What the Alabama Ruling Means for IVF | Ep 955
Today we’re starting off with the news of last week’s Alabama Supreme Court ruling stating that frozen embryos outside the womb are indeed children. We cover what led to this decision and why it makes complete sense when looking at what frozen embryos actually are. We look at some of the backlash from those arguing that this ruling is the “end of IVF” and why we as pro-lifers need to adjust our thinking when it comes to surrogacy and IVF. Then, Fani Willis is the first female district attorney for Fulton County, Georgia, who came to fame when she launched an investigation against former President Donald Trump for attempting to overturn the election result in the state. Now, the case is in jeopardy because it was revealed that she had an affair with the lead prosecutor she hired for the case. We look at her embarrassing testimony as well the multiple churches that seem to be praising her to the point of sacrilege.
00:00 Intro
00:48 Merch & upcoming debate news
03:05 Alabama Supreme Court frozen embryo ruling
38:25 Fani Willis & church sermons
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WORLD: “In defense of the frozen children” https://wng.org/opinions/in-defense-of-the-frozen-children-1708429809
Daily Wire: “Fani Willis Started Relationship With Prosecutor Before Trump Case, Witness Testifies” https://www.dailywire.com/news/fani-willis-started-relationship-with-prosecutor-before-trump-case-witness-testifies
Relevant Episodes:
Ep 254 | Birth Control, IVF & Surrogacy
Ep 552 | “Big Fertility” & the Truth Behind The Surrogacy Industry | Guest: Jennifer Lahl
Ep 554 | IVF, Embryo Adoption, & Surrogacy: Answering the Hard Questions | Guest: Jennifer Lahl
Ep 659 | How the Fertility & Gender Industries Exploit Girls for Profit | Guest: Jennifer Lahl
Ep 482 | Children Have the Right to a Mom and a Dad | Guest: Katy Faust
Ep 887 | What Do We Do with Frozen Embryos? | Q&A
Ep 695 | Why Children’s Rights Trump Adults’ Feelings | Guest: Katy Faust
► Buy Allie’s book, “You’re Not Enough (& That’s Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love”: https://alliebethstuckey.com/book
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Catholics got this one right guys and gals….along with contraception.
I have a friend whose two children were via IVF and they are the most amazing kids! It would be good if you could interview people who have been through the process and done at the right way.
Thank you for all you do!
I think God can work through IVF if it is part of His plan for a couple to conceive a child that way.
hell yeah
Wow, I was with this until … “what one generation of our ancestors might have done”
I’ll be honest, I don’t think you have much right to publicly speak on this. Having a guest who is a little more involved in this topic would have been of more value.
Thank you for hitting this topic head on. PASTORS are not even touching it. I’ve been so disappointed seeing how many leaders tuck their tails in on the tough topics.
Eventually, the government will say that a miscarriage is against the law bc the mother must have done something to cause the discard of the embryo from her body.
If you don’t freeze the embryo prior to transfer, it will die.
Fresh embryo transfer is much less likely for successful implantation vs frozen embryo transfer.
Thank goodness Trump supports IVF.
An important question is WHY is the Protestant world silent or often for it, Allie. I think the primary answer is that it started with the Anglican’s acceptance of contraception (before that all of Christians- Catholic, Anglican, orthodox, and Protestant – were in complete agreement that contraception was disordered and immoral) and the disorder that comes
From that action. That denial of the proper use of the body is the root of everything.
I also think it is not correct to include some Catholics in this neutral or even pro ivf crowd. Those Catholics who say that are in disobedience of the Catholic Church’s teachings and stance which is clear on this.
Plenty of kids who need adopting are already born it’s crazy how people always forget about children in the system
I support right to life, I was ignorant of the Ivf process and neglect. Very eye opening. But what concerns me with the abortion ban, is all these woman with medical emergency such as ectopic pregnancies being left by the wayside! It’s very dangerous. And an argument for being created in Gods image and not being able to destroy human life could also be applied to the death penalty. The wording is very important in these rulings.
The catholic church is pretty clear about this issue. Why is it so murky for everyone?
I say this in love. First of all, not all christian conservatives are white. You are not even hearing your own bias. Please don’t generalize. Also Let’s not forget that #45 had multiple affairs, when asked what he and his daughter Invanka had in common said “sex”, disrespected women repeatedly, and continues to use his money, power and influence to push his agenda. The conservative “white” (your words) christian church which i assume you identify with says ‘well we aren’t voting for a Sunday school teacher but a leader who will fight for us.’ How is this not hypocritical?. None of us are perfect, we all fall short of His glory. That includes you, me, donald and this Fanny person you speak of. How the conservative church treats their hero and ‘saviour’ (Donald’s words) is no different than how the ‘’black” church is treating this Fanny person. One white christian pastor was asked who he would vote for – Donald or Jesus in a hypothetical match. He said Donald. This is outrageous. The church in general has a problem with idolatry, hypocrisy, pride and lack of humility on how we approach others – white, black, all. Please reflect upon this without being prideful as after all it’s all about being a true Christ follower. Why not pray for Fannie and the black church you are so upset about . Isn’t it souls for Christ we should be focused on. There was not an ounce of love in your piece on that woman – even if you are correct, I will leave you with this. I Corinthians – 13. ‘if I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.”
