Why America Invaded Iraq|5 Minute Video
Why did America get into Iraq in 2003? Was it for oil? Or was it due to the fact that Saddam Hussein was a mass-murdering dictator who harbored terrorists and threatened the region with Weapons of Mass Destruction? If it was the former, would not it have been a lot simpler to just buy Iraq’s oil on the open market? And if it was the latter, why did Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and John Kerry support President Bush? Noted British historian, Andrew Roberts, has the answers.
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Why did the United States go to war versus Iraq in 2003? The decision was questionable at the time and remains so today. But the factor was clear: Saddam Hussein, the brutal totalitarian of Iraq for 35 years was the main risk to peace in the Middle East.
With that risk removed, the Bush Administration believed the facility of an operating democracy in Iraq would encourage the growth of democracy elsewhere in the Arab world. As democracy spread, terrorism would retreat.
It is on the blood-stained life and career of Saddam Hussein that we require to focus in order much better to understand why the United States felt forced to act in 2003.
We start with the Iran-Iraq War, which Saddam started in 1980 and which lasted up until 1988. One million individuals died in the course of the decade-long struggle. And during that war, Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)– especially poison gas– were used regularly by both sides.
As soon as his war with Iran ended, rather of developing his shattered country, Saddam decided to embark on another experience: In 1990, he attempted to grab 19% of the world’s oil supply by getting into Kuwait.
His short annexation of Kuwait proved to be another disaster. The Mother of All Battles, as Saddam called it, turned out to be a 3-week rout, his Iraqi army utterly beat by a US-led union. But rather than trying Saddam as a war criminal, America and the West allowed him to remain in power.
This appeasement ultimately led Saddam, when again, to draw completely the incorrect conclusion and to his making yet another enormous mistake. He arrogantly thought that his Iraqi army may really beat the United States in a 2nd encounter.
His trump card, he thought, or a minimum of tried to make the world think, was his belongings of WMD – big quantities of toxin gas and, if just in his creativity, a rapidly advancing nuclear weapons advancement program. There was no factor to question that he had WMD, as he had used toxin gas in his war against Iran. No one– not the Germans, not the Russians, not the British– had any doubts about this.
Looking back, at the twelve years between the Gulf War and the Iraq War, Saddam might have been able to re-establish global reliability by abiding by the 16 sensible UN resolutions passed between November 1990 and December 1999. These resolutions simply required Saddam to, to name a few things: ‘damage all of his ballistic rockets with a variety greater than 150 kilometers; stop support for terrorism internationally and prevent terrorist organizations from operating within Iraq; and bear monetary liability for damage from the Gulf War’.
But Saddam spent the 1990s buffooning and defying America and Britain in every possible method. He attempted to shoot down Royal Air Force and US Air Force planes over the no-fly zones developed to avoid him from mass-slaughtering his own residents; he corruptly made money from the UN oil-for-food scandal while Iraqi kids starved to death; he offered $25,000 to the households of every Palestinian suicide-bomber; he harbored much of the world’s leading terrorists, and he expelled UN weapon’s inspectors.
For the complete script, see https://www.prageru.com/videos/why-america-invaded-iraq
Or was it since Saddam Hussein was a mass-murdering dictator who harbored terrorists and threatened the area with Weapons of Mass Destruction? The reason was clear: Saddam Hussein, the ruthless totalitarian of Iraq for 35 years was the central risk to peace in the Middle East.
We begin with the Iran-Iraq War, which Saddam began in 1980 and which lasted till 1988. The Mother of All Battles, as Saddam called it, turned out to be a 3-week rout, his Iraqi army utterly defeated by a US-led coalition. Rather than trying Saddam as a war criminal, America and the West allowed him to stay in power.