Who Needs Feminism? | 5 Minute Video
There’s no easier way for a public figure to evoke the media’s fury than to announce he’s not a feminist. But in this video Andrew Klavan, best-selling author and host of The Andrew Klavan Show announces he’s proudly anti-feminist. No, Klavan doesn’t “hate women,” he just hates that modern feminism has bullied us all into accepting the obvious and harmful lie that men and women are more or less the same.
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I am an anti-feminist.
Feminism is a mean-spirited, small-minded and oppressive philosophy that can poison relations between the sexes—relations which, for most of us, provide some of life’s deepest pleasures and consolations.
Feminism has attempted to bully us all into accepting an obvious lie: the lie that men and women have the same powers, talents, proclivities and desires and that, consequently, any discrepancy in their professional paths is due to bigotry and must be corrected by force of culture and law. By shoving that lie down our throats, feminism has made both men and women less happy and less free.
Now, I’m going to have to speak in generalities, and I understand there are all kinds of exceptions to what I’m about to say. But the generalities remain generally valid.
Feminism denigrates masculinity in men by relentlessly calling us “toxic” for our flaws rather than appreciating our natural qualities of energy, risk-taking and leadership. But it also denigrates femininity in women, working to replace most women’s commitment to relationship and child-rearing with male obsessions such as career status and strength.
What’s the result? Take a look at the quintessential feminist icon, Rosie the Riveter, flexing her muscle. The truth is: Any man of the same size and fitness can make a bigger, stronger, muscle than Rosie can. By herding women away from their feminine natures, feminism seeks to transform them from first-rate women into second-rate men.
Now, perhaps you’ll protest: Isn’t feminism simply the idea that women have the same human rights as men? No, it isn’t. That philosophy is called “classical liberalism,” which holds that we are all equally endowed by God with the inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
But, wait—doesn’t the Declaration of Independence say that all men are created equal? Yes. Classical liberalism was an idea conceived by, and largely for, Christian white men. But, like all ideas—good and bad—classical liberalism has evolved over time according to its internal logic, so it now includes all races and both sexes. Good job, Christian white men! Thanks for the great idea!
As its excuse for the damage it does to our lives, feminism has developed the historical mythology that men have oppressed women and now must be suppressed in their turn to even things out.
Let me propose a different narrative that has the advantage of possibly being true. Insofar as men and women are physical creations, their central purpose is the production of more human beings. Women are therefore fashioned in body and mind to make and nurture children, and men to protect and support those children during their relatively long maturation period.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/who-needs-feminism

I agree!!!! Damn it's hard to be a man these days women appreciate none of or effort and they think we shallow DAMN!!!
maybe he is gay……so he wanted to attract the males through this stupid video😂Don't forget to protect your ass, baldhead!
The Barbie movie is feminism done right, a lot of people crapped on the waking up but when I looked at right it’s a movie that makes you think deeply a movie the challenges ideas it’s not anti-men approach women it shows how societies ideas and conformity heard both women and men by forcing them to play the stereotypes of what they should be an act like, if you want to move babe that’s about feminism or women power done right I believe that’s the movie
I bet this guy is loved by women and gets laid a lot😂
Thanks Prager-U! Me and my buds were in a “find the most brain dead video” contest. Think I’m bringing home the gold with this one 😂😅
Feminatzis rabid ideology seeks to denigrate men and traditional women as primitive monstrositys who shouldn't be allowed existence or expression.
Gender inequality
Wait who's attacking men?
I need it
Granny Uk We are all Equal as people, but equally as men and women we are each different. We love and respect each other and our differences equally. Everyone Happy!!! XXX
The all men are created equal is using the term, "Men," as used in the Bible. Men was used to identify members of the the human species. Otherwise you need to cross its usage in the Bible.
This video just makes up some ideologies and then debunks them…
No one needs feminism. It's the worst thing that has happened to women.
Feminism only exists and will only ever exist in well developed societies in whereby the vast majority of the development was accomplished by men
Great presentation! I agree! Thank you!
Under a patriarchal system, women are in greater danger, and men have to compete more for women and show themselves to be who you are not. And as a result, both men and women are less happy, but women are even more unhappy under the patriarchal system. I am a man and I would become a strong feminist if I were a woman under a patriarchy. After all, women also have ambitions and goals. And extremely painful childbirth and sleepless nights while caring for a child is not the best prospect, let's be honest. Therefore, only equality.
+ under patriarchy, if you get into a toxic relationship (Men can also face this, because men are almost forbidden to divorce) then stay in them until she/he yu dies.
After all, the patriarchal system is disadvantageous to both men and women. And it only hurts. And it is beneficial only to the government to control the population with the phrases "A real man is a patriot", "A real woman is a patriot."
Women, women need feminism. The very existence of this video is proof of that.
Apr 1st 2023! April fools! Men are women now!
Feminism is one of the reasons for SVB's success.
they didnt have to transition 😭😭 your bald ass head was right there they couldve just shown the visuals on it 😭 mf sound like a white cleveland from family guy
The addition of the fringe movements aka the alphabets, to the women's movement has created a monster cult.
I’ve always said it before, feminism isn’t about advancing women. It’s about belittling men.
2:00 total and utter nonsense. Classical Liberalism was concieved by men who were not Christian and wanted secular countries totally rejecting religion as a driving moral force in society, thus seeking to replace it with the RULE OF CIVIL LAW. The Founding fathers were defenetely not devoted or Christian at all. This is why you wont find a single cross on any US state building or insignia.
Prageru bullshits people on this.
So true women don't want equal treatment they want special treatment.
"Feminism seeks to transform women from first-rate women into second-rate men."
Hence the reason why we still need feminism. SPECIFICALLY because this idea that women are inherently worse than men persists! Unless you can explain WHY women keep ending up in house and child rearing roles without defaulting to societal expectations, which, you didn't, so I have to assume you can't.
Sounds like the meaning feminist/feminism could be compared to be the traditional mean of gay versus the modern meaning of gay. Traditionally gay was basically a synonym for glad or happy; but the modern meaning hijacked it for homosexuality. According to the definition of feminism (a belief in and advocacy of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes expressed especially through organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests), it sounds like the traditional reference of classical liberalism versus modern antagonism against the traditional classic liberalism meaning and purpose for both sexes’ natural roles.
someone's brain just vomited
This is exactly the kind of video a patriarchal system would make to try and convince itself it isn't sexist
Im glad to see that some women out there dont forget to also appreciate what men do as well
Rosie represents adapting to new & exciting changes for women. I think the image is iconic.
Apparently the only thing men are good for is sperm donors. I don't see Herschel Walker or Donald Trump being caring compassionate fathers or husbands. At least Mike Pence always behaved well for his mommy (what did she do carry his balls around in her purse.
Quick! Get out! Get out of here!
It it's not just and ideology, she's a demonic spirit. Yeshua please help. Maranatha!