The U.S. Government is Forcing Abortion on Poor Countries | Guest: Dr. Calum Miller | Ep 1015
Today, we sit down with medical doctor and researcher Dr. Calum Miller to discuss his pro-life conversion, faith journey, what motivates women to have abortions, and how pro-lifers can fight back. What role does the Christian concept of “dying to self” play in choosing the life of the baby? How can pro-lifers convince women of the value of human life and the evil of abortion? What is “abortion colonialism”? And how can the pro-life movement be proactive in fighting abortion worldwide?
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00:00 Introduction
02:50 Becoming pro-life in the UK
12:18 Theological and political change
15:40 Abortion extremism
24:13 Why women choose abortion
37:06 Dying to self in parenthood
41:05 Extramarital sex & collapse of marriage
47:01 “Abortion colonialism”
51:03 How to end abortion worldwide
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Relevant Episodes:
Ep 674 | How the Sexual Revolution Broke Us | Guest: Louise Perry
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Such a great episode for the podcast! I love how we talked about the male perspective because I do also believe that people talk about women’s right choice by whatever you wanna say but why aren’t we talking about? What about the guys choice you know?
With America doing that, where will they get their immigrants from now?
If the lovable man by the Pool of Bethesda had figured out a method of procuring manna, what need to abort him?
This was such a helpful contribution and helped me think through how to talk about abortion in a truthful, honest way so shine light on the horrors of it. Thank you so much!
Slaves To Sin! No – I'm not mocking the working man, being a onetime volunteer myself. If anything, offering them a balm/salve. While making a mockery of the very unfair and unscientific calculus of determining deportees. Einstein negated all time-clocks, and I'm convinced that "sin" (inattention) is the diabolical culprit.
Great conversation. I agree with much of what you both talked about. I do, however, take issue with, once again, the "rich Whites" being classified as the bad guys. It's not primarily the "rich whites"….but the "wealthy with a particular ideology". As long as we ALWAYS include a blanket ethnic category…that ethnic people group (no matter who they are) will all be lumped together with whatever bad trait is being propaganized upon them. It's just not right. And presently there is a push to make all whites the bad guys AND also a push to make all the "rich" the bad guys. This just isn't true. As soon as any one "category" of people gets nicely put into a box, you can be sure that there will be a turn against that whole "category" and then the following attempt to destroy them. Why do "they" want us to blame the wealthy? Because in many ways it's this wealth of the wealthy, through their stewardship of their wealth, that sets infrastructure and stability in society… When the wealthy stewards their wealth properly, all of society benefits. However, when this wealth is stripped away, the strength and stability that these wealthy individuals brings, is also stripped away.
Suggestion: invite @nataliebrunell to talk about Bitcoin (assuming she and you are ok with that, of course)
Wonderful guest ! He is so well spoken and speaks on abortion from many angles..
Have faith…the catholic underground…the remnant underground
Allie, thanks so much for having a Brit on!🇬🇧 I know it’s important to talk about your own country, but it’s so helpful to have foreigners on, to discuss the Christian life in different places. As a British Christian lady, I appreciate this ❤💪✝️
Furthermore, the "craziness" of JC at Mark 16:18 is reinforced by stone-cold modern empirical science in the Many Worlds multiverse theory. I can deduce nothing short of invincible immortality from this theory.
Does Allie know that they’re putting an ad for abortions on this link?
I’m 65 years old. A Christian for the last 40 years. Inn1977 and 1981 I had abortions. We knew nothing about the unborn baby. We were told it was a blob of cells. It wasn’t a child yet. I was so early on. Then one day at doctors office I saw a Life magazine the first photo of an unborn baby, 7-8week, baby in the womb. That was the exact stage I was at when I had my abortions. I was in shock. Long story, cut short it led me to the cross of Jesus Christ. Although I was deceived and pressured into having abortions I had no support and the fathers had abortion to throw at me, I knew that I had allowed them to murder My children and I have had to carry that burden all these years. Although I know God thru my faith in Jesus has totally forgiven me you never heal from this. I’m a mother of three children grown and a grandmother now and I still have not totally forgiven myself for my doing that when I was a very young girl. There are many women out there like me who have abortions and who come to Jesus and were forgiven. But that really doesn’t leave. They never tell you that. There are some women who have no conscience and they keep doing it, but I don’t think most women are like that at least I don’t think so. We didn’t have ultrasounds back then, I’m shocked that with ultrasounds with modern technology and science proving it’s a human being at the point of conception that these women still keep having these babies murdered. It just shows that depravity of our nation and the power of propaganda. It’s also idolatry. They are worshiping themselves over their children. They will answer to God for that someday if they don’t get right with Jesus and repent. Don’t do it girls, trust Jesus if you’re pregnant. Listen to this old woman you will live with that scar for the rest of your life. Give your child up for adoption. If you can’t raise your child it’s best they be in a mommy. Daddy committed for life godly family. That’s God‘s design. The real root of all of this is sin. Itself. It’s the same sin back in the garden when Adam and Eve believed the lies of Satan. “ surely God did not mean you would die “. Yes, we all die because the wages of sin is death murdering your unborn child murdering is breaking the commandment “thou shall not murder “. Every abortion stops a heartbeat. That’s murder.😢
Hi Allie, can you make an episode on 2030 Agenda. Thanks. Excellent Podcast❤
Excellent Podcast. I love to learn more and more about abortion. I'm 100% Prolife. God bless each person who defends unborn and born babies. The most pure creature, pure image of God. Keep on!
