What Unites Americans?
Americans come from every corner of the globe. We represent every race, every ethnicity, and every religion. So what brings us all together? Bobby Jindal, former governor of Louisiana, answers this key question.
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Americans come from every corner of the globe.
We represent every race, every ethnicity, every religion.
So, what unifies us?
Two things.
And history.
How can history unify us if we come from so many different places?
My parents illustrate my point.
They came from India and settled in the rural south. You don’t get much further away from your ethnic origins than that.
Like generations of immigrants before them, my parents, my brother and I studied the inspiring stories of the Mayflower, the Boston Tea Party, the settling of the West; the personal stories and struggles of great American men and women.
We fully adopted American history as our own.
My friend, Dennis Prager, has a good way of expressing this. He says he has two historical fathers: Abraham, the father of the Jewish people, and George Washington, the father of the American people.
My mom still makes a mean curry, my parents still practice their Hindu religion, but they are also as American as apple pie.
That’s because once you’re an American, you’re fully American.
The new citizen from Armenia, Cambodia, Bolivia or Nigeria is considered every bit as American as the great, great granddaughter of a Civil War veteran.
They share values and history.
It’s hard to imagine a more unifying idea.
And it’s fundamentally, uniquely and gloriously American.
In a speech before the Civil War, the abolitionist preacher Theodore Parker popularized what he called “the American Idea.” Parker’s recipe combined three ingredients. Only in America did they exist simultaneously.
All people are created equal…
All possess certain unalienable rights…
All should have the opportunity to develop their individual talents.
Parker, whose sermons inspired Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King, believed in one American set of values, supported by all Americans, and open to all Americans.
Thanks to Lincoln, King and many others, what Parker envisioned has largely come to pass.
No country has woven more people of different races, backgrounds and ethnicities more successfully into a single country than America.
But this tapestry is now being ripped apart at the seams.
America’s founding ideals, once a source of shared pride, are increasingly depicted as a source of shared shame.
These ideals, it turns out, were just a cover for systemic racism and exploitation.
That is the new narrative from the progressive Left.
It is being sold to the American public by our educational institutions, our media and now even major corporations.
The consequences of this are obvious and tragic.
Imagine a child coming to the United States (or any American-born child, for that matter) and learning that the nation was created not to promote liberty, but to promote the Founders’ slave interests.
Or that California, Texas, and Arizona were stolen from Mexico.
Or that free markets exploit workers rather than providing them with opportunities for a better life.
Or a new immigrant being told in an equity, diversity and inclusion seminar that his fellow white employees secretly despise him, even though they seem to treat him well.
In short, Parker’s American idea has been turned upside down.
Instead of an aspirational society, the Left sees people limited by the circumstances of their birth. If you’re born white, you’re privileged. If you’re born a different color, you’re a victim.
The whole idea — and reality — of America was that, with hard work and self-discipline, and, of course, a little bit of luck, you could transcend your past and make your own future.
The Left rejects this. Your group identity defines you. Or to be more precise, pre-defines you.
Only with the aid of the government can your identity group succeed. As an individual, you’re powerless — unless of course you’re white.
The Left has even changed the way we seek social improvement.
Whereas the abolitionist leaders of the 1850s and the civil rights leaders of the 1950s…
For the complete script as well as FACTS & SOURCES, visit https://www.prageru.com/video/what-unites-americans

John Wayne is America
I joined the United States Air Force because i see that the US is one of the few nations that sees two men having sex consentually is not morally wrong and therefore legal, while many nations on earth criminalize homosexuality. Therefore, as a 19 year old BOY who wants to marry a famous actor like Jason Straiham or Jim Cavizel, I see this value as apart of the American freedoms worth defending. What makes us American is ourselves as people, our esperit de corps of working hard and uou can get a reward, and the freedom to do what you want without fear of human torture. Once I become an officer in the USAF I can belp defend other values, such as defending all of the Christian people here in this country so they may practice Christianity without fear, and everybody else who lives here
In whatever language. ❤❤❤😂😂🎉🎉😊
Thank you, as an American Citizen, I embrace you. I would like to visit your country to experience where you have lived. "It's nothing better than being welcomed". A signature drink, flower, food, fruit says it all. Translation of your welcome as we discover each culture towards the word "diversity". "It's not. It is. Moving forward" ♾️
I'll give you the number one American value, the product of centuries of Western civilization and the greatest force for peace in the world: Democracy. And I'll point out that it is conservatives, and their favored presidential candidate, who are making a mockery of it.
