What Is the Alt-Right? | 5 Minute Video
What is the alt-right? What is its worldview? How big is it? Michael Knowles, bestselling author and host of The Michael Knowles Show, took a deep dive into alt-right culture. Here’s what he learned.
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What is the alt-right?
Everybody has an opinion about it, but nobody seems to know exactly what
it is. So, I took it upon myself to find out.
I took a deep dive into alt-right culture. I read their books, listened to their podcasts, watched their videos, followed their blogs, and spoke personally to their leaders.
Here’s what I learned:
First, they’re really small… like, your high school reunion small. That “big”
national alt-right gathering in Charlottesville, in August 2017? Yeah—that
attracted all of about 600 people…and that’s on the high end of estimates. And that infamous torch rally on the evening of August 11? There were maybe 100 tiki-torch carriers.
But however small it is, the alt-right does have a belief system—a worldview. It’s right there, in their name. The alt in “alt-right” means “alternative.” The alt-right is an alternative to American conservatism.
So, it’s no surprise then that the alt-right has far more in common with the
left—another alternative to conservatism— than it does with the traditional American right.
Let me try to untangle this.
Both the left and the alt-right are obsessed with race and identity politics—the belief that a person’s value is linked to their racial heritage. The left wants special status for racial and ethnic minorities. The alt-right
wants special status for the racial and ethnic majority.
Since America, according to the alt-right, was founded by white Europeans, and was built by white Europeans, it should belong to white Europeans. America’s success, in their view, is a product of race and geography—or, as the alt-right likes to put it, of blood and soil.
So, in the alt-right’s view, the moral ideals of the American Founders—like,
“all men are created equal”— are naive and misguided.
The man who coined the term “alt-right” is a white nationalist named Richard Spencer, who runs alternativeright.com as well as the National Policy Institute, the self-described think tank of the alt-right. According to Spencer, the movement is “dedicated to the heritage, identity, and future of people of European descent in the United States.”
Jared Taylor, the editor of the white identity website American Renaissance, holds that, “Any attempt to create a society in which race can be made not to matter will fail.”
Other alt-right leaders include:
Sam Francis, the late syndicated columnist and forefather of the movement who famously called for a “white racial consciousness.”
Theodore Beale, the blogger known as Vox Day, who, in his manifesto, “What is the Alt-Right” cites the white nationalist motto, “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”
And Paul Ramsey, a white nationalist who produced and starred in a video entitled, “Is It Wrong Not to Feel Sad about the Holocaust?”
Another area of agreement between the alt-right and the left is that both ultimately reject God. The alt-right admires Christendom for uniting the European continent, but rejects Christianity for its offer of salvation to all people, irrespective of race. The movement’s favorite philosopher—just like the Nazis of yesteryear—is Friedrich Nietzsche, who famously claimed, “God is dead.”
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/what-alt-right

A "pioneer spirit" isn't uniquely American. Neither is the idealisation of the individual, which I would argue isn't the focus of the right either (with catchphrases like "fighting for the nation" when loving veterans). I wouldn't argue it's something the alt-right and left have in common. All groups try to centre in the big and then the small – a spaniard trying to learn about US politics
Their views are much closer to that of the Founders.
I agree with this video well said 💯
This guy Michael Knowles is promoting Anti-Pagan propaganda in 2024. While Nick Fuentes(who I despise) wants us all put to death, Knowles is a little more professional in his delivery, however make no mistake that Knowles probably supports a Christian theocracy for the U.S.A. and would agree with Nick on the death penalty for pagans and occultists behind closed doors. Whatever disdain you may have had for the "alt-right" you should have at least the same amount, if not more for those promoting Christian Nationalism.
Nietzsche talked about those values to
“Let me try to untangle this” Lmfaoo sure! Good luck with that
This guy is just promoting horseshoe theory
Ofc, PragerU thinks the idea of any one group of ppl having a native homeland is an awful, barbaric ‘left wing’ value
…until it’s time to waste billions of $$ and millions of young American lives, securing Israel for the jews
Welcome to Doublethink 101.
Today’s lesson: far-right=left.
Nope the Alt Right is nothing like the Left.
so its leftism for white supremacists basically
It’s you clowns
Not mentioning Paul Gottfried and Hans Herman-Hoppe is pretty deceptive.
“Party like it’s 1933 . . . “
Whites have recessive genes. Having laws in place to protect themselevs makes sense. Considering they will be wiped out in 100 years due to race mixing, perhaps they need protections.
Michael Knowles in 2023 literally sounds like a Christian nationalist, so I find it hysterical that he's desperately trying to separate himself from the alt-right in this video.
Like yeah, he's not Richard Spencer and he's not Nick Fuentes, but he's about as extreme right-wing as you can get in terms of like…mainstream political commentators go.
I've been an Atheist for 40 years, and I'm neither right nor left, but rather a centrist, which is where the U.S. Constitution was supposed to place the nation. Sadly, both right and left/Democrat and Republican, have supported an irrational interpretation of the Constitution that has allowed the fed gov to grow far beyond it's proper boundaries since 1936. But nobody wants to talk about that.
Only the right cares about the individuals. Yeah, explain all the hatred then. The left works very hard to protecting individuals from the right especially the politics such as overturning roe versus Wade.
Apparently people on the right love the individual so much that they're taking away your bodily autonomy.
"the old ride has less in common with the right then the left."
Bro, keep lying. They are extremely conservative that's why they're on the right. They are racist, that's why they're on the right.
They are exactly like you, except they're brave enough to say the silent part out loud. They do not hide their hatred, sexism, or bigotry.
"There are very few people on the alt right, just a few hundred perhaps."
Bro, keep lying. There is plenty. A lot of them are found inside of the ranks of the right. They get their education and their talking points from people like you and people like Carl tuckerson.
Thanks for the video.
It would be a better idea to title this video something like “Similarities Between the Alt-Right and the Left Wing” rather than “What is the Alt-Right?”, in my opinion. The video focuses more on using the left wing to explain the alt-right than just… the alt-right to explain the alt-right.
He have a very critical view of the alt right or a very naive view about what conservatism is.
To put it simply. The reason conservatives lose consistently in America is because of this: Their warped view of individualism.
Society is a collective, and a nation is a people, not just a bunch of individuals
There’s no such thing as “far-right,” there’s only far-left.
The reactionary Christcucks are really beginning to peak their ugly heads.
The alt right are the skinheads, klansmen, and conspiracy theorists. You're right that they're small, the reason people are so angry at them is how much undue influence they have over the right.
The Alt-right are who the left should actually be calling Fascists – not Conservatives who are moderate.
Did they imply Democrats don't believe in God?