Why Joe Biden Was Wrong to Halt Construction of the Border Wall | Chad Wolf on Newsmax TV
Chad Wolf joined Newsmax TV, Monday, February 1, to talk about the latest on illegal immigration, why the U.S. needs to continue securing our southern border, and whether the Biden administration’s immigration policy will make our border weaker.
Learn more about this issue: https://www.heritage.org/immigration/commentary/senate-consider-amnesty-and-open-borders-dhs-secretary-vote
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We spent trillions on thirty years of wars in the Middle East to protect private oil company interests, but nothing to stabilize the region on our own continent. Drones and technology are better than walls
Hurry up and open the border! We need cheap workers!! These immigrants are hard working people. Fat Americans don’t want to work.
It just doesn't make any fuckin' sense. Border patrol is still out there apprehending people, right? So why not give them the best tools for the job? American government is nothing but a huge circus; a musty tent filled with stage performers and clowns.
………………….My family will be praying for all that are lost in the lies and the veterans and their families who feel they sacrificed in many ways for this country and our freedoms to have it taken away by criminals paid by China. //////// Combat Veterans are those who fought and or died to protect the peoples rights to remain a jackass. //////// Dear God give the sheep the strength to open their eyes and see what we are losing because of the left power hungry fools. This is America not Venezuela yet we are headed there fast now with the election stolen. God bless Trump for exposing this left led corruption to the masses so may the smarter ones have figured out what the hell is happening to our country. I have been around the world for my country. I have watched my brothers perish for this country and to see it being thrown away breaks my heart. If you agree politically with the dems then you would not understand the pain many families are facing with the loss of respect for the people by the self entitled so called leaders. May God bless us all.
Yet he constructs his own wall in DC for protection. 🤦🏻♀️. The hypocrisy knows no bounds.
And They want this influx of immigrants so they become future Democrat voters.
He just closed his eyes, his failing mental capabilities told him to endanger and sell America. Everyone fron anywhere can get a piece of America.
Why don’t you cry about it?
We are looking at the next 4 years of the white house pandering to the immigrant migrants. I say skip the foreplay and just make everything from north Mexico to the Panama canal part of the united states.
Sheeeeeeee's purddddy
Walls can keep people out and keep you in.
So do you all actually get what the plan is?
Democrats run human trafficking and sex trafficking and drug trafficking and gun trafficking through the border. They don't care about Americans. They care about money.
Please also upload to bitchute, rumble or others as we are leaving yt.
How is he not charged and arrested for putting the American people at risk!!! Who voted for biden?!