Why I Left the Left | 5 Minute Video
Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report used to be a big progressive. He even had a show with The Young Turks! But now he’s not a progressive. He has left the left. Why? Dave Rubin shares his story.
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Do you believe in free speech?
Do you believe that people should be judged by their character, not their skin color?
Do you believe in freedom of religion?
If you believe these things, you’re probably not a progressive. You might think you’re a progressive. I used to think I was. My show, “The Rubin Report,” was originally part of the progressive “Young Turks” network.
Progressives struck me as liberals, but louder. Progressives were the nice guys; they looked out for the little guy; they cared about women and minorities; they embraced change.
In short, who wouldn’t want to be a progressive?
But over the last couple years, the meaning of the word “progressive” has changed.
Progressives used to say, “I may disagree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it.” Not anymore.
Banning speakers whose opinions you don’t agree with from college campuses – that’s not progressive. Prohibiting any words not approved of as “politically correct” – that’s not progressive. Putting “Trigger Warnings” on books, movies, music, anything that might offend people – that’s not progressive either.
All of this has led me to be believe that much of the left is no longer progressive, but regressive. This is one of the reasons I’ve spent so much time on my show talking about The Regressive Left.
This regressive ideology doesn’t judge people as individuals, but as a collective.
If you’re black, or female, or Muslim, or Hispanic, or a member of any other minority group, you’re judged differently than the most evil of all things: a white, Christian male. The Regressive Left ranks minority groups in a pecking order to compete in a kind of “Oppression Olympics”. Gold medal goes to the most offended.
Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream that his children would be judged by their character and not their skin color was a liberal idea, but these days, it’s not a progressive ideal.
And what about religious freedom – the idea that no one else can tell you what you have to believe? Surely progressives still support that basic right.
Well, not so much.
I’m a married gay man, so you might think that I appreciate the government forcing a Christian baker or photographer or florist to act against their religion in order to cater, photograph or decorate my wedding. But you’d be wrong. A government that can force Christians to violate their conscience can force me to violate mine. If a baker won’t bake you a cake, find another baker; don’t demand that the state tell him what to do with his private business.
I’m pro-choice. But a government that can force a group of Catholic nuns – literally called the Little Sisters of the Poor – to violate their faith and pay for abortion-inducing birth control can force anyone to do anything.
That’s not progressive; that’s regressive!
Today’s progressivism has become a faux-moral movement, hurling charges of racism, bigotry, xenophobia, homophobia, Islamophobia and a slew of other meaningless buzzwords at anyone they disagree with.
The battle of ideas has been replaced by a battle of feelings, and outrage has replaced honesty. Diversity reigns supreme – as long as it’s not that pesky diversity of thought.
This isn’t the recipe for a free society, it’s a recipe for authoritarianism.
For the complete script, visit https://www.prageru.com/videos/why-i-left-left

She’s beginning to sound like Dave Rubin:
Nobody on PragerU should invoke the name of MLK Jr. to make their point. PragerU opposes nearly everything Dr King stood for. Right-wing extremists despisdd him in life. Now they hijack his legacy in death.
Outrage replaced honesty.
BLM folks.
But yet Dave Rubin is still a sodomite. He is a champion of a perverse, deviant, disordered sexual practice that people CHOOSE to do.
If you are normal, you are right-wing
And it is only getting worse 7 years latter.
Leaving one party for the other just proves you haven't learned anything. A crime family is a crime family.
We do judge you by your character. But we can't judge what you don't have because opportunists like you have no souls. You only believe in your own self-aggrandizement and money.
This is ironic coming from the book banners and prosecutors. They even groom their own children to read what they call "pornograpy" aloud in public.
Religion except islam………..I am verry islamofobic !
Hey, I thought PragerPoo hated pro-choice gay men!
As a black person it honestly disgust me how the left and media love to constantly shit on white people.
The left have lost it.
Excellent and realistic! I'm conservative by scripture, not by politics. As you said, we may not agree on all matters, but you and I are closer in belief than, (what i believe to be), the majority of conservatives I see and know. You are entitled to believe something that is contrary to scripture, just as I would be entitled (as a loving, Christian) to tell you what I believe, and by what standard I hold to those beliefs – unadulterated scripture. Since I'm not serving dressing with my words, what I'm getting at is, whereas I respected you before with our program style, bent and content, you have boosted my respect, to a personified level. Just keep on keeping on – you're a great man.
This is 1000 times more true in 2024!
A lot to agree with here. Nonetheless, Dave Rubin apparently has no problem with Don the Con, a convicted felon, compulsive liar, r*apist, and wannabe dictator being POTUS. I believe there is a middle way between these extremes. Let's find it together.
Leaving the Far Left doesn't mean you have to join the Far Right. LET US AVOID BOTH EXTREMES.
what a goober
Then where do you stand on Cyber bullying? More censorship? More self help?
Lol seeing Dave without his beard is a trip. Love this guy
7 years after this video was uploaded, and things have only gotten worse.
REAL progressivism is Western, Aryan Christian (mormon) civilization.
Spain, Germany, Belgium, the UK etcetera conquered tons of land, And its all because
God blessed them
Wow. That was 7 years ago
This guy is off his rocker.
I hated yo channele the moment yo said yo gay also muslims like me are super homophobes
Dave, you have commited a grave mistake.
What goes around ..
You are now in the same place. You have simply sat yourself on the other end of a see-saw.
Same sex marriage is man made law.
I left the left because it wasnt right
I’m gay and don’t think religions deserve the right to have a hand in government affairs. They should be kept in check. Bam. Liberal
The campus speaker flying through the air was great!
how to proceed when you're one of them : Dave Rubin, this "controversial" journalist (…).
Progressive = tribal communist
You were never a leftist or liberal. You are a right wing capitalist and opportunist actually .😊
Lmao everytime a rwnj cries about "free speech" theyre just mad that they cant say the n word anymore
One other way to keep these videos free is to turn to Communism 🤔
The other detail that actually would lean in favor of Mr. Rubin's standing herein is that why would he think that they'd do a good job if he and they're diametrically opposed? That's the logic failure in the same-sex-movement's approach regarding the cake business: you go to people that you think will do a good job, and from the tale thereof anyways: outside of that particular logic failure: they seemed to regard that baker as a friend of theirs, it logically would follow that they themselves would raise a ruckus on the issue akin to "Hey! Wait just a minute here; we're the compaintants, and what we really are complaining about, Uncle Sam, is your conduct in regard to this- this's gone way too far!" and that sort of thing would tend to dismantle the state's fake case.
In short, the left's being remarkably dumb, what baffles me is why would someone go to someone for a product that they would know would be a problem: unless they want to act like a bully?
I mean, the left has lots of flaws. I can't stand wokeism. That said, the Republican party from 7 years ago is not the same party as today. The GoP is now the party of Trump. Reagan and Bush would be rejected today — and don't take my word for it. Trump himself said the "Republicans are no longer the party of Jeb Bush".
I don't want woke or Christian ideology forced on me
Conservatives and Liberals are two sides of the same coin. Extremism is not the answer. Everything needs balance and moderation.