We Don’t Just Have an Open Border — We Have a Lawless Border | Chad Wolf on Fox Business
Heritage Visiting Fellow Chad Wolf joined Fox Business, Monday, March 22, to talk about the latest on the border crisis, why the crisis was completely preventable, and why we need to end the crisis by securing our border.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTv_CaCqPjc
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The Mexican cartel was caught on the border recruiting American boys age 12 & up to join the cartel. So these boys age 12 & up are likely the CARTEL !!
Illegal apprehensions? Apprehension of Illegals sound more accurate and more appropriate.
There is one pod with 80 ppl max limit & there are over 600 children in that one pod & 2 border officers in charge for over 600 children !! This is an ILLEGITIMATE PRESIDENT'S plan to destroy USA so that it can "BUILD BACK BETTER " with the 1% GLOBALISTS in charge !!
this administration are intentionally trying to harm the United states it could not be more obvious.
Thank you Heritage Foundation! We are living in the last days. People with unsound minds are operating without normal human common sense because they are serving the god of this world. The lawless policies are preparing the way for the man of lawlessness we know about from the Bible. I read that the government is dumping bus loads of people into towns unprepared, un-notified and with no means to feed or house these people, let alone protect their citizens from the crime that will follow. The smugglers and treasonous politicians willing to take their 10% cut are making boat loads of money. So that is part of the motivation. The result is disease, violence, economic loss, illegal drugs, illegal guns and sex trafficking being brought into this country as well as extreme inhumane treatment to many of the decent people paying big bucks to break in through the back door. And lets not forget the terrorists who are welcomed in by Biden as well.
This is where we are in God's timeline. Anyone not alarmed by this one example of MANY God opposing policies of liberal globalist ideology – will need to see the light very soon. Abortion, hideous attack on the gender of babies and children, advocating for all that is non-heterosexual, men in dresses desiring to make policies to harm children for LIFE, home-grown hatred of the US, advocating for lawlessness in the form of looting, arson and defunding the police (endorsed by the VP) and wasteful self-serving virus relief that is a joke and meant to crash our economy are some of the HUGE RED FLAGS. Many believers in Jesus Christ are not seeing this either and have adopted liberal ideology for some strange reason. The pope is running around trying to establish the one world religion and preparing the way for the one world leader. He says that all paths lead to heaven and elevates Abraham and Mary while diminishing Jesus Christ who is the only way to the Father. I pray more and more people will begin to understand these things and give thought to their eternal destination. Don't be reckless with your eternal spirit and soul. Life on earth is just a tiny breath of air compared to eternity. God bless all of God's children – saved and yet to be saved.
Well said. God bless you.
Biden should be IMPEACHED FOR THIS!!!! Where did all those tshirts come from!!!
It's not a crisis it's a plan.