Watch Tucker Carlson DESTROY Klaus Schwab as an “elderly idiot” | Redacted with Clayton Morris
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Who runs the world? Unimpressive, senile, out of shape idiots, according to Tucker Calrson. He regales his meeting with WEF leader Klaus Schwab and poses a question to us all: Why are the most evil leaders so dim?
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Clayton Morris is a former FOX News anchor. Natali Morris is a former anchor and reporter for MSNBC, CNBC and CBS News. On Redacted, the married couple (not brother and sister!) and former mainstream news professionals take an in-depth look at the news the mainstream media largely ignores. They explore the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.
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Schwab was just a front man, real power is behind the scene's . See Ivor Cummins for a bigger back story .
Guys, it's not just America that is crumbling, it's also all of Europe, and the UK. In the far east, the poor are getting poorer but a minority are getting richer…
Can it really be that the leaders of all of these countries are idiots, blindly following the WEF guidelines… Or have they been blinded and bribed with promised riches and some sort of sanctity ?
RFK jr gets my vote & no1 can stop me
Stop talking over each other!🙉
Just say nope
The fact that WEF, Krause and the others are not marked as enemy of the state (US) shows how corrupt our own government is.
Maga extremist? We need Trump to get us back on track. I'd vote for him this time. I've heard, ya trump the criminal. My reply, Washington has many, many criminals in office except a few like Kennedy…
So, he's passing this on to his daughter? Why are we a part of this WEF if it is a family business? I think we are the buffoons to allow them to have a say in our lives.
I agree with Tucker, l met a child who is a lazy bumb and so destructive of his own relationship and health habits so obvious that they are destroying everything narcissistic, so phony and imcompident like all the doctors in Canada just lazy group within a system destroying our health care system in Canada.
Schwab is is a classic villain character right out of Central Casting. It's encouraging to see some solid victories in the recent European elections.
It would be Hilary Clinton
But is Tucker an antiSemite?
We don't need to rewrite or modernize the constitution we need to enforce it. The bill of rights is fundamental and timeless. We do however need new ammendments like the prohibition of lobbying and congressional term limits
Their tearing down is absolutely intentional and they have no plans to rebuild.
Schwab is just a minion, the real power is hidden.
American Trillionare class are dictating to the like of Biden , Blinken , Schwab , Ursla van der loin , scholtz ect ect , an evil agenda is what there peddling , JAIL THE LOT OF EM ASAP 🥴
The Constitution is written vaguely enough that it is still applicable no matter the time period, therefore the issue is not how the Constitution is written, but rather how people abuse it.
really? I thought the Rothschilds/Schwabs were well learned and such. I did notice that Bettina Warburg had claimed that she knows several languages, but those are very close language families, like spanish, german, english, french, portugese, those are all quite close to each other when centered on english anyways.
Posted nine days ago. Are you still alive at least. 🎉
tucker Carlson laughs like jackal with its tail stuck in a door .
Dude with the glasses 🤦♂️
The constitution is based on a set principles and moral absolutes that are unchanging. It really can’t be improved upon. When a nation and citizenry repent and return to those principles and moral absolutes, evil will get sorted out, but people want their cake and eat it too. They want their sin and their vice. They want to abase their flesh and not suffer the consequences at the same time. It’s one or the other. Choose you this day whom you will serve.
They are great CIA tells them what to do.
You can always spot a "right wing" saboteur – because they always denigrate their enemies for being old, fat, female, Muslim, immigrant…. or basically something irrelevant…. as if THAT ALONE is the reason to oppose them. Tucker Carlson is a deep state operative who is there to derail you. And YOU FALL FOR IT. And this makes you even weaker than you already were.
Don't be weak. Don't treat politics like the playground at school. BE AN ADULT. Develop your principles and worldview based on REASON and FACTS. Be modest.
Don't let the corporate saboteurs – like Ben Shapiro and Tucker Carlson – lead you around by the nose. They are not your friends.
Who elected these people?
USA 2024 – We the Elites.
Dynasty is Klaus Schwab plan, like All in the family of control freaks.
Roman Empire didn’t fall. It simply turned into the Vatican.