Did YouTube just call one type of abortion a "miscarriage"?
"An induced abortion is different from a spontaneous abortion. That is the loss of a pregnancy before the 20th week of pregnancy. It is more commonly known as a miscarriage.'
That is evil
My coworker was telling me about her daughter and boyfriend. Turned out her daughter is a man with a cheap wig and Joker makeup who posted pictures on Facebook of Barbies nude, tied up, gagged, with dildos. Her boyfriend also works with me. His Facebook is him in a devil costume and a lot of videos of skinny young women in their knees calling him master and him saying he’s a dom. Like a month later, she told me she sleeps with her daughter and boyfriend as a threesome and they all share a bed or she sleeps with her daughter on the couch. She kept telling me about her granddaughter and niece coming over and coming over for sleepovers. It seems increasingly more evil and disgusting and dark and creepy and I don’t know what to say to her. She’s new and I was trying to be nice and helpful because she’s new. My job has gotten super into pride. We had a flag raising and a picnic and a parade and a tie dye party and we were told to nominate gay coworkers for a spotlight. I’m a Reformed Baptist. I kind of want to find something else. They treat me well. They don’t pay well. Maybe I could be a witness. It seems like they have gone off the Left cliff. I’m super uncomfortable. To get promoted, I’d be expected to talk about Pride activities and encourage coworkers to participate and I’d be expected to participate. It’s a furniture store. They should be politically and religiously neutral. We’re owned by a billionaire. You’d think he’d think it’s an unwise business decision to have the rainbow flag under the American flag in front of the store. We’re a Red state. You’d think customers would be disgusted and take their money elsewhere.
I voted for those abortionists, and my cost of living went up! Fool me once and shame on me, and fool me twice and shame on you. No wait.
So well put, I truly believe it's not just a women's issue. I love how well put the doctor's words are. It is a sacrifice on both sides the mother and the father. Family should always be first on both sides. Wonderful speaker. Love, love, this episode and speaker please have on again. All great points made by the doctor and so eloquently done.
Mark 16:18 … all attempts will be botched, says Mustard seed Jesus.
They blame me for the overturn in Arizona? Nope. Blame Einstein and Bohr (and Jesus first and foremost), with their transformable time & space and their holographic multiverse.
@AllieBethStuckey I know it’s unrelated to this video, but I was wondering if you done a video on Doug Wilson and that I just can’t find it. He’s so controversial with the Body that I was wanting to find something on him of yours. There are some pretty awful allegations against him and the whole thing is just a little confusing and I’m trying to find the truth.
Took a course online at Hillsdale. Just FYI, they tend to lean towards Catholicism.
Can you cover project 2025 please 🙏🏾
Abortion is all about power to the feminists.
If the logic of Genesis is right about the self beginning at first breath, then the first experience of the self must be "hunger for air." Which is a term from the science of physiology.
If this logic from Genesis is wrong and the self begins BEFORE the first breath, then some experience other than hunger for air must occur before the first experience of hunger for air.
Maybe the first beat of the heart. However, there is self control over the breath but not over the heartbeat. I can take a few deep breaths and then hold my breath for a certain amount of time. But I can't take a few deep heartbeats and then hold my heartbeat for a certain amount of time. Self control– control relative to a self– exists for the breath but not for the heartbeat.
The physiology is most likely that "astrocytes" (a kind of "glial cell" in the brain) are connected via "connexins" which flood the system during parturition. Astrocytes are required for consciousness, because the "astrocyte syncytium" is a basic part of the brain.
The emerging astrocyte syncytium enables memories.
And memories involve the self.
But instrumentation for all of this would be difficult (if not impossible).
In its initial state of hunger for air, the self has developed only the shortest forms of memory. Long term forms of memory don't yet exist in this state.
(More information about memory and the self in the youtube video "A memory of kindness" [Rawat])
The logic from Genesis appears in the words:
"… breath of life …"
Logically there must be a first breath.
And logically there must be a last breath.
(For more quotations from the Bible, Google the article: "Pro-choice pastors like Raphael Warnock have the Bible, history on their side")
There are multiple regions of memory in the brain. When all these memory regions are connected together into one thing– "the astrocyte syncytium"– at this point in the process the self is initialized.
