What the Idea of “Holiness” Means in the Bible
In this video, we explore the paradox that God’s holiness presents to human beings. God is the unique and set-apart Creator of all reality and the author of all goodness. However, that goodness can become dangerous to humans who are mortal and morally corrupt. Ultimately, this paradox is resolved by Jesus, who embodies God’s holiness that comes to heal His creation.
#Holy #BibleProject #BibleVideo
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If god can't control that holiness how can we expect him to care for humans. Why can't he actually be a father to mankind for once.
i love this by the way this is her doughter
Of course God is dangerous. But to be with God should not be dangerous. Learn to trust God. And not fear God.
Is God safe? NO! But He's good!
You guys have kept me in faith for like 3 years. I appreciate the love, God bless you all!
Jesus is the Savior, God in human flesh. He is not half God and half man. He is fully divine and fully man. In other words, Jesus has two distinct natures: divine and human. Jesus is the Word who was God and was with God and was made flesh (John 1:1, 14). This means that in the single person of Jesus he has both a human and divine nature, God and man. The divine nature was not changed when the Word became flesh (John 1:1, 14). Instead, the Word was joined with humanity (Col. 2:9). Jesus’ divine nature was not altered. Also, Jesus is not merely a man who “had God within Him,” nor is he a man who “manifested the God principle.” He is God in flesh, the second person of the Trinity. “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word,” (Heb. 1:3). Jesus’ two natures are not “mixed together” (Eutychianism), nor are they combined into a new God-man nature (Monophysitism). They are separate yet act as a unit in the one person of Jesus. This is called the Hypostatic Union.
I'm sorry the light is soooooo beautiful
Romans 3:23/24
23-for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,
Seraphin has 6 wings.
Leviticus is not a fav book, quite boring.
Getting married with your dream girl.
This is very beautiful!
Thank you the BP crew for taking their time to produce such content. Praise God for being the living and purifying temple and river that purifies us impure sinners and teaching us to do the same. Gives more value and purpose.
That was so inspiring. Praise God for such a vid but mainly for being the refreshing water and living temple that brings life and purity to the spiritually dead and impure and empowering us to do the same. That's powerful and also gives us more purpose and value to our Christian walk. Thank the BP crew and hosts for using their God given talents to produce such content.
NO NEED FOR CHURCHES! Wherever you wanna kneel (albeit in private) and pray that’s the temple. When you spend your days dwelling in the love of the son and the father and the Holy Spirit!
The Lord says “ I am the LORD who makes you holy”
Jesus is so Holy He’s incomprehensibl
"If you are impure his presence is dangerous to you and not because its bad but its soo good"👈This hit me hard you gus are really good at explaining
It depends on which side your on
Water creates holes a good everywhere water go everywhere
"God's presence" and "impurity" – "ritual purity" is a man-made convention, stemming from our concepts of god being stimulated by thinking the various forces of nature were god. (Known as god-of-the-gaps where if we can't explain what or why it happened, it must have been god who did it.) Initially, we believed that these gods were angry, and that we had to appease them with offerings of things we valued. The Old Testament is full of this god concept.
But that's not the real God. A being capable of making the universe of universes is at the center of all the universes, on the Central Isle of Paradise.
As the kingdom of heaven is within, (and God is in his kingdom), wherever we are, God is too, as a spirit fragment. We're always in his presence, (and it is not deadly).
I've got nothing against being "pure", (which is highly subjective and usually completely unattainable), but I'd rather be on the road to becoming more perfect every day, with the help of that kingdom of heaven within (also known as a Thought Adjuster).
I always learned that "holy" meant "separated appart", not "unique".
New concept of holiness in the Bible is that when you will be resurrected in the second life and have the holy spirit in you and you will be able to travel the endless space and build your own solarsystem and the ability to have a physical body and a spiritual form and not need to have a spaceship to travel from one system to another and live forever
Of cause God is dangerous. Just look at what he has allowed to happen to Jews since they murdered his son.
1:22 Which the saying goes too much of a good thing is bad for you
Religion has killed more people than all wars and diseases combined
Bless you all so further glory holy he so further gladly so
The El certain holy terror
„Holy“ is a quality possessed inherently by Jehovah; a state of absolute moral purity and sacredness. (Ex 28:36; 1Sa 2:2; Pr 9:10; Isa 6:3) When referring to humans (Ex 19:6; 2Ki 4:9), animals (Nu 18:17), things (Ex 28:38; 30:25; Le 27:14), places (Ex 3:5; Isa 27:13), time periods (Ex 16:23; Le 25:12), and activities (Ex 36:4), the original Hebrew word conveys the thought of separateness, exclusiveness, or sanctification to the holy God; a state of being set aside for Jehovah’s service. In the Christian Greek Scriptures, the words rendered “holy” and “holiness” likewise denote separation to God. The words are also used to refer to purity in one’s personal conduct.—Mr 6:20; 2Co 7:1; 1Pe 1:15, 16.
Very good topic!!
I strongly doubt it means kill each other over a patch of worthless desert.
Damn straight Satan broke that ass in God never thought the Heavenly court would turn on his ass when she say don’t need it SHE DONT NEED IT….He never knew that Power could’ve existed b4 her….hahahahhehhe
God is very very dangerous in fact the Ark of the Covenant is one of the most powerful earth artifacts in his arsenal Amen.
Jesus is the coal of the fire purifying our lost souls. 1John3:23 sums up Christianity. 1946themovie proves the Bible is not anti-gay. It’s clearly anti-hate.
BP never answers their clickbait questions. Its taken me years to learn that I'm embarrassed to say- but I will answer this one. Is God dangerous. YES, HE IS. Look at the monster tornados. Try to look at the sun. He is also holy- a spirit that can take on any form and do anything.
Thank you so much😮My mouth is still wide open, you guys are blessed for making these videos and making the Bible easier to understand. God bless you❤
Thank you Bible Project for the teaching and dip interpretation of God words.📖
Now I understand why Jesus said out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water.
Very well explained! Puts Holiness into a whole new perspective, as well as one's' understanding of God Himself!
I have just noticed something. This is just a thought that just come to me when I was thinking about scripture, But I feel that it is right.
What if there is far more to God's wraith then just punishment for sin. Ok I have assumed you have watched this video. In scripture the presence of God himself, Destroys all sin around him, Like an all consuming fire of pure Glory and Righteousness, right? What if the lake of fire is far more then just a punishment from God for sin. God created us to display the Glory Majesty and Love of God. We were made to be in a relation ship with God.If you remember in the story it talked about how the cole takes away sin, and unlike other things that touch the unclean and sinful the cole does not become sinful and unclean, but rather it transfers it's cleanness to the sinful. This cole is a symbol for Jesus the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. And through the cole(Jesus) Isaiah (Believers in the messiah) is able to stand in the presence of God. As we both know it is not us that are going to where God is in heaven, But to God is coming to us on Earth to create the New Earth and his kingdom in the city of Jerusalem. But when God returns it says that God will fill the Whole world, and he will be with us always right. But if he is in the whole world then everyone will experience God and his radiance, Both believers and non believers. But unlike the believers they do not have there sins atoned for and taken away, So they perish in God's pressence. If this is true while the lake of fire is a punishment for sin since God is perfectly just, It is not a punishment out of hatred , but out of love and a desire to be with his creations.
This says a lot of how much holiness does to make things better in a thriving and prosperous state of being.
It’s too much to handle for imperfect beings but isn’t infeasible to achieve when guided into the proper light
Thank God for your explanation and visualisation.
Holliness, isn't it has something to do with separation as well? To be separated, called out to be God's owned?
God bless everyone on here❤🙏
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