What do we do when privacy laws can’t keep up with technology?
What do you do when technology outpaces our ability to pass privacy laws? How can technology be used to manipulate public opinion? Watch this clip to hear Glenn’s thoughts.
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From 1990-2002 Corrupt government officials used DOJ prosecutions to gain access to millions PC's with Microsoft Windows. Ending with congress extorting bribes ($ & insider trading) and ability to commit espionage on citizens. Also embezzling millions for DIL or Metadata projects (google given $4.5 million & ownership rights) & subsides to FISA agencies AT&T, Verizon and BellSouth to keystroke.
Sources;Bribes/lobbying https://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/summary.php?id=D000000115
Antitrust: https://www.nytimes.com/1999/11/07/us/us-versus-microsoft-the-strategy-how-microsoft-sought-friends-in-washington.html
Backdoor access: http://techrights.org/2015/02/11/microsoft-back-doors/
It amazes me how grown adults can share everything on social media and then are genuinely upset because everyone knows everything about them!
KYLLO vs The US 2001 landmark Supreme Court victory 2001 addressed this issue!
privacy needs to be addressed in court and fast. for more than 20 years we've had groups, corporations, and govnerment trampling on our privacy. Email and online IDents needs to be protected the same way your home in.
I have always used my cell phone to call or receive calls and take an occasional photo, and that's it, while thousands around me are completely addicted to this mechanical device. I enjoy going out an about to enjoy my surroundings and so called see & smell the roses while so many others have their heads buried in this device, sad but true.
The old saying of "loose lips sinks ships" is even more important today than is was years ago, to many young people do not understand the importance of keeping some things personal, personal. Bad people will use any information they can get to sink your ship.
The Truth!