What Is the BLM Movement Doing With China? | Mike Gonzalez on American Thought Leaders
Mike Gonzalez joined Epoch Times’ “American Thought Leaders,” Friday, September 25, to talk about the latest on China and the Black Lives Matter movement, the Chinese connection to the movement, and why China is actively supporting unrest in American cities.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMSpyhaV-k4&t=2s
Mike Gonzalez, senior fellow at the Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy, spent close to 20 years as a journalist, 15 of them reporting from Europe, Asia and Latin America. He left journalism to join the administration of President George W. Bush, where he was speechwriter for Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox before moving on to the State Departmentβs European Bureau, where he wrote speeches and Op-Eds.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/mike-gonzalez
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Everytime I mention that the radical left are destabilizing America intentionally via a Maoist cultural revolution strategy I'm told that im being hyperbolic. They are literally using maos techniques of destroying the 4 olds as Mao called it. Old ideas, old customs, old ideas, and old cultures. Hence the toppling of statues, the open endorsement of hatred for America and the west, the rewriting of history, the destruction of paintings, the changing of language, everything is under coordinated assault, even in Europe they are collapsing under the same radicalism. People are wondering why the left wants to disarm the population, to defund the police, it's all an attempt to destabilize and demoralize the citizenry. If America falls, the west falls, and the russians and Chinese will seize that opportunity to seize our lands and resources and we will be led into re-education camps. China will most likely be the leader of the new empire, and if that doesn't concern you, you aren't familiar with how China rules. Critical race theory is neo marxism with post modern principles designed to tear our society apart.
BLM = manipulation of cultural symbols
Ok! Is this the new spin that the US government is going with? China is only reciprocating what the US was doing in HK so what's the problem? 2 can play this game! KARMA IS A B@TCH Y'ALL
Land of the free for whom?
Down with the NED!
The BLM Global Organization that is raising funds through donations has nothing to do with the BLM Movement. This is a front for political organizations to use to launder their so called "dark money". It's just the normal process of using black pain and black struggle to the benefit of everyone except black people. Congratulations though on not calling it the BLM/Antifa Global Organization.
Lefty loosey, Righty tighty. That's all you have to remember in regards to party affiliation… And it's becoming crystal clear lately just how loose they are. Definitely in the screw department.
Lamed Vav
Communisism not good for any country. It's corruption corruption and corrupted world. It just doesn't work. Country will become a gangsta state.
This foundation is so pathetic. Full with Conservative ideas but nevermind that, you basically like to shift the blame for what is wrong with America to other countries especially China. How pathetic. Reform the police first and oh yeah, Trump was a failure btw.
USA is acting like they are so innocent. Bombing middle East, funding terrorism, overthrow government, US homeless problem, Illegal immigrants concentration camp and many other nasty history of yours. Committed genocide toward Native Indians. So much innocent and now wanting to shift the blame on China bc the empire is crumbling
Chinese Progressive Association should be treated as a spy agency of Communist China and outlawed, their assets confiscated.
BLM leader's ideology of "smashing capitalism" is eerily ironic. During their "protests" they destroyed small businesses while benefitting from the money of the real culprits, large corporations. Small businesses are the mainstay of a free society.
Thank You! ! ! !
Anyone remember the "McCarthy" era? ??!!!!!???
semantic manipulation, naming conventions are deflective and very dishonest.
CCP Ties to BLM / https://rumble.com/vauw4j-chinese-communist-party-ties-to-black-lives-matter.html
FBI ALERT: COMMUNISTS IN THEIR OWN WORDS TAKE CREDIT FOR RIOTS IN EXPLOSIVE THREE MINUTE VIDEO (MUST SEE) / https://rairfoundation.com/fbi-alert-communists-in-their-own-words-take-credit-for-riots-in-explosive-three-minute-video-must-see/
INDISPUTABLE EVIDENCE: NEW VIDEO TIES BLACK LIVES MATTER TO FOREIGN COMMUNIST AND TERROR ORGANIZATIONS (WATCH) / https://rairfoundation.com/indisputable-evidence-new-video-ties-black-lives-matter-to-foreign-communist-and-terror-organizations-watch/
China is NOT the Deep State. It goes even deeper. Research pictures of Mao's advisers and who they were. He DIDNT start communism in china alone. He was just the poster boy puppet.
People should do research on a old organization called weather underground. They remind me of ANTIFA and BLM.
BLM is a Marxist Organization whose stated Goal is the Destruction of the USA! BLM's Leadership practice Santeria and Voodoo; they are Satanic Witches! BLM's have stated on numerous occasions "Give Us what We want or We will Burn it all down"! How is that Racial Equality? BLM is now found out to be receiving Their Orders and Money from the Communist Red Chinese! BLM and their Supporters are Agents of a Foreign Hostile Government! These are Traitors and should be treated as such!
Trump, Putin, Kim, Xi…….These are INTERNATIONAL CRIMINALS
ccp can gobble me UP!LOL
To insinuate that African Americans are working with ccp; is like a Black voter having voted for Nixon, when America "SOLD US OUT" right after that.smh
So if we all know this…. and we do….you also know that the FBI, CIA, NSA,DOJ,NHS, the pentagon, etc…. know this. So WHY ARE THEY ALLOWING IT TO CONTINUE???
Solving the economic educational disparity will bring unity again. Our culture worships material success above all else. Wall Street Journal states 5 percent owns 80 percent of nations wealth. Politicians enrich themselves in office and work for corporate interest. Those disenfranchised turn to drugs causing dropout attitudes; so letβs get busy and invest in people stopping cultural decay and return to Christ calling Michigan
If we don't do something China's military will be sitting on our soil because of democratic politicians!!!
A shout out of thanks to Mike Gonzalez for exposing the BLM and all its intricate worldwide connections to global communism and the Chinese Communist Party in particular. We need more top notch investigative journalists like Mike Gonzalez.
blm is marxist and ccp will "smile" on anything that smells like communism…
BLM = Treasonous CCP Sycophant! Nuke BLM radicals!!! ππππ₯π₯π₯π₯π₯πΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈπΊπΈββββπ€¬π€¬π€¬π‘π‘π‘ππππ₯πΊπΈβ