IMPEACHABLE? IRS Whistleblowers May Have Enough to OUST President Biden | Glenn TV | Ep 283
Thanks to IRS whistleblower testimony, we now know of an alleged Hunter Biden WhatsApp message that may be enough to incriminate the president. So, how is the mainstream media handling the recent updates? Pretty much exactly how you would expect: pointing fingers at the GOP. On today’s Friday Exclusive, Glenn shows how the media continues to play defense for the Biden Crime Family. But as more damning evidence keeps coming out, it may FINALLY be time for President Joe Biden to be impeached. Also, Glenn reacts to MSNBC’s recent hit against Elon Musk after he made the terms “cis” and “cis-gendered” slurs on Twitter. Lastly, former President Obama recently sat down with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour, and his priorities on the Uyghur people versus climate change were laid bare …
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Never fails that Beck shows his true self, one of if not the Godfather of this divisive, hateful, bigoted media. He did at CNN, he did it at Fox, he did it with Trump all of ‘16 (until his ratings tanked & he had to suck on Trump for redemption), nice to see that Beck is very much alive & well inside of him. Obama was saying you can do both & you should if you’re the leader of the free world. Now, I’m not the biggest fan of Obama, but that’s because I listened to Beck growing up & I believe Obama was Satan because the “educated guy on tv at 5pm said so”.
Do we have j Scarborough to be reasonably doubted//////🍩
MSNBC didn't learn there lesson did they??
Just a chance? No, we can count on it unfortunately.
Somebody called that no. and joe answered. I cant think who it was , right now.
You need shutdown, msnbc.
Anyone who thinks that anything will come of this is delusional. They've uncovered countless reasons to impeach him – including detailed evidence that came out before he was even elected, but nothing is ever done. We don't have a justice system anymore. We have rich politicians who will never relinquish their control.
I personally don't think the Democratic Party will allow this VEGETABLE TO RUN IN 2024.
Is he kinning
Marxism wants you to Not believe what you see with their own eyes and believe their Lies
Joe Biden said him or her!!! SOB… WELL I AM NEITHER!!! How dare he assume the worlds gender. So much for Inclusion Joe. I'm writing a shathing letter to the alphabet mafia as we speak!.
Phil haney whistle blower…..
Phil Haney please talk about it
Gavin Newsom is a LIAR! He knows exactly the reasons businesses and citizens are fleeing Commiefornia.
He should have been impeached 2yr ago but he needs to be hung impeached is to good for this evil man. But it show us how powerful the Divil is he made a deal with him yrs and yrs ago. GOD BLESS AMERICA
Unbelievable! Hunter sounded like a Mob Boss!
Maybe they should keep Joe Biden in there, so he can sell more state secrets and finish selling out this country!
Misdemeanors! What, this was a Felony for the rest of us!this two tier system has to be torn down! Hurry back President DJTrump!
Yes, we are the weirdo’s! Just because we love the USA and believe in the Constitution and Bill of our Rights!
Trump was impeached with no facts
Impeach Biden now
Nobody fks with a Biden
When the corrupt won't be punished because of the corrupt…what in the hell do you expect?
Many of us won't live long enough to see justice