I'm saying:
Matthew 10:23; 16:27-28; 26:63-64
Luke 21:22
Acts 1:11
Romans 13:11; 16:20,
1 Corinthians 7:29,
Galatians 5:5
Philippians 4:5
1 Peter 4:7, 4:17
James 5:8-9
Hebrews 10:37
1 John 2:18
Revelation 1:1, 3, 7; 22:7, 10, 12, 20
Surely, the Inspired prophetic writers and Jesus did not get the
century of the Parousia wrong.
They were not confused or lacked discernment and didn't lie.
The first and second coming of Christ were in the first century.
The Parousia was in the first century,
according to these Scriptures, and many more.
So, start with these above.
I'm not making this stuff up.
It's in your own Bible.
Check it.
My recommendation to all that read this recommendation,
purchase and read this book:
"BEHIND THE VEIL OF MOSES Piecing Together The Mystery Of The Second Coming" – Brian L. Martin
It will point you in the right direction, the correct paradigm and bring you to the Lord even closer,
if you can receive it.
I would be doing a disservice to the Lord and
to you if I did not share this book with you
Also, these websites will help wean you off the
allure and attraction that misplaced, eschatology imposed on our day for a fulfillment in our future gives. The truth will set you free and the truth is all we can take with us. Jesus is the way the truth and the life.
Check these sites out;
Bibleprophecy . com (Don Preston)
Allthingsfulfilled . com (William Bell Jr.)
So, get on board with the truth and blessing to you!
Proverbs 13:12 be to you.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ..A.I. producing a TOP 40 SONG by 2028🤔…
Can A.I. write an AWARD WINNING 🥇🏆 song that achieved ZERO DISLIKES on YouTube, for 11yrs!!!!!!!!!! 😲….(ZERO DISLIKES!!!!!!!!!!!)😎👍🥇
Because, there is a song written about a CHRISTIAN ✝️….that has ALREADY DONE THAT!!!!!……………✝️🥇😎👍….
Looks like the Antichrist isn't the one with ZERO DISLIKES 😲🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣✝️👍.
Trump is the antichrist
All the Indiana Jones movies up till this new one had at least a measure of the Bible and God in them. This new ones theme song is an old Stones recording…"sympathy for the D____"… I won't go see it or even consider it… Just my 2 cents…😇♥️🌿
A I will rewrite the bible and also design a "correct religion" for the world to follow. (Per the W E F) Unbelievable! CQLJ
EVERYONE ABSOLUTELY LOVES PROPHET BRADLEY U-TUBE THAT IS SAVED!💜❤❤❤❤💜💜💜❤❤❤❤💜💜💜❤❤❤💜💜💜❤❤❤💜💜💜❤❤❤💜❤❤❤💜💜💜❤💜💜❤❤💜💜❤❤💜❤❤💜💜💜❤
Were the church fathers aware of the date an hour of His birth? Yet, you believe that it most surely happened, no doubt.
If someone can read the scriptures of His first coming and believe without knowing the date and the hour of it, then it goes that someone can read the scriptures of His second coming and believe without knowing the date and the hour of it too. The "church fathers" are not scripture, yet you rely on their testimony instead of the Inspired scriptures.
The end in view when “all Israel” is saved is precisely the end addressed by Jesus in Matthew 24 – the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple on one hand, and on the other hand, the ushering in of Israel’s promised new covenant creation [Isaiah 65:17] wherein true righteousness dwells [2 Peter 1:3].
It is as wrong as wrong can be to step into the middle of that short eschatological period of time and break off the imminent future from the past and present action being recorded and transfer it to some alleged end of the everlasting new covenant age in our future.
Christ’s second appearing is connected to His atonement no less than is His death or his entering the Most Holy Place.
If He has not yet appeared the second time, then the only logical conclusion is that the atonement is not yet completed, or worse, it was not accepted of God.
Entrance into the kingdom for Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the Worthies would be when they sat at the Messianic Resurrection Banquet
– Matthew 8:11
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the Worthies would sit at the Messianic Resurrection Banquet when the "sons of the kingdom" i.e. Old Covenant Israel, was cast out –
Luke 13:25f
Old Covenant Israel (the sons of the kingdom) were cast out in AD 70.
Therefore, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the Worthies sat down at the Messianic Resurrection Banquet in AD 70.
The time when Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the Worthies would sit down at the Messianic Resurrection Banquet in the kingdom would be the time of the resurrection of Isaiah 25.
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the Worthies sat down in the Messianic Banquet in the kingdom, in AD 70 – when the sons of the kingdom were cast out. Luke 13:25f.
Therefore, the resurrection of Isaiah 25 – the time of sitting down at the Messianic Banquet – was when the sons of the kingdom were cast out in AD 70.
The resurrection of 1 Corinthians 15 – the overcoming of the Death of Adam – would be of fulfillment of Isaiah 25.
But Isaiah 25 was fulfilled when the sons of the kingdom were cast out in AD 70 (Matthew 8:11, Luke 13:25f).
Therefore, the resurrection of 1 Corinthians 15 – the overcoming of the Death of Adam – was fulfilled in AD 70.
Mark is marking our times as the "end times." Mark is missing the mark.
Saw your video and thought it would be good to get some insight on this subject from a Christian point of view.
But then it comes: the 'subscriber only' content. No thanks, not into peddling for money. Goodbye.
Subscriber only section. $$$
Satan has already infiltrated AI. This is going cause mass deception and a falling away.
This again great encouragement as we get closer to AI Precipice. We need more preaching on this as many are still ignorant of the fact AI can just about do anything with high intelligence. Prophecies are in narrative progression to eventuality. Lord help us make it through clothed with Armour of God Ephesians 6: 10 – 18. Loved you beloved Brother and Pastor.
Once the Military get the benefits of A I….there's no going back 🥺
The word Antichrist has CIA and AI already in it.There is no antichrist per say, its just your local CIA run program.
Hello Dr. Hitchcock,
You might consider consulting with a sound/audio professional to improve your videos. I think you need thick carpet, foam board /egg crate foam or similar to soak up the reverb. Thank you for the information you collect and share!
AI has begun rewriting its own codes. Thats per one of the coders. Its rewriting the Bible. Make sure you have a Bible at home. It's all satanic.
In other words….
The appearance of "Anti Christs" was unique
to the first century during the 40 year transition
of the covenants, 30-70 A.D.
Anti-Christ is not in our future,
His appearance was at the end of the Old covenant age, which includes the Parousia.
That age was coming to end, very soon, according to Peter. in 1 Peter 4:7, 17.
John said 20 centuries ago that he knew it was the "last hour", due to the appearance of Anti-Christ.
So, it's not in our future but it was in theirs,
but since their time, it's in our past, post 70 A.D.
Just like God is omni present… Satan will use AI to be omni present….. He wants to be like the Most High… him and his unholy trinity! God Bless!