Why Is George Soros Involved in Spanish Politics?
Why is George Soros so involved in Spanish Politics? Tucker Carlson traveled to Madrid to ask opposition leader Santiago Abascal.
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If Spain was a federal republic like USA, it wouldn't have so many problems
Thank you for these interviews! So hard to access credible information that is not completely controlled by the ultra-woke left about what is going on in foreign governments.
Gracias carlson..Por la entrevista.Al mejor polits of the Spain
Fuerza y honor. Santiago Abascal.🥚🥚🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦💪💪💪💪
How I WISH I could watch it! However? He speaks too fast & I have to rewind too much! WHO KNEW Tucker knew FLUENT FAST Spanish! He doesn't wait for an interpretation in his ear! GO TUCKER! 😁
This sounds like Canada.
The whole european comunity shares this kind of problems! If you are not aligned you are automatically a racist! We are sorry for Africa but we cannot solve they’re problems! If there is a population problem lets help young couples.. we can provide them a support to start a new family.. we dont need to import immigrants
Soros is a mix of evil social manipulator with a international conspirator, in connection with world banks in his control and power will ruin the humanity.
Yea Spain is really one of those countries in EU that I question “what happened”
nailed on the wall
This is a serious simple question if George Soros is so evil and causes so much evil in the world, why has no one taken him out?
Damn all these lefties are doing the exact same things at once. Its like mind control over them. They have no minds themselves. So who is doing all the thinking for them? The globalists…WHO WEF…martha Stewart.
🎩 and 👃 are the controllers of the world.
It's the same exact playbook worldwide for the west. We must not let the globalists win!
Con dos gotas de sangre y un rayo de sol, Dios creó una bandera y se la dio a un español!
Where is not involved George Soros??
Thank you for talking about Spain. Sanches and his Podemos party are total criminals, you have no idea what kind of idiocy was going on here during the pancdemics, it was a pure faschist regime that killed many people and made many people crazy. And after 2020 they let the herds of illegal immigrants into the country , and the crime rate in the cities have increased by 60 percent in just 3 years! Spain was before one of the safest country in Europe with unique culture! Unfortunately the world is too busy and nobody cares of what is going on in Spain and how they are trying to degrade and killl this beautiful culture, these corrupt lizards!
Socialism will kill Europe
All by design and its happening in the US, too. New World Order is being built.
Pedro Sanchez: the Justin Trudeau of Spain…
This Soros clown is the WEF's ambassador – the ambassador of societal chaos!
lol – short the currency like he did in Britain.
Sounds like he's describing the USA
Soros met with Pedro Sanchez BEFORE he was elected!!! They tried to keep it secret, it was found out.
It used to be David Rockefeller who they had to meet first
Your into EVERYTHING when pushing the machines propaganda.
Same thing that is happening here in America.
Soros wants open borders, one world government. Like the WEF says, you will own nothing and be happy. This will, of course NOT include Soros and the other demi gods. It's all written out in Revelation. We are in the timeline.
The face of George Soros is the face of the monster he is on the inside. Pure evil?
American govt is doing the same shit!
JAESON JONES is an internationally renowned border intelligence expert.
Tucker, Why don't you go ask HIM about what's REALLY going on behind-the-scenes with the INVASION OF OUR COUNTRY via the ILLEGAL MIGRANT PUSH from all over THE WORLD!?!?
He's just as TIRED of all the LIES our Government's been telling us, and what they're KEEPING FROM THE AMERICAN CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Pedro Sánchez tiene que sacarlo del poder
Es otro diablo
Antidemocratico pagado por Soros
Deben defender. España