Who Is Teaching Your Kids? | 5 Minute Video
Dangerous people are filling the heads of young people with dangerous nonsense. Who are these people? They are what Jordan Peterson calls “the post-modernists:” neo-Marxist professors who dominate our colleges and universities. And here’s the worst part: we are financing these nihilists with tax dollars, alumni gifts and tuition payments. Time to wise up.
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You may not realize it, but you are currently funding some dangerous people.
They are indoctrinating young minds throughout the West with their resentment-ridden ideology. They have made it their life’s mission to undermine Western civilization itself, which they regard as corrupt, oppressive and “patriarchal.”
If you’re a taxpayer—or paying for your kid’s liberal arts degree—you’re underwriting this gang of nihilists.
You’re supporting ideologues who claim that all truth is subjective; that all sex differences are socially constructed; and that Western imperialism is the sole source of all Third World problems. They are the post-modernists, pushing “progressive” activism at a college near you.
They produce the mobs that violently shut down campus speakers; the language police who enshrine into law use of fabricated gender pronouns; and the deans whose livelihoods depend on madly rooting out discrimination where little or none exists.
Their thinking took hold in Western universities in the ‘60s and ‘70s, when the true believers of the radical left became the professors of today. And now we rack up education-related debt—not so that our children learn to think critically, write clearly, or speak properly, but so they can model their mentors’ destructive agenda.
It’s now possible to complete an English degree and never encounter Shakespeare—one of those dead white males whose works underlie our “society of oppression.”
To understand and oppose the post-modernists, the ideas by which they orient themselves must be clearly identified.
First is their new unholy trinity of diversity, equity and inclusion. Diversity is defined not by opinion, but by race, ethnicity or sexual identity; equity is no longer the laudable goal of equality of opportunity, but the insistence on equality of outcome; and inclusion is the use of identity-based quotas to attain this misconceived state of equity.
All the classic rights of the West are to be considered secondary to these new values. Take, for example, freedom of speech—the very pillar of democracy. The post-modernists refuse to believe that people of good will can exchange ideas and reach consensus.
Their world is instead a Hobbesian nightmare of identity groups warring for power. They don’t see ideas that run contrary to their ideology as simply incorrect. They see them as integral to the oppressive system they wish to supplant, and consider it a moral obligation to stifle and constrain their expression.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/who-is-teaching-your-kids

I'm Chinese and don't like your conservative pro-life stuff. But I got to say that what is happening in your US these days is definitely a variant of the Chinese Cultural Revolution.
By claiming that "all truth is subjective," the progressive postmodernist leftists are trying to say that "our own truth is true." Why? Because they identify themselves as vulnerable groups/oppressed people, and are the vanguard of this cultural revolution. So, just like the Cultural Revolution scene at the beginning of Three Body Problem, except the counterrevolutionary bourgeoisie become the white heterosexual "cisgender" people, while those absolutely righteous revolutionaries become a group of postmodern leftists and gender activists. It's just replacing class with identity, essentially America's Cultural Revolution. And this kind of identity politics that appeals to moral signaling doesn't actually deny truth, it's just saying that our "subjective" truth as the benevolent and morally superior left is greater than your "subjective" truth as the uncultured conservative masses.
In china they divided the classes into black class and red class. And the red class used their ideology to oppress the black class that was the supposed “oppressor” class to begin with. They sowed division in the masses and promised the red class that they would take land, businesses, money, food, etc. and redistribute it to everyone equally. The communist party betrayed them, kept everything and kept everyone poor through incompetence and intention. Millions died, that’s not even the tip of the iceberg.
You realize a bunch of those people in the ‘60s were shoved into mental hospitals after being picked up while on LSD trips.
As a senior in a US university, this is clear and blatant fear mongering. I feared I’d encounter the same things in my university, the people being referred to in this video aren’t there. Sure some of the ideas float around campus, just like radical right wing ideas do. Most students do not align with either of these groups. Most students recognize that DEI is usually a bunch of virtue signaling, but care about legitimate attempts to reduce discrimination and hate on campus (which absolutely happen!) Assuming the incoming college students will fall victim to these ideas is to doubt the capabilities of that generation by default.
As usual, spot on!!
Jewish Marxists
This man must be protected at all costs.
Thanks Jordan Peterson! It’s because of you that I decided not to go college. Yes my parents worked very hard their whole lives to give my brother and me more opportunity then they had. They’re currently not speaking to me right now due to my “disappointing decision” it’s okay. I pray everyday that they will see the truth as to why I didn’t want to join a cult disguised as “receiving a proper education” although I cannot get many jobs right now because I only have my high school diploma I go to bed every night knowing I made the right decision! Set yourselves free, don’t go to college just like me! I make my bed in my parents basement everyday Jordan Peterson you should be happy to know!
Let the acronym fit the socialist ideology.
This was the first prager u video i ever saw. The fact that ive had this video in my watch later for years just to realize now that it was JP in this video.
In reply to the title: if it's Jordan Peterson you're screwed.
Anyone who seriously wants to improve their lives will be so much better off searching elsewhere for help. Look at the stoics, look for mentors who seek to eliminate your fear rather than one who stirs up fear.
Andrew Huberman is a sane person who has integrity. There are others who don't recommend you become a monster as well. I don't think that's beneficial. It may be worth acknowledging that monstrous humans exist, but it doesn't seem advisable to seek advice from monsters.
Does YouTube have this video shadowbanned?
Jordan Peterson is a hack. This is an overgeneralization of Universities and people on the left. In fact, very few leftists believe in this ideology. Prager U has become a joke and has become an outlet for poorly researched liberal hit pieces and over-sensationalized fear mongering.
These "woke" morons 🤦
“Resentment-ridden ideology” Jordan isn’t everything you peddle resentment-ridden? Also this video is absolute comedy garbage
I just find it laughable how right-wingers rail about "neo-Marxists" (whatever that means😂) and other supposedly dangerous leftist elements are taking over Universities when professors who even dare talk about Karl Marx (who's work Peterson has NEVER touched, except for the Communist Manifesto, and thus it shows) risk losing their jobs, particularly in the West.
& then there's all the other nonsense which I just don't wanna waste my time with. Other than that, the fact that this supposedly genius, non-partisan intellectual who supposedly does not inject EITHER ideology on the left vs right wing political spectrum onto his work, is on PragerU, a right-wing propaganda media machine, railing against leftists and implicitly supporting right-wing ideas and myths about the free market and all that stuff.
🤣The entire video is laughable to say the least, and I'm supposed to trust Peterson as a credible source of information 🤡
Lmao I like the newer comments are shitting at pregeru
Recycling old cold War propaganda. Give me a break