Why Federalism Is Key to the COVID-19 Response: Charmaine Yo…
Charmaine Yoest signed up with C-SPAN on June 18, 2020 to share why Heritage introduced the National Coronavirus Recovery Commission to save lives and livelihoods in the wake of the coronavirus. The National Coronavirus Recovery Commission has really unveiled its last report, providing a course to healing with specific, actionable tips for policymakers and the American people.
A task of The Heritage Foundation, the National Coronavirus Recovery Commission suggests an all-of-society method to America’s healing, acknowledging that excellent public health policy is excellent financial policy.
Read the report here: https://www.coronaviruscommission.com/.
Dr. Charmaine Yoest is a Vice President of the Heritage Foundation, where she leads the Institute for Family, Community and Opportunity. This consists of handle domestic policy concerns consisting of health care and welfare reform, education policy, family development, women’s issues and spiritual liberty.
Check out her work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/charmaine-yoest.
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