What Establishes a Marriage According to the Bible?
Even though marriage ceremonies today look a lot different from those in biblical times, the nature of what makes a marriage hasn’t changed.
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I new it, I was always nervous or worried about this, keep trying to search for the answer, if my girlfriend and I feel like we are one and as bible says each other's helper we are considered married in God's eyes.
Probably the most clear, concise, to the point, and above all, scripturally accurate video of how the God finds the marriage process to be accomplished. Thanks for the video!
Sound doctrine, that being the Scriptures in the Old Testament and New Testament do not recognize the pagan license ritual being submitted to the state court houses. Therefore it should be very clear that gay marriage or LGBTQ plus marriages are not recognized in the Scriptures at all. These are pagan teachings that we see today unfolding in the court houses of the United States and God does not recognize these marriages at all. Once again marriage is a institution of God not man.
The court houses and the system governed by the state bars of lawyers and judges resembles everything of Roman theology. Marriage license in the courthouse is is an institution of Roman law and has “NOTHING “ to do with Christianity and the Scriptures in the Bible.
I'll still get married within the state but God is better than anything.
to say it all in a nutshell.
when two people decide to become a couple. bam there it is "a marriage"
simple as that.
Where can i find a pastor to marry us if we don't go to a physical church?
I asked God for a sign with my partner and i, and my name and my partners name were called together at a store.
I love you God. Please save my family.
I asked God for a sign with my partner and i, and my name and my partners name were called together at a store.
I love you God. Please save my family.
What therefore God has joined let no man seperate. One marriage one God one faith one baptism. Amen in Jesus name.❤
Coverture laws were the best days of civilization. We've lost our ways.
Is it biblical for the parents to dictate who i marry? And to deny my choice of a spouse
I love how he doesn't talk about the implications of the fact that the act of sex itself ratifies the marriage in the eyes of God. This has HUGE implications, but the American Christians aren't ready to deal with those yet.
It's defined by the creator AND HIJACKED BY THE STATE
A lot of mana are happy with this video,it the same for womens??,i dont knlw its it okey to fornicate before marriage,other wise how can i tell my daugther ghah its okey to have intimacy with her boyfriend if they are commintent bettwen thwm i think i need to understand, because this its something that some wolf ca take as a defend to be leaving in fornication and dont respect the gobermenta and laws as jesus said in the bible,we have to respect the law..i dont know im confused
As a foreign spouse I need to register my marriage legally in the government!
Thank you ❤
time stamp 1:40
we filled out the necessary paperwork to register with the State.
If God is the one who establishes marriage and it is good to have witnesses that also sees God handiwork to bring two people together. But then why would anyone get a false witness to approve the marriage? The false witness being the State, for the State says there is no God.
Is a courthouse marriage just as valid as a church ceremony before a minister?
Or are people in fornication if they just do a courthouse marriage without the church involved and go move together?
So there's no needing for a wedding ceremony?
Just curious, but why bother registering if it has no meaning?
So when a man writes a certificate of divorce can he just write It on a napkin? Or how does that work?
So technically there is nowhere in the Bible that says you to have to get married by a pastor, or in a church? I can’t think of any Bible verses that says so. So then a man and woman can just make a covenant of marriage with God and themselves. Otherwise I fear we may be relying on tradition and the law of men rather then God.
This information checks out with what is written in the Word. Zero mental gymnastics, just what was in the word. Thank you.
If there were no certificates why was Moses permitted to issue certificate of divorce in the wilderness because of the hardness of the divorcees heart. Seems reasonable there woulda been a certificate of marriage. Are a man and woman living together shacking up. Fornicating out of wedlock?
Why get married if marriage is no longer holy to Americans???
It scares away those women who are wife material! Why divorced singles want to remarry again if marriage is no longer HOLY to them???
So therefore fornication is not what we think it is. Cause a lot of people say you're not married so you're in fornication and by that they mean, you need to sign papers so show youre married, but if you and your spouse vow before God and make that covenant, you're no longer single but married and therefore you're not fornicating.
Like a building built without a set of standards it will fall down!