Why Jesus Called Himself the Son of Man
If you thought “Christ” was Jesus’ last name or the title he gave himself, think again! The title Jesus most often used for himself is the “Son of Man.” In this video, we’ll explore the meaning of this fascinating phrase and see how it invites us into the larger biblical story.
#SonofMan #BibleProject #Jesus
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Uhmm you are all totally wrong. Yes there are beasts, yes they represent countries (the great red dragon…take a guess). Anyway, just because Jesus RULES the universe and is a man…Doesn't make Him GOD, at all, whatsoever. The 4th Dimension yes, GOD No. The Being you think is GOD in O.T. Is Satan and Jesus came to overcome Satan, who said he was GOD to humans, and lived in a box. Go learn.
God Bless. Glory Be to the Lord in heaven. Thank you for this video. It was amazing 😊
What a bunch of rubbish. Son of Man is a first century Hebrew term for the Messiah. "Who do you say the Son of Man is?" "You are the Christ the Son of God."
I love thisss✝️✝️
Not only that, there is more deeper than that.. Son of Man, refers to His obedience to the Father.
They were never cavemen as we have always been taught! Men were intelligent from the beginning! Knew right from wrong very early.
Jesus is a holy or spotless sacrifice to redeem us of our sins and set us free. His blood covers our sins and so He justified us to the father by his death in the cross. Jesus did his part, now its our time go turn around 180 degrees, repent, seek Him with a humble heart, ask God to come to your life, and give you a new born spirit. don't go back to your worldly ways anymore.
Because the savior was born of a virgin birth, He was not a human being at all because He was not formed out of human egg and sperm. God is the only one who knows.
Jesus calls himself, the son of man obviously because he has man’s offspring. He is also the offspring of God. But I think you’re really making a stretch about that promise to Adam and Eve where did you come up with that idea who told you that and why don’t you question it. You’re just saying there’s a promise of a savior, because it supports your own idea. Someone bruising someone on the head someone bruising someone on the hill has nothing to do with a future savior of anything now does it
"For he that is dead is freed from sin."
Could you guys do a video about “Jesus Barrabus”?
You guys are doing a great job at creating these clips, well done! 🎉
Good work guys. 😊 Massive help, thanks 🙏🏾 ☺️
Well Done! Did He change to the "Son of God" title after the resurrection?
Jesus himself never referred to himself as the Son of Man as Ezekiel sees his own future and is told by the Lord to carry our what he sees happening to him in the future, as Jesus tells how to k ow his battle here is over, when you see " The Son Of Mans Face coming in the Heavens" by that time it's too late to repeat .
Of course, the Tower of Babel incident was done by the descendent of Noah. Noah was known for being the descendant of Seth.
(I recommend Dr A. E. Wilder-Smith’s 6 part video series “Origins” for anyone who would like better clarity about the history of certain biblical accounts.)
Great job, guys. You took a profoundly deep concept and made it easy to understand. Thanks for using your teaching gift in this way 👍
This is a great introduction for people trying to get into Christianity!! Well done! 😎👍
Humanity and truth don't come to my personal mind.
Type (1) this world is ran by the invisible powers of the Dark Wizards, yes it sounds ridiculous doesn't it, yet we live in very serious times, the Dark Wizards control this world, yet no one knows of this, do they, it's got to be fiction; if it's real then it would blow away minds!
Wizards doesn't mean their walking around in long robes and pointed shoes that curl up at the end and a pointed hat, holding a wand in their hands, something is happening really big 'Dark Wizards' are real and their supernatural powers are very real and active across this worlds people, their evilness telepathically corrupts mere man; they are beyond naive humanity, their purpose is to decay humanity in terrible ways their telepathic supernatural abilities with certain food additives bends the will of ordinary people, these formulated additives with their supernatural abilities drain humanity of its 'positive well being state of mind', now hate and deep depression is more normal in today's societies, I know what most of you are thinking right now, that's their strengths; oh yes they play to it vigorously, belief in their well-hidden lies is, easy, no one is going to say of their own velisha there's Dark Wizards living amongst us, that's crazy talk, yes it is,!
Change is coming a storm is approaches us all, this is a fact sadly, I can't say more than I've just stated, be warned, it's sadly coming! with greater force, keep the spirit of love in your hearts, love is supernatural too!
