Why the WEF wants you to drink ALCOHOL so bad | Redacted with Natali and Clayton Morris
Globalists want you to be drunk just like they want you to be fat and poor. The WEF keeps pushing Arab nations to drink. Why? Also, The Guardian published research showing that the average glass of wine is 577% larger than a glass of wine was in the 1700s. That’s a generous pour! Popular wines now have higher ABV percentages too. That is alcohol by volume. In the 1960s, most adult beverages had approximately 9% ABVs. Compare that with today’s drinks that have at least 12% or more. So if you do have those two glasses of wine, it will stay in your system for SEVEN hours. So..how can you keep your power and not hand it to globalists? Stay sober for your own power!
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Clayton Morris is a former Fox News anchor. In Redacted, Clayton and his wife Natali take an in-depth look at the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.
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Natalie should write the slogans!
In the UK at the moment, Tesco UK's largest supermarket chain is offering a litre of Southern Comfort for 20 GBP if you use their club card which records your purchases. 30 GBP without the card.
Sir Klaus's tentacles stretch everywhere
Sir Klaus has learnt well from the soviets, no matter what shortages they always made sure
there was plenty of Vodka, Drunks cant riot
Alcohol makes me have seizures! I count that a blessing.
Brewing produces 2.5 tonnes of Co2 per 400hl brew,, the dirty secret
Not just drunk and stupid but it affects your health and shortens your lifespan by a lot !
Mass media also causes mass confusion. The dumbing down of America. Actually beer was mind expanding for me. It's all part of trying to confuse you. Keep a clear head and don't stress. Why do you think they want you to fear AI which is just the new Y2K?
I’m calling bs on the wine pour sizes. 449 ml is 15 oz. That’s just under 2 cups. It’s also over half of a bottle of wine (750ml). It’s 60%.
Not in Australia they don’t! You have to be very wealthy to drink alcohol and a millionaire to be an alcoholic
Next thing you know “they” are going to advocate for kids to start drinking. So sick!
And smoke ganja… in Montreal Canada during the lockdown the only two stores open were the legal weed stores and SAQ societe d’alcool de Quebec 😂 🧐
Is that why Bill Gates bought massive shares in Heineken, he's always ahead of the game!
Alcohol spirits and all the pretty coloured drinks and now cans are now very expensive in Australia.
I lost my cravings for alcohol when I went on the Carnivore diet. So, the Marxist globalists hate me!
Alcohol. Spirits. Temporary possession from the demon star Algol. Why you black out or do things you wouldn't normally do.
“If you cannot understand why someone did something, look at the consequences—and infer the motivation.”
― Carl Jung
RE: a life disrupted by alcohol. I know someone whose young daughter was killed by a drunk driver when she was playing inside of a parked car. DD collided into the parked vehicle.
Sobriety will give you everything alcohol promises!
My father in-law was hit by a drunk driver on his way to work. And has never been the same.
We have two enzymes that transform alcohol into acetate and there are different isoforms of those enzymes meaning that if a southern european drinks half a bottle of wine he (she) will not get drunk because alcohol is very quickly metabolized in constrast to Finns who have different enzymes isoforms: so the rate of alcohol clearance depends on genetics, food intake etc. Sorry to tell you but cocaine is far more dangerours to the neurologic system than alcohol
No alcohol is why you have such a glowing complexion Natalie 🙂
Once again, straight out of the 1984 handbook by George Orwell
What about the legalization of marijuana? Seems to be encouraged and is everywhere.
I put on a lot of weight at college, quit drinking and the weight just went. I wonder if all drugs are an instrument of social control, with things like rave culture being bread and circuses. Acid house was just bread and circuses.
Mega pint
One of the best topics ever! Keep speeding the word
I heart Black Rock bought a big part of Ukraine from Selensky.
Alcohol has the energy of tamas and its defined: What are the qualities of Tamas?
Tamas arise from ignorance and and prevent a person's path from spiritual truth. Noticeable tamasic qualities are laziness, anger, attachment, depression, dependency, self-doubt, guilt, boredom, irritation, addiction, apathy, confusion, grief, ignorance.
It's exactly why some states legalize marijuana too , Michigan for example has dispensary's everywhere!!! It keeps you submissive!!!!