Why the Circumstances Around Jesus' Birth Matter • Luke-Acts (Episode 1)
In this episode, the guys give an introduction to the gospel of Luke. What does it mean for Luke, and all of the gospels, to be historical accounts? All history is interpretation, and all of the gospel accounts have different a different focus as they tell the story of Jesus’ life and ministry. But how do we make sense of all of this information? If you’ve ever wrestled with being able to trust the gospels, then this dialogue is for you.
Show Music:
Defender Instrumental by Rosasharn Music
Blue Skies by Unwritten Stories
Flooded Meadows by Unwritten Stories
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The struggle of linear, literal, written, Eurocentric Western Psychology to understand circular, approximate, oral, Afrocentric Psychology. Clearly not a book written by white dudes in its origin. @bibleproject
Excellent. Thank you so much. God Bless.
An important emphasis is that the Holy Spirit inspired the writing of these letters and books, not the events. The events have God in human form in them doing what he wants. And that same God is carrying the authors along in their writing. Any modern approach is far from better or on par with this writing and or recording of these stories/events. There’s also a pastoral purpose that seems to be in these writings which means the authors are putting a strong emphasis on certain ideas and flow of events and so forth
Thank you for sharing this conversation with all of us.
'The meaning of an event is never self evident'….yep
Life is so often living poetry.😊
I'm sorry Tim…
I respect you dearly as a teacher.
But your example of a diffrence is not actually a diffrence. For no one said the soldier at the cross only said:
– this is truely the son of God;
– nor that he only said this men is
He could just have said both, right??? It's even what you should expect if diffrent people discribe what they have seen in a certain event. They will give you diffrent details of the same event!!! 😅
Most of the seeming contradictions only seem like contradictions. Most of them can easily just stand side by side, giving a bigger picture!!! 🕊️❤️😇
may we have trust in the word of the Lord knowing that He used human hands to make it not the other way around!
each persons own perspective, its not like they were in a room planning on how to convince people in the future, they were merely stated the truth from their own perspective, as they state themselves.
"I dont want to impose on Luke a level of accuracy that he didnt impose on himself." OMGOSH this was PROFOUND. Luke is so respected by me, and its still all about FAITH
Can someone please explain at the beginning they said that luke was not part of the 12 deciples i dont understand i must have missed something. I was always on the belief that he was part of the 12
I also think in the centurion story could be that it wasn't a simple one-liner, he may have said both because it means the same thing, him coming to the realization that if he actually is the son of God he is therefore INNOCENT of what he is being crucified for, in the end it is the same meaning
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“He’s making things up” lol. I really appreciate and enjoy those instances when John just says what would naturally occur to the mind of any lay person — absent any Christian sophistication or nuance. I should say however, that thee balance struck between Tim and John is the best.
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in Heaven." – Matthew 7:21
“As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire,
so it will be at the end of the age.
The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes s1n
and all who do evil.
They will throw them into the blazing furnace,
where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."
– Matthew 13:40-42
Could the Centurion had said both? Couldn’t Luke had felt one statement was more significant than the other, while Mark felt the other was more significant?
Why didn't God send Jesus during a time when we have discovered video cameras?
Maybe humanity wouldn't have lasted to that point unless Jesus came when he did. Who knows.
Matthew mark Luke john
Where’s the rest of this series???? So good!
Why couldn't the roman soldier say both things?
I think it's important to be in the tree of life when reading/interpreting the gospels, rather than the tree of knowledge. Rhema happens in all the gospels, disecting the details might serve a purpose, but if the real meaning is understood. I don't really care if Jesus was a wearing a brown cloak or a tan cloak. Sometimes a cloak is just a cloak.🙏
I don't understand why you are making such a big deal out of the fact that there are 4 different recollections of the Good News? And with the regard to Theophilus, put your own name in his place😄😄 "..,I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Tim, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught."
And I would be careful about mixing all 4 recollections in to one big one. Each one of them is unique on its own and has to be read in that manner so the Holy Spirit can do His work 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Ultimately God controls the narrative and he lets each person see what he needs them to see❤
I never knew the Bible project theme had lyrics lol
Jesus and the Eyewitnesses by Richard Bauckhman is a great read into who wrote the gospels, who the apostlic church fathers said wrote them and the oral traditions
Good info brothers
Thank you for making these amazing videos! God Bless You both! 🙏💜
35:00 35:13
Couldn't the Centurian have said both things, that witch Mark recorded and that witch Luke recorded? Why is it that he could have only said one thing?
Love you guys, that was wonderful!
