Why Does Daniel Dream About Monsters?
The four monstrous beasts in Daniel’s dream represent four violent kingdoms. Daniel’s dream continues with the arrival of the Son of Man, who shows up to destroy the beasts.
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Jesus really said “oh yea you wanna kill me? Well ya can’t hahahaha” then rose from the dead and saved us from sin man I hope I can meet him in heaven one day and just hug him
I think I have a new saying “he saved us from sin but one hug from him can save you from eternal sadness”
Jesus is GOD ❤… DONT talk about Jesus Like only human… Yes he is son of man but also son of God and God himself… Jesus words: mé and the father are one. Net his words: if u see me you see the father. Next his words: before Abrahám was born Iam. Iam is the name of God tells to Moses on mount of sinay.
Wow 😢
i love this
This makes no sense. Are you saying that he didn’t see monsters and the story is a representation of war? How do we know which stories are myths and which are real?
Universal Love☯️
Amen great God awesome 👍👍👍🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤
May God bless you all!
He calls His followers to act in the same way🙏🏿🦋
For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, so that whoever believes in Him should not perish but will have everlasting life.
~ John 3:16
Just a few of the Messianic prophecies fulfilled in Christ…
Genesis 3:15 ~
"Born of the seed of a woman".
~ Galatians 4:4…….
Genesis 12:2-3 ~
"Born of the seed of Abraham".
~ Matthew 1:1…….
Genesis 17:19 ~
"Born of the seed of Isaac".
~ Matthew 1:2……
Numbers 24:17 ~
"Born of the seed of Jacob".
~ Matthew 1:2…….
Genesis 49:10 ~
"Descended from the tribe of Judah".
~ Luke 3:33…….
Isaiah 9:7 ~
"Heir to the throne of David"
~ Luke 1:32-33…….
Daniel 9:25 ~
"Time for Jesus' birth".
~ Luke 2:1-2…….
Isaiah 7:14 ~
"Born of a virgin".
~ Luke 1:26-27, 30-31
Micah 5:2 ~
"Born in Bethlehem".
~ Luke 2:4-7
Jeremiah 31:15 ~
"Slaughter of the innocents".
~ Matthew 2:16-18
Hosea 11:1 ~
"Flight to Egypt".
~ Matthew 2:14-15
Isaiah 40:3-5, Malachi 3:1
~ "Proceeded by forerunner".
~ Luke 7:24,27
Psalm 2:7 ~
"Declared the Son of God".
~ Matthew 3:16-17
Isaiah 9:1-2 ~
"Galilean ministry".
Matthew ~ 4:13-17
Deuteronomy 18:15 ~
"The prophet to come".
~ Acts 3:30, 22
Isaiah 61:1-2 ~
"Came to heal the brokenhearted".
~ Luke 4:18-19
Isaiah 53:3 ~
"Rejected by his own people" (the Jews).
~ John 1:11
Psalm 110:4 ~
"A priest after the order of Melchizedek".
~ Hebrews 5:5-6
Zechariah 9:9 ~
"Triumphal entry"
~ Mark 11:7, 9, 11
Psalm 41:9 ~
"Betrayed by a friend".
~ Luke 22:47-48
Zechariah 11:12-13 ~
"sold for thirty pieces of silver".
~ Matthew 26:15; 27:5-7
Psalm 35:11 ~
"Accused by false witness".
~ Mark 14:57-58
Isaiah 53:7 ~
"Silent to accusations".
~ Mark 15:4-5
Isaiah 50:6 ~
"Spat upon and smitten".
~ Matthew 26:67
Psalm 35:19 ~
"Hated without reason".
~ John 15:24-25
Isaiah 53:5 ~
"Vicarious sacrifice".
~ Romans 5:6, 8
Isaiah 53:12 ~
"Crucified with transgressors".
~ Mark 15:27-28
Zechariah 12:10 ~
"Body pierced".
~ John 20:27
Psalm 22:7-8 ~
"Scorned and mocked"
~ Luke 23:35-36
Psalm 69:21 ~
"Given vinegar and Gall".
~ Matthew 27:34
Psalm 109:4 ~
"Prayer for his enemies".
~ Luke 23:34
Psalm 22:18 ~
"Soldiers gambled for his coat".
~ Matthew 27:35
Psalm 34:20 ~
"No bones broken".
~ John 19:32-33, 36
Zechariah 12:10 ~
"Side pierced".
~ John 19:34
Isaiah 53:9 ~
"Buried with the rich".
~ Matthew 27:57-60
Psalm 16:10; 49:15 ~
"Would rise from the dead".
~ Mark 16:6-7
Psalm 68:18 ~
"Would ascend to Gods right hand". ~ Mark 16:19
All praise, honour and glory belongs to Jesus Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords
Please keep up your work! I love watching these, you make it so interesting reading the bible with your animation too.
Amen 🙏 ❤❤❤
Please Read for yourself so you can know the truth 🙏🏽
A connection to the Book of Revelation
Jesús has that power because he is the only God! Amén
Is the way we confront it by baptism? Like our old self dying at the baptism or is it in some cases dying for what you believe in? My way of thinking which is limited but I believe both is right
Beautiful message and art<3 God bless!
Nuclear submarines
I had a thought about some thing recently. Let me know what some of you guys think.
So most Christians know that zodiac signs are pretty evil right? Did you know that Satan represents the Capricorn? The sea goat!!
Interesting how these monsters come from the sea, and I wonder if the Seagoat would too. I even saw a clip from the movie where this guy was explaining that Satan and his army will rise from the sea.
It’s really just a theory of mine.
Amen ! 🤍✝️
No death in the kingdom of God, golden garments and no more sorrow
Streets of gold 🥇🪙🥇🪙🥇🪙🪙🪙🪙🥇🥇🥇🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🥇🥇🪙🪙🪙🥇🥇🪙🪙🥇🥇🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙 🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙🪙
Interesting !
Thank you Lord Jesus Christ our savior and salvation holy be your name Amen 😇❤️🙏
amen amen amen
Great content brother keep up the good work
Exactly like Yonah! It was a foreshadowing of what was to come, YAHSHUA going on into the Belly of the Beast to defeat sin, and ao we could be like Ninevah and repent.
Jesus Christ is God. ✝️🙏❤️🛐
No no no! Your lying. That was Yeshua who Daniel saw. YESHUA warns us about another false Messiah who would decieve many, if possible the very elect. With you help with identity theft.
Bro, imma be honest…. I don’t understand this video. Can I get some extra explanation?
"Jesus trusted in God's power." Man, the BP really tries to come as close to heresy as possible don't they?
This is great❤
The animation just sucks me in 😭🙏🏿. I need a 2 hour movie or something from y’all 😭🤣💯
Praise our God!!!❤
All the Bible Project videos are fabulous! Not only is the animation amazing but the message is also on point every time!
Through all the confusion god hears a pin drop
Amen what a glorious Savior who showed us how to walk with the Father! Hallelujah !!
I Love You LORD JESUS ❤️