White House Is Lying to American People About Border Crisis | Mark Morgan on Newsmax
Heritage Foundation Visiting Fellow Mark Morgan joined Fox Business, Tuesday, March 2, to talk about the latest on illegal immigration, the Biden administration saying there is not a crisis on the border, and why the administration needs to get serious about securing the border.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibTedghQBgA
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Illegal aliens coming in with covid but citizens are supposed to lockdown? What a bloody farce.
Beijing Joe is even reading from a prompter as he sits in the WH? This is cruelty and it's about time the WH doctor was on TV explaining the situation with Joe's faculties,, he has lost all comprehension of reality.
The lie is that the election was stolen. Being from Tahoe and knowing what an American company got away with in Guatemala by just selling to another company is heart breaking. Do you really think this was right? Maybe someone want to come talk to you about it.
It hurts all average people. It stagnates our wages and drains them of their best and brightest. Only the rich and powerful win.
Overwhelmed Mexican Alien-Smuggling Cartels Use Wristband System to Bring Order to Business
'It's the sort you'd get at a water park.'
By Todd Bensman on March 2, 2021
Anyone expecting anything other than lies from the white house, for the next few years at least, is a ridiculous person with wild expectations.
This Administration is a Total Embarrassment to the USA. We are the Laughing Stock of the World, and this is only the 2nd Month!
When you offer something for nothing to everyone with open borders a crisis has to happen!
If we have a Covid-19 pandemic why do we have a border crisis? Shouldn't the answer be they have to wait until the Covid crisis is resolved?
Votes needed for Dems, what happened to dominion machines??? Isn't it BIDEN wins by voting machines, not by voters??? Biden's just can't find a better way to better himself trailing in the dust left behind by Trump.
Who could have thought that any president of these United States would want to allow tens of thousands illegals in the country betraying the American citizens the he works for. Biden is a piece of excrement.
No borders no country.
"we are not saying don't come. We are saying don't come now." Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas on March 1
What is a person have to do to remove an illegitimate President and Vice President and cabinet what Avenues are there,
I got one,
Here's how we get Trump back into the presidency Trump runs for Congress in 2022 and we rally we rally big and we win back the house make Trump the Speaker of the House and we're rally big and we take back the Senate we impeach Joe Biden for his dealings in Ukraine and his corruption and we impeach Kamala Harris for her criminal Acts and we put together a damn good compelling case. The Speaker of the House becomes president and then he run for president in 2024 he could be in office for 5 years….
Biden is president voter fraud
Theft of America. Flood U.S. with illegals until you wipeout citizenry. Well Democrats, try to feed and house a socialist state after our hard earned American money is gone. What then?
Border Crisis? You know, I can remember the rhetoric concerning the border and migrants back in the 70's and nothing has changed except for the names and faces of those promulgating their narrative of the so called border Crisis. If this this were to ever be remedied how would politicians get elected? Something has to be invented and there always has to be a monster lurking in the shadows according to the secret philosophies of those who seek out power and wealth. What an evil strategy.
The democrats have one real talent, causing crisis.
Really, we are NOT surprised! This whole administration is a crisis and a LIE.
Thank You Lord for Your Glorious Light Shining Truth for All to see 🙏🙏🙏
I believe God Sullied his hands with no race He Simply made us of all the colors of clay upon the Earth. We were all made within the same hands of a Loving and Compassionate God. And Division is the most Critical Error in Human thought. It is the root cause of Racism. The 1001 ways and means with which we divide our selves.
This is a disgrace. We have plenty of homeless people living on our city streets that need our help. Biden is a complete liar about what he was going to do in office!! CLOSE THE BORDER AND OPEN THE ECONOMY!!!!