Walt Disney: American Dreamer | 5 Minute Video
Walt Disney was the twentieth century’s prime example of American ingenuity. How did he do it? In this video, Glenn Beck, best-selling author and host of The Glenn Beck Program, explains how Disney became a household name, and how he proved that in America, the only limit to your ambition is your own imagination.
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I want to tell you about an American Original, a man who saw into the future and made it a reality.
He isn’t the only one to do this. There were American Originals before him—Benjamin Franklin, the Wright Brothers, John D. Rockefeller—and there are American Originals in our time, like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Elon Musk.
But in the middle of the twentieth century, there was no better example than Walt Disney.
Fifty years after his death, his name still stands atop a global empire.
Raised on a small family farm in Missouri, Walt Disney arrived in Hollywood in 1923 with little more than a suitcase and a pencil. But he had something else. An idea—an idea to explore humanity’s foibles through cartoon animals. Now, I know it sounds obvious now, but only because we live in the world that he helped create.
At first, Disney, like most entrepreneurs, did everything himself—he wrote, produced, directed, and animated. And animation is a painstakingly, time-intensive task. In the early days, it would take hundreds, if not thousands, of separate drawings to create a moving cartoon. But hard work was never really a problem for Walt Disney. Living on baked beans, and renting a one-room office for $5 a month, he believed he was on to something—and nobody could convince him otherwise.
And Disney would need every bit of that conviction. Now, though the barriers to entry in Hollywood in the 1920s were low, the competition was cut-throat. But a charming rodent and the coming of sound allowed him to break through.
Steamboat Willie, in 1928, starring an early version of a whistling Mickey Mouse, confirmed Disney’s belief that there was an audience—a very large audience—for what he wanted to produce.
By 1933, Mickey was the biggest star in the world. And in that year alone, a cartoon mouse received 800,000 pieces of fan mail. Within a decade, Disney had transformed his one-person operation into a major studio employing a thousand animators.
But Disney was a restless personality; he was easily dissatisfied with his own success. And he wanted to make a full-length animated feature. It couldn’t be good. It had to be great. It couldn’t be in black and white. It had to be in color. And it couldn’t just be in color. It had to be art in motion.
It would be very expensive – far beyond what he had ever spent on a single project. But money didn’t really interest him. It was only a means to an end. That end? Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
Three years in the making, it was finally released in 1937. And it was an instant and phenomenal success—worth every dime spent, every heartache he had endured.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/walt-disney-american-dreamer

You lost lots of points when you mentioned anti-America and anti-humanity freaks Gates & Rockefeller.
Walt Disney taught traditional American ideals until Jews took it over – now it’s promoting movies that degrade our American heroes.
Walt disney was indeed a fascinating and complex person.
Nice to know Glenn Beck is a guest in this video. 👍 I miss the Disney Company of the 1990s & 2000s. 😔Today it is an Evil Corporation and a Monstrous Parody of its former self. 😈
I loved this take!
Thank you for this.
It’s so sad that Disney is so woke now!
Is Haley Ford in In Bill Gates are naughties
Is it just me, or does Walt Disney seem like a cartoon character now, and not the great man he was.
OK that sounds good see you then
Indeed he was a dreamer of dreamers. I’m lucky to have been young when he was at the helm creating it all. Today it’s a disgrace.
Walt Disney is a Christian legend in entertainment. Stan Lee rose as the same. Who will take up their legacies in this age of woke leftist anti-Christian anti-American insanity?
What about hanna barbera
Oh how the mighty have fallen. Walt would be ashamed of what his company has become. A wokeist mess. Let us all pray that the good lord will send down a new hero this world so desperately needs, one who will kick corruption in the core, and save our world. Rest In Peace Walt, you will be missed, and hopefully, just maybe, someone will come along and save your legacy.
Rockatoa, Brickticks out!
I used to look forward to the Wonderful World of Color…and Disney. A great thing for kids. The current company is too mission minded…sad.
Did Prager research Disney's personal life when it came to racial tolerance.
4:53 Unlike other people in other countries who are distinguished by a common race, ethnicity, language, culture, religion, geography, cuisine, etc.
Walt would not have liked Dennis, that is for sure
Well Japan does have Hayao Miyazaki, so it’s not just America.
The current state of the Disney corporation is definitely open to criticism due to it's obvious pandering tactics, but the legacy of Walt Disney himself is still one that inspires and captures the imagination of many aspiring artists and animators (myself included).
Sure there are some controversies with the early years of Disney's development;
The Animators strike due to working conditions, financial troubles in the early years and the growing pains of running both a studio AND a theme park are some of the issues that people will bring up now and then to criticize Disney today, but His vision lead the way for the industry to expand and for new innovations to be introduced to the world.
Thanks to Disney's openness to new ideas, Dr. Wernher von Braun was able to present his idea of sending man to the moon, which would be carried out in 1969 as the main goal of the Space Race
(you can learn all about that from this video by History Buffs: https://youtu.be/zjCOMJDULaE ).
Rockefeller was a awful man. Can’t believe you compared him with Disney.
A none political video, great.
.. wait, "tax-deductible" as in gov't supported?
What's astonishing about it is that Walt Disney was at odds with Roy Disney his brother and business partner who was more of a businessman while Walt Disney was more creative. His brother Roy would actually tell Walt Disney please lower the costs while Walt Disney himself would say we want quality not cheap crap. It was up to Roy to find the money for Walt Disney's dream projects. Walt Disney Productions was in debt for many years but when they had Disneyland open overnight Walt Disney Company became rich. Walt Disney's dedication to his choice of work paid off.