Why Biden’s Final Move Is to DESTROY the Supreme Court | Glenn TV | Ep 366
According to the Left, SCOTUS is totally out of control and it’s time to take emergency action! Immediately after the release of multiple U.S. Supreme Court decisions at the end of the court’s latest term, the Left had a collective meltdown over the direction of the court. President Biden called for Americans to “dissent” from the court’s recent decisions. Amidst the chaos of dropping out of the presidential race, Biden made time in his Oval Office address to announce major Supreme Court “reforms.” Newly anointed Kamala Harris quickly made this a key part of her campaign. Meanwhile, Senate and House Democrats have moved to investigate and impeach Justices Thomas and Alito. Glenn unpacks the reasons for the Left’s Supreme Court freakout and exposes the dark-money groups campaigning to change and expand the court. Supreme Court reform has been the final play for every authoritarian regime all throughout history. Look no further than Venezuela. Chavez wanted to pack his country’s high court with more judges. He wanted limited term limits. He wanted to ensure judicial autonomy with a code of ethics. Sound familiar? In the end, Venezuela’s supreme court became exactly what the Chavez and Maduro regimes wanted — a political weapon for the dictator. Democrats are terrified that their judicial supremacy is over, and they’re determined to maintain their control of the Supreme Court by any means necessary …
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It sounds like now, the Chevron deference ruling now means if i have water in a mud puddle on my property i can determine how it is used. Once again.
Proven beyond reasonable doubt Wealthy Donors are corrupting the inclinations of Highest Court in the land and no one can do a dsmn thing about it
The Moral Compass of SCOTUS is at an all time low.all Biden trying to do is to returrn it back to its former glory The commitment of wives are just the tip of the iceberg
We are undergoing an attempted communist takeover ……keep going down this road there is never turning back …….EVER
What all the Exuctive orders he has done it’s probably the most in the history of the Presidency and we know that Kamala is not going to help any of us. She is just lying to the people and they buy the BS and I think money should not have power in a Election only who is voted for and by the people that want the person
Why is Biden not taking a cognitive test and the lame stream media is saying that Trump is not good enough for the country and Kamala can’t fail she is not going to change anything she is a puppet and foreign entities are going to tell her how to Destroy the country
You need to check on your audio Glenn. It's crackling bad
All they got is lying and propaganda and half the country believes it
If what Democrats were saying about this ruling were true, they'd take full advantage. Im so sick of progressives that im now believing succession will eventually need to happen. Progressives can have half the country and Conservatives and libertarians have the other half with a strong border from the Progessives. We'd thrive while they turn into Venezuela.
Biden wasnt ever our president.
I hear talking heads on both left and right using democracy like it is a good thing. I recall multiple speeches explaining the dangers of a democracy. Every speech at the RNC was about preserving democracy, how about restore our constitutional republic. I realize we have “social programs” that will remain like welfare and SSI, but a universal outcome will always come with tyranny. We must maintain our self governance as the constitution protects it.
Has anyone told Kamala that in order for Congress to pass that she’s going to need a 2/3 majority and the Democrats don’t even have a majority and either the house or Senate so hell she’s elected. It’s still going to be an uphill battle to get the weighed back on the table there one chance to do this was when Obama first got elected and they blew it. It’s low weight is over. It’s time to move on.
Biden looks to me to be a traitor. That is my opinion
I think they have to know what they are doing. I think they are just propping up a narrative for them to get away literally with murder.
I’m so glad we have you to have what should be common sense.
Joy Reid lies
Did you mean Clarence Thomas integrity is unimpeachable or impeachable as written in their letter? I ask because you said impeachable. I think you meant the other.
Are the democrats upset because the presidential immunity didn’t go far enough to cover what they are doing
Does he Biden want to go to prison?? I will pray him into a jail cell. His traitorous actions have done enough damage.
Someone needs to stop him or they can join him in the trials. Notice how everything is being exposed? It’s this season. The next season will deal with those exposures. Good luck crooks.
The lie needs to be turned on them. They need to read the constitution. God protect our president Trump and our nation in Jesus mighty name
The reason why they lie and continue is because the majority of the snowflakes that vote for them believe them…. This isn't about a difference of an opinion they are traitorous
Joy Reid is very crazy
Anyone else notice that the recording seems to have a technical problem at certain critical junctions where words are omitted or "dubbed out"? Youtube wouldn't do that on purpose, would they?
They are giving you examples of acts they themselves already done. They just want to make sure we understand they'll be "under the law"