WEF Globalists gather in Davos with STUNNING new plans to control us | Redacted with Clayton Morris
Klaus Schwab and the WEF are blocking the media from what is shaping up to be the most important meeting of globalists ever held. CBDC is just one of the many topics they’re discussing in order to control the proletariat.
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On Today’s Show:
0:00 Countdown
31:46 Welcome
39:37 WEF at Davos
1:08:23 Ukraine False Flag
1:26:37 Recession
Monday – Thursday 1PM PST / 3PM CENTRAL / 4PM EST
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About Clayton and Natali Morris:
Clayton Morris is a former Fox News anchor. In Redacted, Clayton and his wife Natali take an in-depth look at the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else is telling. Along with the facts and the full picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.
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NO, I WOULDN’T, get a chip, for $2000 a month!!! And I’m in a low income bracket. $2000 would change my life. But absolutely NOT! No chip! This petrifies me! You’re right. The mark of the beast.
Our only vacations have been when we have to leave for a hurricane. I'm from Louisiana.
High treason, and every one of those monsters needs to serve life in prison.
1:21:46 lol if those were Russian Tanks as the propagandists would like us to believe than that's either a Romel Style Ghosting incident… Or that entire Area was encircled which actually makes Ukraine look like they were in a Worse Position according to the Witness's Statement.
5G networks possibly send out signals to the brain and mind
I like your information. I like the guy next to you but don't looking at the clown. Am I missing something ?
trudeau you made the whole mess in our country….no free speech in Canada any longer ,,trudeau persecution all the way
I wouldn't be surprised if Zelensky shot down that helicopter because some of these Ukrainian officials were the ones opposing him.
😩 I just wish you guys would study the Bible 🤦♀️
In the Bible, the book of revelation, it's all in there. Jesus is coming soon!
Why we must prepare for war. Glad my silo underground and actually making missiles due to Biden's threatening war on trumpets and GOP. Be surprised what you can find in here in nuclear staffing areas in Nevada
Goodby Democracy , Hello Totalitarianism! Totalitarianism is exactly what the Global Elite (who believe that they have superior excellence) are creating. A form of government controlled by the state, one state, a global state, ruled and controlled by them, a one world government! It’s a form of government that allows no individual freedoms and all aspects of an individual’s life are subject to this one authority.
“Totalitarianism” defined:
“Form of government that theoretically permits no individual freedom and that seeks to subordinate all aspects of individual life to the authority of the state.”
“In the broadest sense, totalitarianism is characterized by strong central rule that attempts to control and direct all aspects of individual life through coercion and repression.”
“Totalitarianism is often distinguished from dictatorship, despotism, or tyranny by its supplanting of all political institutions with new ones and its sweeping away of all legal, social, and political traditions. The totalitarian state pursues some special goal, such as industrialization or conquest, to the exclusion of all others. All resources are directed toward its attainment, regardless of the cost. Whatever might further the goal is supported; whatever might foil the goal is rejected. “
We need to stop being blind consumers! Do you really need a smartphone, Facebook, amazon, cashless transactions, free anything for the price of loss of privacy! We literally do anything these corporations tell us to do and sacrifice our freedoms because of laziness! The only way this can take place is if we allow it to.
There is more of us than them🤷♀️
Unpure Evil setting up the System of the Beast
What’s taking so long 😡 they are about 4 decades way to late!
Who voted for this Brandon guy for over forty years??? People pull that lever without a clue and don’t care.
Please found where Dr.Judy Mitkovits.
And China was caught gold plating gold bars,and you can guarantee that they are still doing it and will continue 😡😡😡
WEF is now exposed to most and are basically now moot. Their modus operandi as market makers was via mafia machinations. President Putin in large part is their worst nemesis.
We do not need the WEF they are suffering from simple emptiness – they are truly empty it’s most difficult as a psychopath to feel human – we must pray for them and nurture them as they value only what they hoard.