What Doctors Aren’t Telling The Parents of Gender Dysphoric Children
Marian Rutigliano, DO, is an emergency medicine specialist in Washington, DC and has been practicing for 31 years. She graduated from New York College of Osteopathic Medicine in 1988 and specializes in emergency medicine and internal medicine. She currently works evaluating research on the human health effects of toxic chemicals. She explained the poor outcomes of transition-affirming therapies for children with gender dysphoria at The Heritage Foundation.
Watch the full event here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnP_WoeNuwA
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Leave the kids alone!!!
It makes sense now. … if you watch and wait, nmost who claim gender disphoria will change their mind about trying to undergo the physical /surgical transition. Most grow up to be homosexual adults and live happy, fruitful lives without the "Burden of Treatment" that the radical surgery causes. That explains why the alphabet mafia is arguing so hard for earlier and earlier treatment of kids claiming gender disphoria. Studies show the "Burden of treatment" is way worse than leaving it alone… classic case of the cure being worse than the disease.
Is there a study about the percentage of gay, lesbian, etc. people who have been molested on a young age? My guess is a lot, unfortunately.
This is all by design … And it's too late for this generation. Sadly
This choice is a personal and family decision at any age. It is not up to the government to make the decision for us nor all the busy bodies out there getting involved with things that do not concern them. My God, we have a lot more problems in this country we should address like mass shootings, schooling, healthcare, homelessness, infrastructure the list goes on and on. People should just take care of their own business at home and stay out of the lives of others. In other words mind your own business and go F**k Off!!!
Blanchard's theory was disapproved by most psychologists and psychiatrists who are experts in gender issues. The following video (Unpacking Blanchard's Autogynephilia Theory & How it Relates to Gender Dysphoria?) could be of help: https://youtu.be/vK8CxNini4w
SO many fought and dies to stop Nazi doctors from doing this ….. and now "they" started it up again 80 years later.
HOW is that even possible???
4:00 Stepping down from his department chairmanship???? He should’ve been fired, charged & immediately sent to Prison!!!
Mad butchers. Nothing less
Woke ideology is destroying western society. 😢
Self hating gay men and heterosexual pervs, then…. And we’re all supposed to relinquish our rights and worship at their size 14 stilettos. No. Just no.
Someone else summed it up “you get older, your body grows, your hormones do their job and you learn to accept yourself.” If you don’t give children the opportunity for this to happen there is no magic wand if they change their mind.
All I can say to these doctors who think it’s helping children to “transition” F YOU! You violated your oath of “do no harm” and you manipulate children who need help.
These. drs. Doing these surgeries is as bad as dr,s doing abortions.
14:38 This is what I cannot understand. How has this not been a priority before causing permanent harm? Nothing about this practice makes sense medically or psychologically.
0:48 autogynophilia is the biggest reason why women’s spaces must be protected. We are being forced to participate in their masturbatory fantasies at the risk of our own safety.
This is lea Thomas to a T!!…4 yrs later I'm writing this!
These are the modern day Josef Mengele.
How nefarious is this transgender agenda that these perverse democrats are pushing! There's something very disturbing happening here
Why does the medical experiments of WWll come to mind
In a couple of years, when these kids grow up, the whole industry making money off of innocent children will be shut down.
auto gyno philic
Now years later it is a cult of the deranged! We only must include biological intersex due to a physical abnormality. Identity is mental and if you are having an issue you have a disorder! It needs fixing not society! You f'ers have tried to change society! Harmed the universe and made life hell for the victims WOMAN AND CHILDREN!
Why do we always let them make it complicated? Just say NO; and have a really good answer to why HELL NO, and keep it SIMPLE! Nothing from my below analogy is politically incorrect, or triggering. It can be done!
The best argument is a 12 yr old playing against a 17 yr old same sex. Science is science and biology remains bound by simple science. We don't score sports by feelings so the 17 yr old can't play with 12 yr old's We don't care about their feelings and that is just!!!
Explain to me how a person who's yet to experience puberty, or really experience anything that has to do with the real world; could ever possibly be confident and educated enough to make one of the biggest if not the biggest, most important, most consequtial decisions in thier lives…
There are rules and laws surrounding a person's age for a reason…
18 to buy a home, get a tattoo
21 to purchase tobacco, alcohol.
25 to rent a vehicle
Etc etc etc…
But if your kid wants to literally chop off thier own body parts, change thier name and identity… well that's all fair game.
Look where we are now…
It's called mutilation
Ask ChatGBT how many people regret cosmetic surgery – answer about 40 to 60% – which seems plausible. Then ask ChatGBT how many trans people have regrets about transitioning – answer about 1% – which is freakishly inaccurate. All ChatGBT does is lend credence to misinformation on the web and put out by heavily biased Government/Private agencies. You will likely also be told transitioning is medically necessary and nothing like elective cosmetic surgery if you ask these questions sequentially – uggghhhh.
So, Marian Rutigliano is not an expert on juvenile sexual development.