From this point on– because of the common, astrocyte syncytium– every memory center in the brain remembers the same (one and only) self.
It took billions of years for the astrocyte syncytium to evolve into it's current state within the human being:
The self as a distributed system of memories. Each one implicitly involving the self which is creating that memory.
The memory might be ”The chef served the customer an omelet"
Here it is implicit that it is me – the self in question – who not only sees the chef serve a customer an omelet, but also sees THAT a chef served a customer an omelet.
While on the other hand the astrocyte syncytium makes itself explicit in every memory that it connects.
Implicitly it's "the self."
Explicitly it's "the astrocyte syncytium."
So given the difficult if not impossible instrumentation, the probable situation is this:
Parturition -> connexins -> astrocyte syncytium -> self with memory and, the experience of hunger for air.
Abolitionist here! His statement “your body, your choice” hit me in a new way. “My body, my choice” wants to sound independent and strong self reliant when in reality, if I gave someone myself and got pregnant and they told me “do want you want, it’s your body, it’s your choice” I would never feel more alone and broken and used. So it’s basically just a defense mechanism when all women want is to feel wanted and have a purpose.
I encourage all followers of Jesus to pray daily for the end of abortion! Pray that God will change the minds and hearts of those who are considering abortion, those who work in the abortion industry, and elected officials🙏! Prayer is the most powerful and fundamental strategy we have as Christians!!
I am about to have a baby in October and I'm not ready… I'm not doing well at all I'm so scared I don't have family to support me because most of them have passed away and my husband doesn't want anything to do with me and he hasn't even spoken to me since I got pregnant
Why is this a binary decision? There is such thing as adoption. They can NOT kill the child and still have a life
The issue is a value issue. They put bodily autonomy over the life of the baby. I have finally, after many attemots, have had women admit that the life of the baby os irrelevant to them.
Maybe if the european church isnt threatening is because it is watered down? Im just guessing here. But if the culture doesnt get push back from the church, or rather, if the church is too much like the world, there wont be push back. Christ said we would be hsted because of Him, but it sounds like the church in europe is perhaps straddling a lime or something.
Or it could be that Christians in America are way more evangelical in terms of spreading the Gospel.
Coil campaign…they are doing it unknown to the young girls…it has been going on since 60s and 70s
Generations not knowing why they cannot conceive the doctors organized crime rings….doctors are not trustworthy….there is occult involved known or unknown
The spiral case is an ongoing investigation into a birth control campaign by the Danish government in Greenland, primarily during the 1960s and 1970s.
I pray for timelessness … the panacea for all ills. I think this is what JC meant by that Kingdom of God stuff.
Even the definition provided by YouTube right underneath this video dehumanizes what abortion actually does and who it ultimately affects – " a procedure to end a pregnancy" – "medicines to end the pregnancy" – "procedure to REMOVE the pregnancy from the uterus". Remove the pregnancy? They just won't say baby, rather cover it with sterile sounding language. Once you admit to a little of the truth the shield of dehumanization crumbles down. We've seen extreme dehumanization throughout all of human history, justifying the eradication of certain races, religions, and now age. How are we doubting this is any different? Just because we can perform medical murder doesn't mean we ought to.
This is accurate. I’m a medical doctor in a developing country and a lot of funding/opportunities require you to be pro abortion. Gender affirming etc all the evil woke stuff. Christ have mercy 🙏🏾
regardless what anyone says abortion is still the murdering of a child at the alter of Baal only in modern times we have labeled it with a different cover……self is still the reason people kill a child that they dont want……
He’s right when he says many women say having a baby actually saved their life. I’ve often said that my life began when I became a mom. At age 28 I finally had purpose.
Cover Christian colonialism next please
A friend of mine works at a pregnancy resource center as a counselor for women considering abortions. She told me one time, "I wish I could record some of the conversations I've had and the things I've heard". She said only twice at her clinic was the mother raped. Most of the time it's because it's just not a convenient time for the mother (has a vacation planned, hasn't married yet, in-between jobs, wants to get cosmetic work done…etc). He is absolutely right when he says that oftentimes the women consider an abortion because they see themselves choosing between "their life" or the baby's.
Dr. Callum is a very impressive guest! I have been out-spoken about this topic since I understood the concept, and he has really helped me understand the other side a little better, because I genuinely could never understand why. Conversations like this help grow compassion with truth!
"An abortion is a medical procedure to end a pregnancy."
This is the euphemistic language which is obligatorily displayed on a video such as this.
I heard that my corporate company only offers 2 week maternity leave 😅 I think maternity leave should definitely be longer but may not be the direct cause of abortion
South korea is A thriving civilization with all the conveniences of a modern world and their population is dwindling because they have no limit abortion and all of the women in korea cannot find husbands. Got worse , manhate in korea than we do here in the united states
I see a "cOnTeXt BoX" put up for this video, so I know it's going to be good 👍😂