Why Is Apologetics So Important? | Why Apologetics?
Tim Barnett of Stand to Reason introduces a series of videos he’ll be presenting called “Why Apologetics?” that explains what apologetics is and why it’s so vital.
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So apologetics is logically explaining and defending something that is beyond explanation and human comprehension. Trying to put in finite terms the infinite… Good luck with that! My favorite quote of all time is: "Faith is believing in things, when common sense tells you not to – Miracle on 34th Street (1947)"
Apologetics is great, it allows Christians to ask questions and have an open mind. It helps us tackle our doubts and think critically. I can be a weapon against religious extremism.
God bless you.
watching this for school lol, who else
Proverbs 27:17 proclaims: “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another”. This simple statement has been a calling for all these years to understand that no one is alone. That in order to make yourself better, there is a mutual benefit making others better through mentorship, follower-ship, and leading.
📚 Acts 10:1
G1161 There was G2258 a certain G5100 man G435 in G1722 Caesarea G2542 called G3686 Cornelius, G2883 a centurion G1543 of G1537 the band G4686 called G2564 the Italian G2483 band,
Greek: Ἰταλία
Transliteration: Italia
Pronunciation: ee-tal-ee'-ah
Definition: Probably of foreign origin;
Italia a region of Europe: – Italy.
KJV Usage: Italy (5x).
Occurs: 5
In verses: 5
Acts was written in Greek, presumably by St. Luke the Evangelist. The Gospel According to Luke concludes where Acts begins, namely, with Christ's Ascension into heaven. Acts was apparently written in Rome, perhaps between 70 and 90 ce, though some think a slightly earlier date is also possible.
Until the year 1524, there was no letter 'J' in the alphabet. The letter 'J' was originally the same letter as 'I. ' The 'father of the letter J' is Gian Giorgio Trissino, an Italian author and grammarian who lived from 1478 to 1550.
📚 When the phrase "Jesus" Invented:
This person may not look like the actual Christ, but he does look like Jesus.
You see, the usage of the name Jesus is fairly recent. Up until about 400 years ago, the name Jesus was not in usage. The first time that name was ever used was sometime in June of 1632.
I pass off legend and myth as history for profit.
Awesome ❤, I am burning to defend my faith in Christ among secular gods and I am looking forward to finding a best platform to establishing my studies
Plz suggest me some best college where I can get trained
If you really want to know if the Biblical claims are supported by evidence, you should consort actual historians and scientists, not Christian apologists. Going to a Christian apologist is like asking a 12-year-old Justin Bieber groupie for an honest, unbiased critique of the latest Justin Bieber album.
I think we often get the whole "Apologetics" thing wrong, there is this 'militant' or 'combative' form of apologetics that is dangerous and I disagree with, there isn't even such a thing as an "apologist" in the Bible, Ephesians 4:11-12 says "So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up" where is the word "apologists" here? Of course 1 Peter 3:15 does say we must "always be prepared to give a (verbal) defence ( Apologian) to anyone who asks us for the reason for the hope that is in us" but it's NOT specific to "apologists" it is for ALL Christians generically and the purpose of it is to give people an opening to share the Gospel with, not trying to argue or debunk thier beliefs, so the more accurate term would be "evangelism" instead of "apologetics", also I'd like to add that this kind of "apologetics" is often misplaced and misdirected, what I mean is that "apologetics" should be conditional according to 1 Peter 3:15 we are to give a defence ONLY IF someone "asks us" and not to deliberately go into war with just about any non-christian who doesn't even care about the truth and just wants to debate and argue, that's why I also don't believe in street preaching or door-to-door missionary service,
because it attracts the wrong kind of people like the stubborn athiests, hostile haters who are also keyboard warriors that come to Christian videos only to bash Christianity and poison the place, when they're not even welcome or needed, Christianity is not for them, I don't even listen to thier criticisms, they can "debunk" Christianity all they want let God take care of them, but if someone is genuinely ASKING us questions with good intent it surely means that the Holy Spirit is drawing them, another thing is, I believe "apologetics" should only be directed towards GENUINE skeptics not toward critics, there's a difference between a "skeptic" and a "critic", a skeptic is somone who is seeking answers, they're still seekers, whereas a critic is someone who is already CONVINCED in his/her mind that Christianity is false such as Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Cosmicskeptic etc. they have already arrived at a conclusion, they're 'proponents' not "skeptics" so we needn't give them any attention, even watch thier videos, we need to focus more on THE CHURCH, rectifying and edifying CHRISTIANS, we need to focus more on our spiritual growth by fasting, prayer, worship and meditating on the word also we often leave out the most important part of 1 peter 3:15 "but respond with gentleness and respect"
Thank you, Tim!
So…maybe I misunderstood but if I am making an argument against a philosophy I am a proponent of that philosophy now since I am interacting with it? Forming an argument against something would not make me a member of that I am arguing against. Also, if Christian apologetics attempts to provide a reason for being Christian, then stating that apologetics is not needed would not make the author of the mentioned book an apologetic in my humble opinion.
yes apologetics is very important it makes the Christian faith logically acceptable
praise the only true living LORD and GOD bless you all glory be to the HOLY TRINITY forever and ever amen 💖✝️✝️✝️
With all due respect, when there is enough evidence for a claim, there is no need for apologetics.The evidence is usually very clear. If your doctor says you need more vitamin C and you don't get enough you may get scurvy Evidenct. Your plants don't get enough sunlight the won't grow or they die.
Evidence. How many people have died who couldn't read, furthermore heard of a God or a Jesus. How many millions of (God's)people are starving to death from lack food, diseases natural disasters and manmade wars usually over religious and political ideology, while our god wait for us to repent and change our ways. Isn't he omniscient! I thought he was! There are thousand of religions all claiming to be the ONE. We need humans to love and care for each other.
With evidence my brother, you don't to an apologist. We would all bow down and pray to the one true GOD.
Pease and love.
Awesome video bro. Apologetics is such a necessary tool of our faith. Every believer should be able to defend or give biblical reasons for their faith. Praise God for persons like yourself who are gifted or just share a greater desire for this specific use of theology.
Second comment!! Also I like this video and agree! Just because no one else said that yet.
No such thing as apologetics it's a new movement ment to distract. The Holy Spirit will guide people with out them even knowing it. Without a shot fired.