What Does the Bible Mean When it Encourages People to “Seek”?
Are your questions seeking answers or exits? Greg Koukl and @RedPenLogic’s Tim Barnett discuss what healthy, biblical doubt should look like and compare this to the deconstruction trend that is so prevalent among progressive Christians and atheists today.
Listen to the full podcast: https://www.str.org/w/are-your-questions-seeking-answers-or-exits-
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Mr B is awesome
Doesn’t the term “progressive” by definition mean a forward moving away movement? What was wrong with Christianity as started in the book of Acts?
Ah, the deceptive distracting dealings of the diabolical daddy deceiver. Read and re-read the Word of God. Asking for the Holy Spirit to illuminate TRUTH into your understanding. The devil is subtle and cunning but so predictable. Watch and be sober minded. Praise Jesus Christ
I was told what I did was deconstruction and that sounded accurate, but I did get pressure from out of nowhere to embrace a sour nihilism, I think just because a lot of people who deconstruct can't assemble a reasonable holistic worldview and so default to nothingness. I however can and have made multiple complete worldviews with weights and I live by the most likely / effective but I'm open to secondary possibilities. I think the most important thing is humility, to make fewer claims and work hard to determine the accuracy of those few. Also a problem I ran into a lot is the all or nothing audience who said if I dont claim something like, God caused a flood to kill people' then I must think nothing in the bible collection is accurate, and I have to tell them over and over 'no, I simply take each claim on its own merit, and only claim certainty where I have certainty.' another standard of mine is if I can't defend it I won't hold it. I've studied apologists and debate and logic to equip myself to defend ideas in order to weigh them. I had no desire to exit in fact there's a lot of pressure to not exit in the Bible belt, I just knew blind belief was wrong so I determined to make sure that my beliefs match reality as close as I can. You'll be relieved to know that deconstruction does not result in atheism, only unequipped lazy deconstructionists go there.
14 Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. For you are just a vapor that appears for a little while, and then vanishes away. James 4:14
Progressive Christians or the deconstructionists don't care about eternal things. All they care about is vapor that is their earthly life.
Boom! Seeking answers vs. seeking an exit. Tim, look at your camera, we need your eyes. Thank you gentlemen!
This is why the theology of the "Universal" church, i.e.the Catholic Church has been placed in trust with a "trustee". That "trustee" is the papa or the guardian of the Universal Church. The Pope has no greater authority to change the "doctrine of faith" than I do. This doctrine is officially known as the "Deposit of Faith".
Francis is only the trustee of the "Deposit of Faith" of the Universal Church. No Pope has the right, nor the authority to change anything that has been entrusted to him previously. Unfortunately, the present "papa" does not seem to understand this doctrine of faith the way the most faithful Catholics have understood the doctrine throughout the millennia. IMHO.
every lie has some element of truth, and there is merit to deconstructionist methodologies, but as with many things in life motive is more revealing than action (if one is doing it to get to real {deeper} truth it is good, but if the goal is to 'gaslight' than one is serving the wrong father), one of the main problems that arises when we encounter something we disagree with (and we have been trained/cultivated to do this) is we try to lump every element of the disagreeable position as wrong/bad (e.g. : this mechanism has caused calvinists and arminianists to 'push' each other away from the truth from their inception), the end does not justify the means, the end becomes the means, and if there be a higher priority of 'opposing the enemy' than parsing out truth then the result will be to discover 'good' strategy/tactics NOT to discover deeper understanding of truth.
the 'emergent church' movement is morphing into (part) of the foundation for the 'one world religion' which will most likely wear a 'mask' of chrislam.
keep up the good work, .. and hang in there : )
The unexamined life is not worth living.
—- Socrates