Love is our greatest virtue, let it be our strength in the end of times!
He can partner with God. Sounds like business and advertising theology.
Yes, service through listening to God's will save the world but not through sacrifice. On the cross, Jesus replaced sacrifice with forgiveness. He goes from thinking he is separate from God, "Why have you forsaken me.' through mercy, "Forgive them for they know not what they do, to being reunited, "Into thy hands I commend my being."
" . If you had known what these words mean, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice,' you would not have condemned the innocent."
God Bless You.
How can I give this video more likes?😢!
Please does the eye symbol in Daniel's dream have anything to do with the eye of horus?
Another misleading teaching. Any scripture ever written were actually a parables.
The name Jesus also were called "good shepherd" what is have to do with "lamb of god"?
Isn't the brain shape remind a lamb? Isn't the brain is made of white so substance like a lamb. isn't "good shepherd" can in fact represent to know how to lead well our thoughts?
"Light of the world" is another example why son is in fact referring to the Sun and his son on earth, son on earth bcz we really share the Sun DNA inside us, the electricity who came from the Sun to earth.
Then….the son of god is also the son of men.
This was such a great presentation
There is only one throne in Heaven, and Yeshua sits on it. The cartoon depiction of Yeshua sitting on a small throne next to God gives the idea that He is not God, and we know that Yeshua is God and God is Yeshua. While He was fully man and lived in the flesh, from this humbling of Himself He was fully exalted. He sits at the right hand of God, meaning that He is the active part of God’s character, the visible God who can be seen, touched, and related with. God and the Lamb sit on THE throne in the New Heaven and New Earth. There are not two thrones, but one. And in those days God will be One and His name will be One. (Zechariah 14:9). His name is Yeshua.
What better way to communicate with people than by giving one man strange dreams and expecting others to believe they are prophetic. That's what I would do, for sure … NOT. The Bible has some pretty strange and unbelievable ideas. And it's definitely prophetic if someone writes down a dream or something and then years and years later someone else uses that dream to try to convince people he's the fulfillment of that dream of "prophecy". Humans are capable of horrible evil, but nothing on the scale attributed to God by the Bible. So far no human has killed every many, woman and child on the planet except for 8 people as the Bible describes. And killed all the animals except for a tiny few (apparently the animals were just as evil as the babies and children, so they had to be killed too). That is some universe level of evilness there! Especially if you are killing people for being exactly the way you created them to be. Such a wholesome story to tell little children. Come listen Johnny. God might decide some day to just kill you for being alive. I realize you are only 5 years old, but you're one evil evil kid just for being alive and probably deserve to be killed by God like those kids and babies in the flood.
"SON OF MAN" Is an office of God in a man. God in a major prophet ! The Word of the Lord comes to a prophet Jesus comes again as "son of man " Daniel, Ezekiel, Jesus was the Fulness of God in a man !
Why thumbnail and second title changed ?
But Jesus was not a son of a man,.. but a son of a woman…
Thank you
Man, once a cannibal, described in Genesis as Cain being violent, killing his brother, loved a baby born in Bethlehem of Judea, in Jerusalem.
The Son of Man. 😊
Amazing 😊😊
There is a difference between the Jews sacrifice of an animal which is a quick killing and Jesus who was tortured and mocked.
bro noway they made furby into one of the beasts 2:48
Flesh, is not as Jesus was, who, was "Pure flesh" in the flesh, without Sin. That's why they tortured Jesus, hated Jesus, regular flesh is enmity, afar from knowing Jesus Christ. Lacking "truth" which is, not, of this World and the World knoweth not . . . .. .
Jesus is 100 percent God and 100 percent man. He was not just a normal human. He was with God at the beginning of everything, he always has been and always will be…just like the Holy Spirit. Get it right ! He is God in the flesh ! Not just some normal sinless human that God picked.
So he sent his son .. himself… wtf
well done
damm this is good
Phillipians 2:9-11 says Jesus will be worshipped in the highest place of authority not as a representative.
Phillipians 2:9-11 says Jesus will be worshipped in the highest place of authority not as a representative.
Wait!…..Jesus is a human? I thought he was god. I didn’t “get” this presentation at all. Sometimes Christianity is just plain weird, and ties itself up in semantic knots.
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