Why I’m Happy I Lived Through the Coronavirus Pandemic
The coronavirus pandemic has been tragic — in several ways — for people around the world. But, perhaps, years in the future, we’ll look back and remember some positive things that happened during COVID-19 too.
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We are all still living through this.. the show just started ……
Sure wish everyone could of lived through it.
Sweet! =) <3
WOW. THIS. I'm in tears.✝️🙏💜
Thanks Glenn
Beckboy can't help himself.
He's addicted to sentimental pseudo patriotic flagwaving bollox.
We MUST return to the covenant!
turning a blind eye and ignoring politics is EXACTLY how & why Ohioans are unemployed, losing their homes, cars, and Harley Davidsons. And unless you are ok with a Governor acting against the will of the people, (Totalitarian Dictator) it should be imperative that we interact with each other to maintain our rights to free speech, owning guns, and riding OUR motorcycles where the Kung Flu Virus isn't about your health, it's about destroying the economy and everything this Country stands for, weakening our voices with disinformation and propaganda. While blaming Trump foe EVERYTHING, keeping us divided flooding the internet with racism, partisan issues… imagine that, something promoted by the Government and media that has people mean muggin' each other, instead of the sources. Remember that information is king and division is a tool to try to slow down or stop the spread of information, not any virus. And the Kung Flu Virus IS THE TOOL causing the division because whether you know it or not, like it or not, the government never misses an opportunity to use a crisis to its' advantage. And in the War Against the People, every battle is for your mind. So the optics of a failed economy=Trump failure, Americans dying from the virus = Trumps' response time + foreign trade policies & tariffs. I agree that ALL ROADS lead to Donald Trump, But the street signs shouldn't be changing from the Road to Success to Collusion Delusion Blvd., Impeachment Sham Street, where ALL streets become One Way roads to nowhere with no exit signs ANYWHERE, on a Highway to Hell with Flashing Neon Billboards, robotic neocons holding up signs with arrows pointing "This way to the Circus" "ZOO" "New & Improved Socialist Utopia", etcetera, because when ALL else fails, you have to slide in Mail in Ballots because THAT IS THE ONLY WAY TO DEFEAT THE VOICE OF THE PEOPLE!!! My Friends and haters, let us pray it doesn't come to this…But when ballots don't work, Bullets will/ Hang on to your 1st and 2nd Amendments like your life depends on it, because that is what the BILLBOARDS say when you put on the right pair of SUNGLASSES. I am the Objective mind of reason, smacking you in the face with uncomfortable truths, not because I like that, but because it has to be done, yours truly, THE #truthwhisperer. I for one will kow-tow to NO ONE.
Who is John ghold
And then I grew up and found out that the world economy had crashed, people starved, millions of lives were ruined, a man who thinks there are too many people in the world was allowed him to vaccinate everyone. AND IT WAS ALL A HOAX.
An empty world is easily one of the most terrifying concepts I can think of.
To me,only one good thing may come of this,if we have yet to pass the tipping point and if we can really learn from anything. We must never,under any circumstances allow the state or federal government to shut down the economy again,regardless of the reason. Regardless, even if it is another pandemic or whatever it might be, the initial fear and projections will always be far more dramatic than what turns out to be true. Furthermore, the dramatic projections that these experts make, savants no doubt in their own fields,but remarkably lacking in the slightest interest in the very real and often devastating effects that the draconian policies that they advocate are having on the lives of real people,as well as the overall economy are an affront to common decency. No, this type of tyrannical forced idleness of the American people should be stopped immediately and should be prevented, by any means necessary, from ever being repeated. If we can really learn that lesson from this situation,well then maybe it won't be a total loss. Oh yes,and the cute people, pet and kid tricks are funny too.
Sorry but seeing people virtue signaling doesn't make me happy we're going to have an economic disaster that makes the great depression look like child's play.
Beck at his best telling stories. Thx brother 🙏
Good requiem.
We will never live in a perfect world but for my entire 65 years I've always tried to turn a negative situation into a positive one and always helping my brothers and sisters at all costs.
Always think positive my friends. Life passes by too damn fast!
You are such a thoughtful and hopeful man, Glenn. 1% of the time. The other 99% of the time you are quick to speak, quick to grow angry. Chastising the nation for being "Addicted to Outrage" while being the King of Outrage yourself.
Where is the man who inspired me as a young teenager from the steps of the Rally to Restore Honor?
I have no reason to believe this video represents you – it just represents the brand you try to keep afloat while you go on endlessly talking.
I get "Bella Luna" stuck in my head to this day. I wish the person who introduced it to me still believed in its message.
So Glenn, you've been here before. Whaddya say? Wanna step up to cliff edge? Wanna connect the dots? Many already have, with deadly precision. Too much of a bad thing, can be a good thing? Like dancing med staff? See 2012 Olympics opening ceremonies! Tell yourself what you see, then ask yourself….could it be? I think you know the answer. The data. The computations. The "advise". The timing. The conflicting deaths. The children. Antibodies. Nursing homes/long term facilities. CCP cover. WHO delay. Bat soup. Origin/patient zero. Patient zero U.S. Washington State? Office Nat. Int. now says "accident" and "not engineered". Flu or not?
The Largest Civil Right grabs in modern history.
This is the biggest joke in my lifetime. It has nothing to do with saving the elderly it has everything to do with changing society and taking more of our liberties and GLEN BECK is a charlatan who helped the globalists seize more power!