What Makes Critical Race Theory So Harmful to Our Society?
Chris Rufo breaks the issues that Critical Race Theory poses to our society while exposing the ideologies and beliefs that make up its core — and why they wouldn’t actually lead to racial equality.
Watch the full event, here: The New Intolerance: Critical Race Theory and Its Grip on America: https://youtu.be/imWcoo-2NYo
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It's time for southern poverty law center leaders and key members to be apprehended by the US military.
When an organization is involved in activities that are so nefarious, it no longer becomes a concern for law enforcement, but rather for the military.
While CRT finds its roots in Marxism, the Nazis used CRT in their philosophy as well. Slavs, Russians, Blacks and other races were considered to be inferior to the Arians and measures were taken to insure the "purity" of this race. Another point about CRT is the fact that it is so easily disproven. All you have to do is to get up every morning, go out and live your life as you normally would, interacting with people, organizations, businesses and institutions over time. You will see that race is NOT critical to the functioning of our society and in fact is prohibited by things like the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment and other civil rights laws and societal norms in place for years.
Question: what has Chris Rufo done to advance racial justice? Answer: nothing. He is not about that work. So how would he know anything about what will work? Plus, most of his description of CRT is pure lies.
You say alot of words & phrases that say nothing. Just because you read the dictionary doesn't mean you've got all the answers.
CRT is a shit test. Who will go for the wrecking of the nation?
No one ever addresses the real problems that most want to blames racism on. No fathers in the homes. No discipline. No consequences for bad behavior. No thoughts about frivolous spending of politicians in their districts rather than addressing the issues within poor neighborhoods. Etc. This is all a part of keeping a narrative alive to keep some kind of relevence of their positions. Making their constituents take on the victim mentality works very well for them.
Technically, CRT is already being taught "sort of" – its called American History (and some may even slip CRT into the curriculum of an already established history class just to get away with it). Problem is, most history teachers don't cover the important things in our history and only choose specific things in our history as a part of a hidden agenda. Our own members of congress are systematically changing our country to be unrecognizable. If they really had their way – what would stop them from changing the names of EVERYTHING in Washington DC – to include the name of the city. Change the name of everything in DC that were named after men of their time who happen to have owned slaves. DO you know how much time and money would need to be spent to make the changes people would come up with in a country who already has a huge deficit as well as who have American people who need to have current legislation on making their lives better to love now rather than dwelling on the people in our American past that they think were so terrible that they cannot live while statues and such remain in existence. So frivolous. The only thing that is being done nowadays is an effort to continually divide the races. These people have nothing better to do. We all know without a shadow of a doubt that slavery was wrong, but for the sake of those who had to endure it – we need to keep anything that reminds us of slavery in existence as a reminder to never repeat history and to always remember those who died and suffered from it. If you remove Confederate statues and such from existence, then there's no reason to talk about slavery. Remember, in any fight, there are always two parties. You take away one from existence and you have a confusing existence of place markers in history that you cannot explain anything to your children about because they will be gone and therefore relived of their horrid actions in the minds of the learning public.
" the only way to get out of poverty is to work" is not the only way to get out of poverty. A lot of rich people don't even have a personal income.
CRT reveals shit like redlining
Senator Rick Scott puts Washington’s MASSIVE overspending in context in an exciting new animated series we’re rolling out this summer: https://youtu.be/xMmtONro0XI
As if gadgets and cars would give real dignity and equality! To deny that race is a white social construct and perspective and that it historically impregnates all institutions until today is simply denying the same reality we live in: a racist one, a divided one, where you can find more black people in prison, in poverty and with health issues. If we live in a meritocratic paradise how can you possibly explain that? Trying to explain saying that black and Latino people are that and this is the very essence of racism: to suppose that phenotype (differences of shape, color etc) has a social, cultural and behavior continuity.
Blacks have EVERY RIGHT to know EVERYTHING about the history of their enslavement in America.
If your subconsciously racist, that is not racist. If you have conscious racist thoughts, that is still not racist. Only when you take racist actions, your racist. That goes for any person regardless of their individual perceived racial identity. So yes, even those who claim to be anti-racist (CRT), and commit racist actions, are racist.
Systematic racism is alive and well today, but its not against people of color.
If " true" American history is the motivation behind CRT, why isn't the history of all races, that make up our society, being pushed? The answer is CRT has a racists agenda instead of an "all" inclusions one.
Wtf is anyone else gonna talk
It has no effect on school.
Because what this Hitler want to be liar is a dangerous liar.
Every time he steps out side the white bubble he is destroyed as a clueless CRT critic.
