What Friend Surprises Job and Says Something Different • Wisdom (Episode 7)
In this episode, Tim and Jon try to tackle some of the glaring questions about the story of Job. They talk about the surprise friend, Elihu, who seems to show up out of nowhere towards the end of the story. They also spend some time discussing Job’s speech in chapter 28. There’s a lot to unpack in that chapter, and understanding it may give us clues as to what this book is all about. Finally the guys look at Job’s final showdown with God and how God responds to Job’s accusations of being unjust and unfair.
Show Music:
Defender Instrumental by Rosasharn Music
Blue Skies by Unwritten Stories
Flooded Meadows by Unwritten Stories
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@bibleproject By the way, nowhere in the text is Elihu referred to as a "friend" of Job as the title of your video implies. In fact, in Job 35:4, Elihu says that he will answer him (Job) "and your friends with you" (NASB). He makes a clear distinction that he is not part of their group of friends. Question: how did you come to conclude Elihu is Job's friend? What are you basing that assumption on exactly?
27:22 we are not the center of the universe. Amen.
24:24 this was so funny. I will have to check that out. I love how chill you both are and the humor you both add. Thank you.
Agape! ❤
Makes me think of that Jim Carrey movie BRUCE ALMIGHTY.
Bruce lacked the infinite wisdom of God Almighty to orchestrate and keep in order all these things we don't even know about, let alone understand the deeper workings of.
Like the scene where he made the moon bigger because he thought it looked bigger and more impressive, but the next day he's seeing severe global ramifications from it. Lol 😂🤣 🤣
Great point!
C'mon guys. God's obviously talking about a huge dinosaur and NOT a hippo.
It's because people have accepted the ideas of evolution that people have a hard time believing God himself about a creature HE made that clearly fits the definition of those big long neck dinosaurs
The middle almost reflects Job's suffering to the reader in that it seems painfully pointless …
For a breakthrough understanding of the Book of Job, read the novel "Where Do We Go Now, LORD? – Burke." Advanced.
A modern equivalent of Leviathan would be a Black Hole: not evil, but an encounter would be one-sided and end badly for you.
There’s instrumental breaks? What is this a charismatic church?
I live in america now yall
may we seek Your ways Lord and know that we will be fine even if we don't understand everything at all times!
Thanks guys ❤. I’m in chapters 28. Went to the movies today and saw, “The Shift”. A Job like movie by Angel studios.
I use Bible project before I read my next book in the Bible. Very helpful and informative
34:01 About the Behemoth. I suggest to Google Image search: "Klatt Andrewsarchus". Kinda cool isn't it?
Why is it that Job is regarded as a winner in the end? His kids are dead. How can he be regarded as restored?
Could it be that the monsters are a call to consider the spiritual world? These monsters played significant spiritual roles in the cultures surrounding Israel, and Leviathan in revelation is HaSatan AKA the instigator of the tragedies in Job
Why weren't humans around with dinos? That doesn't make sense
Human footprints are found in dinosaur tracks in Texas and other places around the globe.
Obviously you both have bought into the Darwin , evolution millions of years nonsense.
The planet is less than 7,000 years old just as the Bible says.
The triceratop that was just discovered, has pliable elastic skin with blood vessels intact is really all the proof you need, if the simple math and the planets population wasn't enough.
Any biologists will confirm this would not be possible after 15,000 years , let alone millions.
And furthermore this dinosaur was found in a shallow fossilized grave , less than 4 feet deep in the desert. Hardly perfect conditions to find pliable tissue.
For two people who try to come across as scholars , your similarities to Job are nearly a mirror image.
Arrogance and Pride are joined at the hip.
You should be very careful mocking God !
Here you've just proved that we are not in control of the created living creatures, so who was really created on the 6th day because they were bestowed the power to rule over the created living creatures on the land, in the sea and air?
7:39 whyyyyyy
Would God allow you to suffer because He knows others will benefit by your suffering? I mean maybe God knows your suffering will be documented in a book so that it benefits all who study it…. I wonder if Job looking back on his suffering thousands of years later having perfect knowledge of all that have benefited from his suffering would agree to go through it all again knowing it’s benefit? Selfless love is sacrificial love. I see that in Job.
