We’re All Homeschoolers Now: Navigating the Coronavirus Challenge to K-12 Education
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to unprecedented mass closures of K-12 schools across the country. As of March 20th, more than 121,000 public and private schools across the country had been closed in 46 states affecting an estimated 55 million students. Families across the country find themselves homeschooling on short order, and schools are working to move teaching online as quickly as possible to meet the needs of students.
At the same time, a rapidly flourishing market of online resources is beginning to meet the content needs of millions of students across the country. Join us for a virtual conversation with school leaders and individuals seasoned in providing education outside of the classroom. We’ll provide information on education curriculum and content resources, and discuss any necessary policy reforms to help families with their children’s education during the coronavirus pandemic.
Joining us are a variety of homeschooling and education experts, including actress, talk show host and author, Sam Sorbo.
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Being a weeb I'm pretty much removed from people anyways. I'm wishing everyone to stay healthy and safe.
A little levity in this strange time.
I came across this quote from a parent trying to home school his kids:
"One of the kids has already been suspended and I've been fired for drinking on the job."
(It's a joke!)
We're already homeschoolers in our household, and my son's mad that he has to do his lessons today… I can imagine what some of your public schooled kids think of all this!
I hope we see more parents consider homeschooling from this unfortunate situation.
My grandchildren are in Agora k-12 they love it they look forward to the Agora day outing that's where parents and students can get together meet each other it could be at museum a mini- gulf course something that the kids could enjoy I love it because of the of the way they are able to educated the classrooms are smaller teachers can give the extra help a student may need the staff the technical support are right there should a problem arise the children seem to learn faster children work on special projects allowing their minds to be creative they even have science labs the best is they send you everything you need for the class your children are in I give Agora k-12 a👍👍
Loved Sam and Derek!
The GOAL in education should be to teach kids how to learn themselves without having to be taught by someone else…
I love Agora k-12