Let’s address the elephant in the room head-on. The Bible itself is not infallible. The books are written by mere men, but are believed to be “inspired” by the Holy Spirit. The ones who decided what books to include in the Bible were also mere men. I don’t have faith in men and I don’t pray to the Bible or the men who wrote it. The expectation of infallibility and perfection in the work of men is unrealistic. This presents a tough question for some, but not for others. The question for some might be “Why did God allow mere men to communicate his Word to the people instead of penning something himself?” I don’t know the answer to that.
I asked Father GOD ALMIGHTY JESUS CHRIST is Dakota from him, of him and does she has a true relationship with Father GOD ALMIGHTY JESUS CHRIST, for me it was confirmed, i advise anyone who needs to know the Truth on anyone and anything go to Father GOD ALMIGHTY JESUS CHRIST in Prayer and ask any and everything.
My thoughts on the centurian's words being different in 2 accounts:
1. There were multiple soldiers around…perhaps both things were said by different soldiers?
2. Perhaps the same soldier said BOTH things? But each account chose which they felt was significant. You don't want to take away from the impact of Jesus' incredible death with a huge oration by another character.
3. Since we know God knows the thoughts of men, even if the soldier did not AUDIBLY say certain things, God heard the soldier's confession and outpouring of faith. God could have inspired (yes, I know is a touchy point) the writers to record it.
4. Surely the soldier was a part of the church and may have even travelled, giving his testimony to others. He may have explained later on his feelings and thoughts on what went through his mind as he witnessed Christ's death.
The authors don’t exactly say they are writing word for word accounts of what was said. But one thing I’d like to add to the conversation is that since the Bible is Holy Spirit inspired, He would know what the characters in the story were thinking. Perhaps the Holy Spirit was inspiring the writers to add what they were thinking. Like with the centurion saying He was the Son of God. As we see with Jesus’ conversation with Peter, that truth was imparted to Peter from the Holy Spirit. But also with the account with Jesus and the Pharisee, He is capable of responding to our internal dialogue.
Great Video, Love failed me, my ex left me 2 months ago, I've pleaded for her to come back but she don't want to, i'm having sleepless night, i think of her all the time, i've met with other girls, gone to the bar, therapist to see if it will help me move on, but nothing is working. I feel so empty, it feels like my world has ended, i don't think i will ever find happiness. I don’t know why I’m saying this here. i really miss her and i want her back
Y'all, one of my favorite short stories of all time, "The Truth of Fact, the Truth of Feeling" by Ted Chiang, deals beautifully and tragically with what you are discussing in the first half of this episode. How EVERYONE interprets history, how every retelling is not what happened. I don't want to spoil anything, but suffice it to say that it is a moving, angering, sobering, sorrowful, funny, and wonderful short story.
I can't recommend it enough.
I just ask, is God speaking truth to me through these words regardless of what truly transpired? For example, I use to yell, be mean, and JUDGE my wife when we first met. Thank God for helping me change. But if you asked us what happened back then you’d get two different stories. My wife would say “you said you were God” and I for the life of me do not believe I ever said that. But, God is the only rightful person to judge which is why he asks us not judge. So I guess it is truthful in a sense, metaphorically speaking, that I was proclaiming I was God by passing such judgment on the ones I love. In other words – truth, like God, is sometimes deeper than what can be seen.
In acts chapter 1 Luke says you have to be an eyewitness to the life of Jesus in order to be an apostle. Therefore in some manner Paul had to be a contemporary of Christ during His earthly ministry. Any thoughts?
i reallly appreciate this conversation
Blessings and greetings from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic! I loved this episode!
I am glad that there were more than one eyewitness who saw and heard Jesus Christ who is the Son of God the Father and in all His perfection of love and grace. Thank you for the Bible Project. I am learning.
I find your efforts well-meaning, but in sometimes your terminology crosses the line from biblical to worldly wisdom occasionally to bridge a generational gap. I would never say, "People thought Jesus was 'full of it', because there were different interpretations of Jesus". Now what do we mean by this statement? Being full of it? That would not be a correct explanation for worldly ignorance in biblical times and even if they hated Jesus then state the fact they hated or disliked Jesus. Jesus' words were always perfect in timing and wording.
I enjoy these podcasts…. but i dont like how they seemed to say the gospel writers basically lied. Dont like that. But rather… i believe people remember different things and the variations actuallg make these 'versions' more reliable.
I was so confused when they said ”the rest of this will release in 2017” and I realized the audio is from a few years back 😂
When I listen to this, i don't hear much room for the "inspired" word of God.
!!!! QUADRAPHONIC ????????