The current democrats are bringing a racist agenda with this just like the Ku Klux Klan. They're also being racist by tearing down statues of Confederacy-supporting democrat slaveowners like Robert E. Lee. They're bringing back the very racism that was 100% ended in 1964, so we need to stop critical race theory and Make America Great Again like it was in the 1950s.
So many lies & everyone just believe it. And your San Diego Comment, untrue. Shame on YOU.
People are terrified of accountability and so far all I have read about CRT is simple accountability. The only way it could be decisive if people with a vested interest in maintaining it convince people to make it about things that so far, I haven’t gather that it is.
Whoaaaaa what a good point about that simply being the excitement of destruction and revenge 😯😯😯😯
How does this theory work in places where universal rules must apply? (Electrical wiring in houses, traffic laws, accepted pitch and interval of public stairwells?) All races have a hand in these rules, so…I forgot what my observation was going to be.
Propaganda foundation
So not teaching CRT makes the country stay at peace while racism still powers on all over the country? No wonder there's so many problems in America and all over the world!
Critical theory in general is real. That’s been studied for some time now. Who’s history are people studying???
A wise man once said what I truly feel about the goon claiming to know what CRT is in this video: “what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I've ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response was there anything that could even be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.”
They clearly do not understand the theory.
The wrong people at the table.
He threw in Marx, without substance. Can you say entitled.
Sources: Trust me bro
A generation from now Whites will no longer be the "majority". Then will ALL Americans be minorities, or will we ALL be just Americans? Racist Anti American Democrats need to stop with the race bating. Using skin color to drive a wedge between Americans is what Democrats have been doing for over 150 years.
Has CRT proposed any solutions to these problems that it sees? What do the CRT people propose as solutions? Have they proposed any???
Racist ppl will never admit it & dont wanna face it because they are use to benefiting from life as it is now
This video is a classic example of the kind of polarization that is tearing this nation, and perhaps the entire world apart. Issues such as social justice for African Americans, are brought to the front of our national attention, and political conservatives in the Republican Party see an opportunity to use the fears humans tend to have when the problems in a system are being confronted to further their party's influence. And what they do is to raise up every scary thing we humans can at times do when we decide to challenge the system's status quo. And certainly, we humans can and do do those destructive, frightening kinds of things, yet when our attempts to correct the flaws in the system get summarily shot down before any change can unfold, what developed on the political left is an equally extreme form of polarized politics, such as the eradication of free speech and the kind of enormously destructive kind of witch hunt judgmental-ism that we see in the Cancel Culture manifestations. It takes the selfish co-opting of the political right by deniers of the problems of our system on the one hand (via potently constructed scare tactics), and the we're not gonna talk anything out any more, we are just going to stage a revolution extremism by those co-opting the political left to bring us where we are at today. We all need to consciously try to hear each other out a lot more fully right now. That is the only sane and helpful thing we can do right now to hinder our human societies from following previous societies down the polarization whirlpool of toxic political extremes. We need to remember that both extreme right and extreme left politics always ends in genocide, and we need to fight polarization, not each other.
Critical race theory is an academic concept that is more than 40 years old. The core idea is that racism is a social construct, and that it is not merely the product of individual bias or prejudice, but also something embedded in legal systems and policies.
no one in this video accurately defined what C.R.T is or does.
If critical race theory is a "Theory" that means it can be disproven, so give as many ways to disprove it.
Could someone please spend a little time to teach some people pretending to be stupid or they don’t know. They need to understand the meaning of UNITED STATE OF AMERICA. This mean our greatest country will have the world 180 different cultures from all over the world. It’s a combination so everything could have differences. Simple methods. Could house sharing with 10 different kind of people in 10 different countries cultures without any conflicts of interest? Asking them those questions if they could answer? Could someone spend 30 minutes to explain to those people the meaning of UNITED? Ours greatest ancestors predicted and awareness of conflicts that’s why we have AMENDMENTS.
If you’re a government worker or a veteran that has applied for a government job your qualifications are based upon KSA = Knowledge, Skills, Ability.
DIE = Diversity, Inclusion, Equity (Equity is not the same as Equality) does nothing to prove an individual’s Knowledge, Skills and Ability to do the job.
If a company feels compelled to add a DIE hiring manager or change their company logo to rainbow colors to pander to the LGBTQ group or DIE group, it’s perceived as patronizing and thus that company may have had prior discriminatory hiring practices.
Bottom line…any public or private company that discriminates against a person’s race, religion, color, age, sexual orientation, political affiliation, economic status, veteran status or disability is in violation of State and Federal employment laws. KSA or DIE. Teach your children well.
Critical race theory starts with one truth that "race is a construct of society and is not found in nature. In other words we are all just plain old humans. This first statement invalidates all the other parts of the theory as they divide humanity into subgroups. Got to love it 🙂
Shove CRT up your racist segregating asses.