What a bunch of wackos
The United States has a culture and identity that is different from most. Unlike most countries were identity is built of ethnicity or religion. The US identity is built on Freedom. This means that the US society is the only society that can conquear the world.
The only thing that unites Americans is the fake "American Dream", aka get rich quick off of others labor.
Hatred of Trump
If america was built upon slavery and purging of the indigenous, how do you expect everyone to unite on that history?
Indoctrination from a young age
If you become an American by accepting certain values, then you stop being an American by not accepting those values. Does Prager University have the guts to say that these people (i.e. Democrats, BLM, Leftists, most minorities & Jews) are literally not Americans? If they do not, then they don't believe their own BS. It's complete nonsense to define Americans by what they think.
4:50 "Minority protections" = Punitive anti-White civil rights laws putting white people under surveillance in their own country. Big government at its finest!
God Save the King!
All the money, the money is the motive.
Jindel is a goddamn Christain, not a goddamn Hindu like his family is!
America is a tune, it must be sung together
Today?, Nothing really.
I was literally crying while I was listening to this. I really believe in the American dream and unity. Lately, the cancel culture and hateful people that say America is horrible have really gotten me so depressed. Will we lose our republic? I just don't understand the youth and why they hate our beautiful country. Now if you even say anything you can lose your job. That is why everyone is sitting silently. They are afraid.
Left ideals "You are a racist bigot!" Me "Oh you're one to talk" Left ideals remains silent in embarassment.
"What unites Americans?"
Not much it seems.
hard work can put you where luck can find you. Thank you America for all the opportunity you've given me, a 20 year old immigrant 15 years ago.
4:36 nah mate, the liberals are your friends. They want you to continue championing elitism and big corporations, and most of the time they act against socialists. There are even conservatives on the so-called “Centre-left” side. So no, it’s not a problem. If you’re intention is to worsen the lives of others and create an authoritarian state ruled by corporations and exists on a strict hierarchy, then so be it. If you want to make our world worse, the liberals are on your side, not the leftist side.
The center lefts are playing the progressives
From an ex progressive
They want people to know the truth this channel is such shit
Their American as Apple Pie which Originated in England.
Nation build on common ideology with homogeneous population having same history by importing some people from different part of the world will never create a country. That's why America is always in war with others the only mean to unite it's people but it will not work in coming future.
Stand for, war, death, and weapon sales.
This conservative thing tank makes it sound like you're all It's all-knowing and all loving. But the reality is that their policies say something different. Christianity says take care of your brother. The conservative movement says screw your brother.
If I don't understand how anything can unite America. Especially when you have conservative think tanks .
Imagine spending 1/3 of your life in a dictatorial hierarchy and not believe you're being exploited.
Perhaps the only thing the left is right about, is the fact that the following states were stollen from Mexico in 1847: California, Nevada, Utha, Arizona, Colorado, South of Wyoming and Texas.
He is wrong, it means less and less to be an American, because ye share less and less.
It started as a new protestant country of Englishmen, and as late as the reign of Teddy Roosevelt just being Irish was considered an oddity looked at with suspicion.
The simply truth is, the more a concept tries to include, the less it describes. If anyone can be an American, than being an American means nothing.
I agree with your sentiment, but the way this is presented does nothing but exasperate the division we already have. Blame games don't help anyone, we need compassion again before any kind of unity can develop. We also need to take a long hard look at where compassion went and take steps to prevent it from fading out again
Governor of Lousisana Huey P. long was assassinated on this day in 1935. 😥
Muh Constitution!
I have been planning to move to USA for at least 3 years. Wish me luck. it really sucks to live in a 3rd world country.
The energy YouTube invests in disparaging Prager U PROVES two things. 1) YouTube is a Communist shit-show dedicated to the eradication of the First Amendment. 2) Prager U has YouTube and its Communist ilk running scared. DUMP YOUTUBE.
The left wants nothing more than to race hustle and create a climate of fear and hate so people who don't know any better vote for them. They want people to label republicans racist and make white people ashamed to vote red.
As Jared Taylor said, “God help you if you say race.”
And no, our history definitely is not something we have in common. These foreigners have almost nothing in common with us. I don’t believe in magic soul theory. Race is an important (although not the only) piece of the fabric of the United States of America.