We Know the Border Wall Works — We Need to Finish Building It | Chad Wolf on Fox News
Heritage Visiting Fellow Chad Wolf joined Fox News, Saturday, March 13, to talk about the latest on illegal immigration, the effectiveness of the new border wall, and why President Biden was wrong to halt construction.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6awdxVxBnwM
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Can Americans come and help
Poor desperate peoples… thanks to biden administration for helping them.
We need a workable legal immigration policy. We are at historically low levels of legal immigration at just 0.35% of the population. This barrier to legal immigration is happening at the same time as the U.S birth rate is at a 30 year low. We need to build a labor force that is capable of supporting our retired population. Yes we need to make sure immigration is legal, but we need an immigration policy that allows people with skills to enter this country and our labor force.
Land mines will stop the dirty cartels and the filthy traffickers
This Fox anchor was rude, ignorant of reality and a complete ass… we have an illegal alien invasion at our border which IS a national security threat and a threat to our democracy!!!!!
How about having every border patrol agent on the wall or near the southern border – Mr. wolf was the greatest deterrent that worked!
The Wall’s not working because it’s not finished. And that wall around the Capital is all show, so don’t say it’s justified.
It is a good comparison. They like guns and walls, except when the people need them for protection.
And, another reason I'm DONE WITH FOX.
Damn Fox news has gone completely downhill. Pathetic.
Dude! What do you mean "don't go there, we had a domestic attack" and we need wall in DC? ONE riot (and that's what it was, led by antifa supporters (and that's who they were), and they cry for troops and a wall? But it's okay that that same kind of "attack" has been going on EVERY SINGLE DAY/NIGHT for over a year in Portland? Please. And you were a very rude host. "Doesn't look like much of a wall". Maybe bcuz your fake president stopped the construction of it, and he only did that, not bcuz it WAS stopping illegals, but because it was something President Trump did. You guys hate President Trump more than you care about American citizens. Grow up and quit acting like toddlers. And you know biden is a crooked ass incompetent president who is not the one making decisions. With that stupid commie smirk on your face. Rude rude man.
Why would The Dementia-N-Chief stop Undocumented Democrats?
With all due respect Mr fox news, Biden stopped the wall, and has created this dangerous crisis at border. I don't know how Chad Wolfe kept his demeanor after the "don't go there, and the with all due respect" comments. I'm sure he's glad Biden stopped "Trump's" wall. (Actually it's not Trump's wall!, it's America's wall. Do these people not want any border security?
This is Bidens first steps in Destroying the 🇺🇸 USA.
Going to walk away from the Whitehouse when he retires ……….laughing. 🙄
Landmines are cheaper
Fox a hole…truth not coming out of his mouthpiece over Jan six…disgusting…