The part about wisdom been so hard to find reminds me Proverbs where wisdom is out in public spaces calling people to acquire it. This reminds me of NT where we see that without the Holy Spirit we can't understand God's salvation.
While I was attentively watching this video, a divine revelation came to me. My key insight is that faithfully serving and trusting God does not always guarantee a life free of suffering in this world, as we inhabit a broken world (Romans 8:20-22) and cannot fully comprehend God's ways (Isaiah 55:8-9). Nonetheless, my spirit clings strongly to the Word of God, which assures us that His plan for us is always good (Jeremiah 29:11). This conviction leads me to understand that although I may not be exempt from earthly suffering and pain while serving God, I can undoubtedly expect to experience the goodness of God in heaven (Psalm 31:19) as long as I remain steadfast in my trust and service to Him (1 Corinthians 15:58). Heaven is our ultimate goal to experience all of God's goodness
I really enjoy the banter between the both of you. Keep up the great work 👍🏼
Actually Elihu was there when the three friends were condemning Job thats why he was angry, and he didnt talk because he was either a teen or a boy so he obeyed Gods commands by not speaking over his elders. Job 32, People in the comments if your trying to understand a story you have to read. From the words and comments you guys are saying it seems as if you guys are either over reading sentences or just not reading at all. Job was not some test subject to God, if you are a true follower you will be aware of the story of Joseph and how it says " For you, you intended it for my evil but God intended it for my good" Genesis 50:20 God is the same, he never changes Malachi 3:6 an most of all God IS love 1 John 4:8
I really enjoy your podcasts, Tim and Jon. Thank you for all you do. After doing a deep dive into the Book of Job, I would like to present a consideration for the character of Elihu. Have you ever thought that he is an evil, wicked character in this story? There are examples I can point out, but I am wondering your thoughts. First of all, Elihu accuses Job (a lot) like someone else in this story (chapter 1 & 2). Elihu also accuses Job of adding rebellion to his "sin" (Job 34:37) – but what "sin" is Elihu referring to exactly? In the context of this story, God Himself states that Job is blameless from the outset. So for this ordeal in Job's life, what "sin" is Job adding rebellion to? I agree with other comments about Elihu ultimately being "wrong" in his conclusions – but then how can you not consider he is completely evil? He does, after all, claim he is "perfect in knowledge" TWO different times. I love both of your thoughtful minds, so if you can, please share your thoughts. Thank you!
Alas you guys are moving further and further from believing the simple truth of scripture and trying more each episode to fit in with the world's anti-god understanding of everything. I've been following you from the start but now I unsubscribe.
Elihu wasn’t there but he just showed up!!!!! So who is this Elihu? Someone told me he speaks like Jesus into Job’s situation! Wow! How can Jesus pop up as a friend surprise in Job many years before Jesus was even born!!!!!
He is chapter 32- chapter 37!!!
A very long speech!
He is long-winded! Elihu tells Job don’t accuse God of being wrong and cruel! He says Jobs friends are wrong judging Job.
And says God might send things as a form of discipline, warning, prepare for trouble. A broader set of reasons, shaping your character, through adversity or some larger reason for the suffering.
Our suffering does not question God’s justice. No. God is just.
Ch 28: Tone change. Different. Sounds like it may not be Job here but the narrator!!! A remarkable poem.
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Rhino was the unicorn and dinosaurs were destroyed by the flood. I believe the Bible over rock carbon dating
59:14 ‘Dogs can’t learn algebra, and we can’t mine for wisdom. Human beings are not in a position to have a divine vantage point to declare wether God is just or unjust.’ This part of the podcast speaks to me. As to understand that I can’t understand 😅. The book of Job has a lot of analogy’s and I guess different analogy’s would speak to different people. That one really spoke to me. 😊
I have really enjoyed this conversation. Thank you for doing this!
Great discussion. Did feel disappointed when you seemed to be indicating that Creation was over a long period ('early' man etc) because that means death was introduced before the fall of Adam and Eve. Also, I believe the best explanation for losing 90% of the animals several thousand years ago would be the flood.
This was awesome I gotta go back and listen to the other episodes again
My theory on behemoth is that it is an elephant. The 'tail' is the trunk. We'll see.
I can’t believe I’m hearing old earth, evolution theory fit into the understanding of Job!