My baby who is now 5 was anonymously donated to me & my husband from a family in our fertility clinic who was done with their family size. He was on ice for years. In the meanwhile, I had been through 5 years of unsuccessful ivf because I had no eggs left! I’m so grateful that they decided to donate instead of destroying him or donating him to science! God knew we needed this child! We have an older son that is genetically ours. We love him so very much. I carried and delivered this beautiful gift 💝
I am a Christian and pro life, however , what logic is the embryos children. Egg and Sperm are met together , but they never had life or nutrients or growth from being even attached into the uterus. I like ally but she’s simply ignorant.
Very informative: you caught me up on a couple of current events and expanded my vocabulary. Admittedly I did look up kakistocracy to see if it's a real word. It is. Now I have to work on pronunciation without sounding like an idiot. Keep up the good work.
God does not want these women to have children, they must follow God's law. No IVF, it's not natural
Yikes! I hope you never struggle to get pregnant.
Thanks for addressing this topic but please be always sensitive to the women that are struggling with infertility. I can’t see you never struggled so it’s kind of easy go full force on that . I don’t want do ivf yet I’m trying to not go that route but it’s not easy 😢😢. It can be very hard season
I’m not sure I agree with you on the risk part. Do you believe women over 35 shouldn’t try to have a baby since they have a higher risk of miscarriage?
Allie, you have every right to your own opinion about IVF. Your claims in this podcast about frozen embryos and IVF are your opinions and not endorsed by all Christians. Please practice integrity by more precisely defining your role and authority, or more accurately lack thereof, within Christianity. Christianity includes about 2.5 Billion people. You have not been identified as someone to speak with any authority or responsibility about whether the Alabama ruling of frozen embyros is Christian or not. Frozen embyros are not ever mentioned in the Bible. You are a self-appointed spokesperson of Christianity. Your arrogance of appointing yourself to represent Christian thought beyond yourself is harmful.
Kiss the election goodbye. 💯
They test the embryos to say which ones are most likely to implant. It's not about testing which diseases they have.
It’s right wing bigots in Alabama causing problems!😮
I get so tired of this made in the image of God crap! So God made me with Cerebral Palsy and depression! So God allowed me to get weaker as i aged! So now i have to use a scooter!! Yea right!! I doubt God cared anything about how i was going to age as a lonely, disabled widower!!!!
Even separation of church and state was meant to keep the GOVERNMENT out of church. Everyone wants to use it incorrectly and don’t even realize it’s not in any official documents, just letters 🤦🏾♀️ the idea still stands though in the Bill of Rights in the First Amendment… stay out of our religious freedoms crappy government
A lot of people are also neglecting the reason for the ruling: the 3 couples who lost their children because of a psychotic patient who went into the cryogenic freezer and destroyed them. This ruling gave rights to the parents under the minor child act. It is justice.
Research shows a possibility of more than half of the couples who seek IVF haven’t sought other methods. Fix your endocrine system first!!
it’s not Christian and Catholic it’s Protestant and Catholic. We’re both Christian.
Omg your hair looks so good! ❤
I’ve never been a supporter of IVF for the reason that the practice is playing God. It is creating another human life with technology and everything about it crosses the line.
My husband and I struggled with fertility for 2 years. We never once considered IVF. God is the giver of life. He opens and closes the womb. After 2 years, we finally conceived naturally, and 2 more times since then, each 4 years apart. We have 3 children, 1 was lost through miscarriage. I just think human life is too precious to be tampered with in a lab. Adoption is also an alternative to those who do not conceive. Thank you for speaking out on this.
My sister did IVF after 2 miscarriages she most likely would not have been able to have a child without it. So I can see the benefits to it and how God can actually use this in a positive way. I actually was really ignorant to how this process worked and she filled me in on the whole process. It is fascinating that she has 3 other embryos. I honestly don’t think people know much about this or even understand how it works. When you learn about the details of it all it actually can become quite controversial but at the same time such a blessing. Maybe there needs to be alot more regulations around it not necessarily put it to an end as many people need this to conceive. With all that being said I think that the only people that would truly appreciate this process and see it as a blessing are those that struggle with infertility and have to live with that on a day to day basis. Until you are that person one would not fully understand the blessing that IVF could actually be.
A friend of mine, who is a white male, after 12 years of service, was recently denied a promotion in a DC city government organization. His superiors, all black females, elected to bring in an outsider (also a black female) to fill the role. Sad thing is that my friend, who happens to be left-leaning, although he feels the injustice of what was done, will not acknowledge the possibility of race having been a factor in the decision. Blows my mind. One of the few competent individuals there, he will soon leave the organization.