Why are they hiding this about Klaus Schwab and the WEF? | Redacted with Clayton Morris
Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum is underway right now in Davos Switzerland. The globalists are meeting to decided how they will control you for the next decade of your lives. But who is Klaus Schwab? … the man that sits at the helm of the WEF
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Seeing the big mess that they have made of the world with the crap world forum, they should be locked up for simple miss management, again how many countries pay these pratts
WEF is a private family company that can not be shut down or ended without Schwab or his son or daughter’s authorization.
where does George Soros fit into ALL of this??
Schwab looks
like Dr Evil
….and we still do nothing as a nation to stop it
WEF reminds me of that scene from James Bond spectre when james goes to the spectre meeting in rome and there one guy at the head of the table.
"It is right to learn, even from the enemy' Ovid
I consider this Schwab an enemy that means me harm. I also consider the IPCC an enemy, by incompetence or 'managed opposition'
I have no interest in their global agenda and I think IPCC has been so wrong and inaccurate, that they are wrong no matter what side of the fence you are on.
I trust Eunice newton foote and Tyndall and in modern times I trust the science of James Hansen.
There is now also, conclusive quantum mechanics papers explaining EXACTLY why, on the quantum level, that co2 can hold the heat it does and at the levels consistent with Hansens finding.
Again, I have no truck with these peoples agendas. No one world gov, no massive taxes… The only thing I would ever insist on, is that our children are pumped full of the math and physics that the world at large agree on and can be tested and repeated as accurate.
So this comment has absolutely no agenda. I am not suggesting solutions, merely acknowledging the science that has come out in the last 24 months.
Climate change is terribly real and is about to start hammering our food. NOW.
entirely due to the loss of masking effect from sulphur rich fuels being cleaned up, we are going to add at least 1c between lockdowns and next year, more if we clean up the fuels more as planned.
This is on top of the current warming.
Things are about to become hell on earth and i feel genuine mental anguish as to why you cannot see it.
Read the Great Controversy by Ellen White.
The Cycles were and are created by this Elite, the merchants of Earth. Revelation 17. There is nothing new under the sun.
not many kmew this guys background, Me included. so thanks for the description of the web of evil. Did Kissingger know what he created? Now how about someine doing the same background informationon soros. I think he was part if not the cause of the ethiopa/eritrea war and the tigray problem to day.
Please USA, elect Trump!
Those people think they're Gods!
I was guessing Nazi ties—- it is obvious with the agenda to kill people off with no conscience. Our entire world looks like Nazis are in charge.
And NO! I am not insinuating this should be in anyway that this is a solution I,m just horrified by these soulless things that creep me the hell out! And please don’t use this as an illustration of a thought crime, IT IS NOT❤❤
He will be on the top level of the new Nuremberg trials, lock him up and throw away the key
K.Swab – thank you for this interview. Clayton. I do feel disempowered however- how to get this 'under controle' – for regular people? How to limid their destructive, anti-life influence?
His father was a Nazi.
Why are they trying to control us
They have used multiple agendas to separate the people and cause conflicts between us, enough internal conflict to blindside us to the real threat and prevent us from coming together to stop them.
This guy schwab reminds me of palpatine.
K.S.'s mother is a Rothchild (Illuminati). Kissinger is a Rockefeller (Illuminati) pawn.
They did not pay the right guy😂😂😂😂😂😂
Do you people know how Nazism is growing fast in America, Europe and some Spanish countries?
PBS channel have documentaries about
An Ass-Wipe-🎯💯👍
We the people know who they are there name's and were they are at all times there day off reckoning is coming wait and see just saying
Why does he have so much power ??
Why are they above the law ??
Klause, Soros,Kissinger…are the leftist guiding lights leftist like Pelosi,Biden,Schumers,…..* **
Just insane.
Black Rock and Larry Fink too
Is he a front man for the devils people…..
Facebook and YouTube better clean up their acts because Trump is going to eliminate them and incarcerate the leadership.
The EU took political control over Europe in readiness for the WEF (Nazi Party) to eventually take full control of not only Europe but a vast majority of the globe. Comes as no surprise Klaus father was a Nazi member, like father like son
Kissinger was the fixer and Klaus is the organiser.
They are creating a Prison Planet this is why its called WWW. The World Wide. Web/ InterNET The truth is in plane sight you just have to r3ead between the lines. The Net was designed to catch all of our information and to trap us like a spider in her web. Its their plan to have us all chained to our computers so that we can be tracked and controlled and at the switch of a button terminate our accounts.
None of us signed our birth certificate and its through our LEGAL NAMES that the system has JURISDICTION over us and these people can do whatever they want and we have to comply. Learn about who you truly are find your true identity in this world and you will set yourself free