WARNING: The Fed Is COMING for Your Money! | Glenn TV | Ep 264
The recent atrocious shooting at the Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, further reveals just how sick our nation truly is. And unfortunately, there are few honest conversations currently taking place about fixing it, because our corporate media is too busy blaming conservative news outlets like the Daily Wire. Tonight on Glenn TV, Glenn speaks with Daily Wire host Michael Knowles, who both addresses the blame and also explains how the Daily Wire plans to handle the accusations: “We’re safe here. I hope. We are upping that security now.” Then, Glenn looks at the imminent changes facing the global financial system. A new economic order is coming, and the U.S. DOLLAR doesn’t seem to be in the plans. What will that new financial system look like for YOU? And is the federal government’s new payment portal, called FedNow, the beginning of a digital dollar or central bank digital currency? Glenn answers all these questions, and then he is joined by former Assistant Treasury Secretary Monica Crowley. She exposes the FedNow system for its hidden, ulterior motive: “It will be the END of your economic freedom.”
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What money?
Glen I wonder have you or any staff remember HR. 1983 Commonly Called the Petrise Bill ? can we Activate that or add some more teeth to it?
They want you to accept “Trans gender” ideology first so once its “Old Hat “ you will get on board with “Transhumanism” trans to robots …creating cyborbhumans …first they need to change from man to woman or vice versa ….Satan the Devil want to destroy The Almightys creation of Humans into his own Technological creation of robots transhumanism cyborbs …to destroy humans on this earth …Then Jesus WiLL return with a veangence !!!🙏🙏🙏🇺🇸
We’re faced with a difficult task! Unite and fight this evil entity that’s compromised our government and state agencies or lose everything for our children and grandchildren!
2 Corinthians 4:3 But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, 4whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them. 5 For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your bondservants for Jesus’ sake.
Im not proud to be an american. Im discusted by the brainless idiot used only as a pawn to get the far left agenga and in this process have destroyed this country. Its way too late to fix what has done by the left. We are so fustrated and if i had the money to move to a different country i would
I’ve been saying for a long time, the so called new normal,everything is wrong.
The woke environment is poisonous and pushed on everyone, if we disagree we are labeled and treated horribly, but they can bash and silence religious groups.
The end is near, and I’m grateful it will be over soon.
As in the days of Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah
We are living it
Thanks for watching
Leave me a msg I’ve got something essential to share ⬆️📩
Look there are people who want their legs cut off but the medical industry and the law doesn't comply, endorse or allow those people to have their legs cut off, because its a MENTAL ILLNESS! Plus its also common sense and logical to not fulfill the desire to cut off their legs. Yet we have doctors, the entire medical industry and law makers, including the president, the vice president and the majority of the federal government supporting transgender surgery and hormone treatments to underage children even without parental consent!
I ask you what's the difference between a mentally ill individual getting their legs cut off or allowing mentally ill children to get hormone treatments or gender reassignment surgery? Both should be unlawful and definitely not funded by American tax dollars. We have a mentally ill government and medical industry driving this country that was founded on God and being united as a family unit and as a state and country! We are so far from common sense, logic and any form of moral standards. The government has over stepped its boundaries and has violated everything this country was founded on including our rights. The government doesn't have the authority or the right to raise or parent our children! We the people are the AUTHORITY! We hire them to serve us! Have we forgotten that? The government has over stepped its boundaries and has done NOTHING in the best interests of the American people for along time! So since we hired them, why haven't we fired them?
Things WILL NOT change until "We the PEOPLE" stand up CHANGE it! If we don't do something now, we won't do something later. Because later will be TOO LATE! Our government supports the views and goals of the United Nations, which is GLOBALIZATION! Which means NO MORE human RIGHTS! NO MORE FREEDOM! NO MORE AMERICA as we knew it! If you don't believe that? Then just go on the U.N.s website and look under "SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT" and their 17 goals for the world! The WEF and U.N. have the same views and goals and the federal government supports those goals with your tax dollars! YOU ARE paying to be enslaved and have all your rights stripped away. Do you understand that?
"Guns own us"
The most stupid thing I have ever heard on CNN. Well actually there is lots more.
And to think fox canceled you for spreading the word on this and her we are so many thousands of miles down the road and it’s all coming to fruition. It is getting bleak
What does the enemy want? Complete control? Yes. That is the start. They hate stupid people that are not productive. If you are stupid but productive, you get a meal card. If you are smart and not productive, you better use that smarts for them and not for you. What does this sound like?
FED NOW = A Federal Reserve owned and operated ledger book with nothing but FEDERAL ID'S. No value, no currency will ever exchange hands, just the "idea" of transactions. They control both sides of an imaginary transaction between vendor and retail customer. It's the illusion of money……..
The Fednow app is already out.
Glenn I don’t think you are wrong. Everyone is waiting for Trump to be president again to save America. I voted for him and will again if given the opportunity but I don’t think there is going to be left for him to come back and save. Once they go digital, there’s no going back. I think Jesus is coming back soon. Everything in the Bible is falling into place.
Good, I don’t have any 😂 Put your trust in Jesus, he will never leave us and will supply ALL of our needs. 👑🙏🏻👑
Damn you can hear it in her voice she not playing
Well what can we do about it absolutely nothing we are lost
We are living in the time of the antichrist. The world we live in is totally evil
You had me until you started asking for money…
Glenn Beck is one of the BEST sources for news, as long as you don't want to be lied to. We love you Glenn.
30:05+/- . . But they’ll keep Fox up, even though I respect some of the journalists there, because they’re the accepted opposition now. They report on some developments in stories that matter, but the omissions are egregious. CBDC as an example.
Occam’s razor would say that “it is all planned!” The Simplest answer is that this and all of these “mistakes” are the intended actions, it’s the result that they don’t talk about. But, they also do not have faith in God.
Everyone needs to be prepared for this economic collapse! Buy essentials, medicines, dry goods, etc.. Stock up for years, not months. And in 2024, we need to ensure that we retake the Presidency! Trump has to be our next President. He's the only one willing to fight these evil deepstaters! He's the only one that can't paid for. We NEED to start pumping oil right now. Oil exportation, rebuild the SPR to a necessary level
It wasn't Christianity that killed the school children and adults in Nashville. That young lady CHOSE to go into the school and kill. Love the person and hate the sin. Do you remember when they would cry "TOLERANCE"?
ALL of this is planned. They need a financial crisis, a breakdown of the entire system, so people will want CBDC. The vast majority see no harm in digital currency so most people will openly and enthusiastically accept it. These changes are happening fast but they're happening just slow enough for previously concerned citizens to start yawning. I'm still at the ready while my comrades have reclined in front of the television.
We had loaded gun in our trucks when we were in High School (1980 )No guns were pulled out. We did have out fights in school . We had guns because we were farm boys and got together to go hunting after school !! Never even though of shooting someone!!! Good luck turning my truck off , all mechanical no electronics . I can’t believe the suckers that fell for the electric car crap, control .
I just watched Bill Holter explain on Greg Hunter's latest show that the only gold and silver that won't be confiscated or made illegal is US Mint coins. What are your thoughts on this?
If it was true people would burn it down it would not stand it might make trouble for the rich