What Does the Bible Say About Gun Control?
Pastor Jack Hibbs tackles some of the hard-hitting topics of today’s culture in his new YouTube mini-series to help believers equip themselves to engage the culture for Christ. In this video, Pastor Jack examines what the Bible teaches about gun control.
Christians who truly care about the state of the Gospel and of the Church should not expect nonbelievers to lobby in their favor. Pastor Jack stresses how critical it is that believers are informed on what the Bible says about matters we face today, and that Christ followers vote their biblical values.
Ultimately, hope for change cannot be found in any country’s ruling class, but in Jesus Christ alone.
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We have freedom of religion not freedom of warship big difference.
Gun control is not the solution. In the Bible, the new testament says: "Husband is the head of his wife."
Jesus said: "Let him sell his coat & buy a sword." So when it comes to security, husband should be the one who
controlling @ home.
I am two minutes into this, and the only thing I've heard about the Bible is the quote about the Disciples being instructed to trade their cloaks for swords. The rest is glib statements of gun control law in the US. Not enough. Not near enough. What about loving our enemies? What about turning the other cheek? What about rendering unto Caesar what is his? What about, and I love this one, and wish it were discussed more widely, Matt. 5:39 "Resist not evil"? I don't think any of these forbid us to defend ourselves or our families, especially children, from violent criminals or evil governments. But I really wish videos like this would speak to these arguments.
When I gave my life to Jesus I was guided to destroy all my arms. You see I've used a knife and pepper spray to defend my life from being killed 2 times. I would also use pepper spray before using a gun. It works extremely well. If someone shoots me I know where I'm going. I surely never want to kill another human being ever unless absolutely nessessary. I do hope God loving people that choose to carry do just that. I just don't care for them anymore personally but if invited to a range I would go and enjoy. I have Jesus Christ and I'll put all my faith in him. If by chance someone tried to hurt my family then I surely would give my life to save them. You can protect the flesh all you want but I'm going to protect my soul as first priority. That's my choice. I do agree with the vid 100% though.
As someone from the UK its very interesting listening to these issues as we don't have a problem with guns in our country. I think for me the idea is the idea of gun control is the idea of damage restriction. A man with a knife or a stone could kill 3 to 4 people tops but a man with a gun could kill hundreds in a matter in minuets. As a christian I am against all kinds of weapons of war.
Its a big issue that you America have to work out. School shootings don't happen in the UK and its not non-christian to want people to lay down arms.
Gun control doesn't mean removal of all guns, it removes gun with high capacity. Also to prevent crazies from gun access, how about a mental check before purchase? How about mandatory trigger locks in which the key is only with the owner. How about keeping our guns at the local police station or national guard, check them out to hunt or target practice. This way there is no easy way for unauthorized access and use of guns.
Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.
Matthew 26:52 KJV
This is pure truth.
Trust me, from a man that lives in europe & is not allowed to have a knife, definitely not a gun & not even a pepperspray!
DO NOT GIVE UP YOUR right to bear arms America… or you are doomed, just like us!
These are AWESOME‼️‼️‼️ Share these, everyone! Thanks Pastor Jack!!!
Well said Pastor Jack
Amen! Thanks for speaking the commonsense, biblical truth. I respect Pastors that don't water down the truth, whether it be the Gospel or any other biblical principle.
As an Australian, who lives in a country that has gun control, it is hard for me to understand this way of thinking. We don't really have mass killings here because there are so few guns out in the community. It has saved many lives. I also think in this time of increasing, drug use, mental instability and rage, it is wise to keep guns away from people who might use them in a moment of rage and who might not normally be inclined to use weaponry.
We have had 2 opportunities to hand in guns that are unlicensed without prosecution. Our society has been safer for doing it. That doesn't mean there aren't still bad people who have guns out there, but it is minimal because our country has had the will to do it. Having said that, the US have encouraged people to have guns and so there are many more in the community. It would be a bigger job and would require a bigger will to push through the resistance. We didn't have a powerful gun lobby.
hand guns, fine. Rifles, great! military grade automatic rifles that shoot out hundreds of bulletts in a matter of minutes? That's more than just protecting your home. That's a disaster waiting to happen.
Thank you for posting
Everything is a weapon.
I love how Pastor Jack prays for those heading to the military service. He has a loving father's heart, a caring brother's heart, and his heart is truly one that beats for God and His purposes! God bless you, Pastor Jack!
Luke 22:36 Then said He unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.
Sword – not knife .
Tongue and hatred control
Thanks for the video. It made me see things on this debate that I hadn’t thought of.
Depends on who defines what the definition of "crazy" is, Pastor Jack.
I didn't know that verse in Luke. I read it in context and you are right. Thanks!
You’re awesome pastor Jack. Thanks for being bold enough to address this.
Best video I seen all year thank you
Logical thinking is a beautiful thing!
I can't like this video enough
Beautifully put
In the NKJV, Jesus says swords not knifes….
God bless
So true
Watching from Ireland 🙏🏼
Sword, he told them to buy a sword.
Well, as a Canadian where our guns are legislated, guess who's behind it? The globalists who want us disarmed so we can be taken over and they are winning. You are the final frontier, America. Do not let your second amendment be taken away from you! Then, I might add, what about the entire book of Esther? What saved the Jews from that wicked Hayman? The king's willingness to listen to Esther and allow her to have a decree written up to let the Jews have weapons so that they could defend themselves from certain annihilation.
SWORDS ! NOT KNIVES ! Where the spirit is, there is freedom! Here in europe they have "quaran-blocks" everywhere now to stop car/truck-jihad.
If i recall correctly, researchers found the 1500s had an aprox 100-fold rate of homicides compared to the 2000s. Ok, better medical treatment today and people died of infections we have antibiotics for now. Still though…. No AR15s and glocks back then.
Gun control is wrong wrong wrong.