Why Our Debt Matters
Our national debt is growing rapidly, and Heritage expert J.D. Foster explains why that matters to you.
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Our national debt is growing rapidly, and Heritage expert J.D. Foster explains why that matters to you.
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"eIgHt tRiLlIoN dOlLaRs"
What happens if the bank runs out of money in monopoly… The economy cannot grow without money creation, fed and government issuing bonds.. and since we cant keep our zippers zipped up we grow at a rate of 1.5%… which means the money supply must double every 50 years.. which is a lot of money.. without this money creation we would all go broke. Without debt there is no money.. period.
you see these payments from time to time money.cnn.com/2012/01/10/news/economy/federal_reserve_pays_treasury/index.htm this one the Fed payed us $77 billion
90% of all interest payments to the federal reserve are returned to the treasury. Look it up. All they keep is the money they need to operate.
And Palin will do nothing, nothing about the national debt. She has aready promissed more war which is more debt.. She was for bailouts before she was against them.
Glad to see you make this case how the crooked corrupt rich aren't paying their fair share of taxes..
Oh wait, you weren't making that case, because it's corrupt rich that you beg money from, can't be biting the hand that feeds you!
You guys never argue that cutting government also means cutting a living for others in the middle class, why you're frauds.
You see, the prescription is death, the remedy is death, the cure is death.This tyrant today now alleges, that the Sovereign who is We the People, is, would or could be accused of a crime against the tyrant/state, That is the highest degree of treason, worthy of death. I will never comply with any old or new mandate from Washington D.C. ever again. Freedom isn't free, it bought and paid for everlasting. until We default.