What Does the Bible Say About Abortion?
Pastor Jack Hibbs tackles some of the hard-hitting topics of today’s culture in his new YouTube mini-series to help believers equip themselves to engage the culture for Christ. In this video, Pastor Jack discusses what the Bible teaches about abortion.
Christians who truly care about the state of the Gospel and of the Church should not expect nonbelievers to lobby in their favor. Pastor Jack stresses how critical it is that believers are informed on what the Bible says about matters we face today, and that Christ followers vote their biblical values.
Ultimately, hope for change cannot be found in any country’s ruling class, but in Jesus Christ alone.
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Thank you
If the doctor said it me or the baby live I pick the baby to live I did my part I gave life to a baby. I can't be selfish I had a miscarriage and the doctor wants to give me a pill to abort it and I know the baby's already dead I could not do it nature took over and I gave birth to a stillborn I feel that I still gave the baby a chance to be a baby not mush.
Wrong you dont kill a baby for any reason!!!!!😤
I wish you did talk about “ rape “
God gives life so what happens in a case of rape
I’m not asking for an argument
I’m against abortion and a born again Christian but if God gives life what would we do in this case
Praise Jesus it’s not something I have had to deal with but I’m interested in your answer
with the less than 1% aside where abortion may be necessary I say this…Women wanting abortion to be about their right to choose what they do with their own body but in reality they want abortion to be their right to be irresponsible and carefree while engaging in sexual activity! The solution seems really simple in my mind … just protect yourself from getting pregnant and you won’t have to fight so hard for the right to murder babies!
Oh brother! Jack, I can see the hurt this subject brings you. Thank you for your courage in talking about this difficult subject. God bless you for your obedience to our Lords will
Canadian here. So appreciate your teaching.
These are great
Watch the Christian movie October Baby. That baby inside Mom was created by Mom and Dad. It takes two to tango. More importantly, he/she was created by God. Abortion is the equivalent of child sacrifice.
These videos are awesome, thank you for addressing these issues the church doesn’t seem to want to address. I’ve been sharing with people.
This is BEAUTIFUL, Jack!!!!!
Jack, that was excellent. I pray this message reaches millions upon millions.
I am so thankful you are here too! You are quickly becoming one of my favorite online pastors! You and JD! Thanks for all you do!
Thank you for not being quiet over such sensitive issues.
Thank you.
I had a medical need abortion and it STILL haunts me after 40 years! Europe is being innundated with non Europeans and Islam is coming into power there because of ABORTION. The indigenous European women have been convinced that children "are a burdon" so their population is unable to sustain the work force.
JACK! Oh JACK , this miracle I did not know! I really want to reach through this phone so my arms may hug the life you now have, whoaaaaaa, PRAISING THE LORD that the enemy did not succeed in killing you. For now you live in California, and I'm in Florida, BUT NOT FOREVER! I expect to see you and the rest of us when we dine at The Lord's table.
Not all unwanted pregnancies are a result of sin. This blanket accusation seriously needs to end. There are plenty of married women who have abortions. That being said, it was so important when you said that God can forgive this, and those who have gone through this don't need to live with the guilt, as they are forgiven!
May Our GOD Almighty Bless And Protect YOU (and your family), Pastor Jack, IN His Mighty Way, today, and every day. Amen.
Amen!, but to add to that, for any non Christians that might watch this, if you don’t wanna get pregnant, there’s contraception 🤷🏻♂️
Pastor Jack can you or have you before discussed biblical views on birth control?
Sharing this for sure!! Thank you Jack! I'm so thankful that the attempt made by your mom did not work!!! God bless you over and over again!
Thank the Lord His plan prevailed over your mom’s! He looked out over eternity and saw all the people you’ve ministered to and had mercy on us all by saving you from death! Praise God!
Pastor Jack I really love how you are so passionate about the word of God! You have really helped me to understand the love of God for all humanity. Thank you for being my earthly example of how I should live as a Christian. IMHO…I think you are trailblazing the way for modern day pastors to follow! I will continue to pray for you and your ministry daily! God bless you Pastor Jack I’ve been waiting a long time to hear what you now teach!
I can not understand how a person who claims Christ can be pro abortion. Breaks my heart. Blessings
This was excellent! I can't wait to share. Thank you. And I'm SO grateful the Lord saved your life.
I watched a video of a doctor who, in his career, had performed over 2,000 abortions report to Congress that there is no medical condition that requires an abortion to be performed to save the mother’s life. He said that if the mother has a very serious condition that could kill her and she is pregnant, performing an abortion is actually more dangerous to the life of the mother than not performing it. This doctor no longer performed abortions and became a pro-life advocate.
So glad you are here. You are a blessing.
Saying only 1% of babies that endanger the mother is Generous…I believe it is 1% of 1%. I have heard testimony after testimony of couples and women saying Dr's have told them they are in danger or the child is terminally ill or has a defect and the Babies are born healthy!!! Anyone who has been told this should get another opinion and ask for Empirical Proof…and then pray about it.
Wonderfully presented Pastor Jack. What a mighty God we serve!
No pastor
I don't agree with you
We are to lay our life down for others.
The choice is dont get pregnant in the first place.
ABSOLUTELY RIGHT!! Thank you SO much for speaking up about this topic!!! God IS the maker and He has the ONLY say of when you can have or not have a baby!!!! He places that baby in the womb!! Amen Jack Hibbs!! Thank you thank you ! PRO LIFE ALWAYS✝️
This was truly powerful. Thank you Pastor Jack.