Use These Tactics When You’re Called “Offensive”
Greg and Amy answer the question, “What are some tactical ways to respond when someone says he’s offended by my views?”
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I have seen “Claimed Offence“ against quoting Biblical Scripture,
on what God calls Abominations.
Offense is another word for sin. If you claim to be offended, your saying someone sinned against you. If what your doing is truth in love, trust that God changes hearts and sometimes people feel offended because they call good evil and evil good.
Your offense at what I said does not make it wrong.
The narrow corner of the truth. I like that description. What makes up the corner? Logic with clear vision of the belief/statement? What's your view Greg?
I hold to my personal motto: “I can’t get offended but if I do, it lasts a minute and I’m done with it.”
It hasn’t failed me yet, and I’ve been using it for a long time😃
Yes, if what is offered is not offensive, and you are offended, you are the one responsible, not me. It doesn't change that, as a Christian, I should still try to work things out. If it is just a matter that we don't agree, then my reasons are just as valid as yours. And as we know, when dealing with the left, all reason goes out the window.
When it comes to atheists, who are militant, and insulting, I personally, use the full force of atheist mentality, in response. I point out the truth, that there are only two types of atheists. That the harmless, polite atheist, sides with the self centered dangerous, criminal, and true atheist, that has no reguard for fact, opinion, life, law, or property. It totally neutralizes the insulting, who expects my response to be, "the bible says" etc.
I always want to know if its OK for me to be offended
What about saying, "hmmm"