What’s Happening At the Border Is a Humanitarian Crisis | James Carafano & Mark Morgan on Newsmax
Heritage’s James Carafano and Visiting Fellow Mark Morgan joined Newsmax, Saturday, March 13, to talk about the latest on the border crisis, why the situation is a humanitarian crisis, and why we must return to policies that secure our border.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2Nxc1zNJEk
James Jay Carafano, a leading expert in national security and foreign policy challenges, is the vice president of Heritage’s Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy and the E. W. Richardson Fellow.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/james-carafano
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It's all supply and demand.
USA: Highest demand for women and children sold into sexual slavery on the planet.
Carrels: Continue to kidnap women and children to meet growing demand.
If you secure the border then completing the transaction between supply demand becomes nearly impossible. As a result the following things will occur:
– Carrels lose the vast majority of their business.
– Tens of thousands of women and children will be saved from unimaginable daily torture.
– Cartels will be drastically weakened by their massive financial losses.
– If cartels are strapped for cash that means they'll have less money to corrupt their host countries.
– Less corruption means less violence which in turn creates more economic opportunity for citizens of Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, etc.
– Exponentially fewer people will need to flee their home countries for a dangerous trek to the USA.
So just by securing the border you would save thousands of women and children from sexual slavery and radically cut the poverty and crime rate in Latin America. Is there any single policy that benefits the world more than that?
Unfortunately, Biden has decided to go the opposite route. This has enriched the cartels acording to the presidents of both Mexico and El Salvador. By enriching the cartels corruption and violence inevitably increase while economic opportunity plummets.
Given all the misery that President Biden's border policy has caused, how can a majority of Democrat voters support him on this issue? The only logical explanation I can find is from polling on media consumption.
– Republicans get about 60% of their news from right-leaning outlets.
– Independents get about 60% of their news from left leaning outlets.
– Democrats get over 80% of their news from left leaning outlets.
The only way Democrats could still support him is that they're in such an echo chamber that by design lifts up Democrats and attacks Republicans. Therefore, Democrats as a whole are the least informed group of voters in terms of current affairs. Perhaps if they stepped out of their comfort zone like all other voters they'd make decisions based on the whole picture rather than just the pro-DNC establishment propaganda.
Well, we'd all like to invite 'Ol "Teleprompter" Joe down to the Southern Border and WELCOME this "humanitarian" effort HIMSELF!! Where ya AT, Joe?? Huh? HUH??
Here's no crisis. Death and destruction is the Dems/Commie way.
It is 💯 a humanitarian crisis and the fact that Nancy Pelosi has the AUDACITY to try a “smear campaign” for the DemParty and herself, instead of true respect for human lives, is impeachable. As usual, DNC will use identity politics and human beings as their political voting pawns. It is SICK. They KNOW Hispanic Americans are rightly shifting to the right. They are DESPERATE. They should be impeached. And the fact they have BIDEN TSHIRTS!!! IMPEACH IMPEACH IMPEACH
Democrats are intentionally trying to destroy the United states wake up America.
Mexicans are back trying to cross the border after Trump is gone.
It is my opinion that Biden and his cronies are allowing – not to mention, encouraging – these people to come to America for nefarious reasons. Could it be that all of this is part of the globalist’s agenda to create chaos so they can come in as ‘saviour’? Apart from that, I just can’t think of any relational reason to allow this massive influx of illegal and undocumented people.
Not knowing that the immigrants are going to take over
Bidin want the immigrants to out populate black Americans.
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