Will All Election Litigation Be Resolved By Inauguration? Hans von Spakovsky Weighs-In
Hans von Spakovsky joined Faith Nation on The Christian Broadcasting Network to discuss the various election 2020 lawsuits and whether they will be resolved by inauguration.
Learn more about this topic, here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/hans-von-spakovsky
Hans von Spakovsky is an authority on a wide range of issues – including civil rights, civil justice, the First Amendment, immigration, the rule of law and government reform — as a senior legal fellow in The Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies. As manager of the think tank’s Election Law Reform Initiative, von Spakovsky also studies and writes about campaign finance restrictions, voter fraud and voter ID, enforcement of federal voting rights laws, administration of elections and voting equipment standards.
Check out his work here: https://www.heritage.org/staff/hans-von-spakovsky
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PA will overturn n GA is on its way too. Its not recount that counts its Fraud!! FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING !!! Be warned n be prepared liberal democrats.
As we agonize this dubious election in the middle of a horrific pandemic. We have to step back and look at the possibility of a weak, elderly, sickly president representing the leadership of the free world. This man as he appears will be politically devoured by our enemies. We also have to look at the vice president who may have to step into the presidency. A person who will be the leader in control of our vast and lethal military. A person with no military or foriegn policy experience. Who has only known how to prosecute and put people in jails. For many if us who will by nature be the loyal opposition this is a frightening and sobering moment. The Independents and the Rght donot have cadres of devout ideologues like the left has. There will be no mass displays of protest or discontent. If the coming Presidency holds true it could or may be the end of what has always been a glorious fragile Democracy. The behind the curtain committee will rule us. We will be as Sheep without question being led by the self proclaimed good Shepard's. I hope this not to be true. I hope something is left of Mr Biden that he can still be of clear mind and action. I hope that Ms Harris sides with a more libertarian viewpoint as she has in the past and refrains from any hateful endeavors. This is all I can see of this incoming administration in the best light. Time will tell ofcourse but the light of hope seems very very very dim.
Pumpkin face Hans your fired.FAKE NEWS CHANNEL BY RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT and Trumpf. So sad. GO BIDEN
As others have posted, they need vote audits, not recounts.
its the software glitch that has the most votes to change, as well as ballots that came in the dead of night,
Trump2020 Trump2020 Trump2020 Trump2020 Trump2020 Trump2020 ttt
I'm a retired Japanese science teacher and have a bit about the ballot identification, I mean whether the original or fraud imitation. As I taught in HS, and many of you learned there, each ink, for the printing, has unique absorbing/emission spectrum depends on the contained substances. So the removing the fraud ballot may not so difficult once measuring it with some handy spectrum analyzer, if the original printing used the same or similar ink. I tried to notice this method to Trump office but couldn't for I live in Japan now.
While I hesitate to disagree with a representative of that paragon of non-globalist truth the Heritage Foundation (laugh, laugh) 20,000 ballots is nothing compared to the scam the Democratic machine played in Wisconsin. A recount would certainly prove that.
Why the court refuses Trump request?
"The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses." -Malcolm X
Inauguration is irrelevant, it has to be done by December 14th!!!!!
Pelosi is very quiet all of the sudden. I’m wondering why. Feinstein and Pelosis husband voting machines got discovered lol
Biden is a fraud 😌
John Solomon: Mark Zuckerberg sent at least 350 million dollars to election judges in mostly Dems area.
CNN AND THE DEMOCRATS ARE WORSE THAN THE CCP.: CNN demands Americans to ACCEPT BIDEN as the duly elected US President while the Democrats threatened TRUMP SUPPORTERS ( Democrats said they started identifying the lists of Trump supporters) losing their jobs or face consequences in the future. THE EVILS OF AMERICA FINALLY REMOVED THEIR MASKS!!!
Watch "Detroit poll watcher explains concerns; Protesters demand a free and fair election | NTD" on YouTube
https://youtu.be/wfTvvsnGtVg facts will be showing
Watch "Poll Watcher Whistleblowers Describe Barriers From Observing Ballots In PA" on YouTube
Would not a recount be useful if you had the opportunity to verify the validity of ballots (duplicates, errors, dates, identity issues)… especially with these blatantly, large jumps and lead changes over night?
They also can't confirm how many ballots were sent out that can never be allowed to happen.
Trump.must not concede. This is a very questionable election.
The Supreme Court is not our friend. Kavanaugh and ABC want the lib media and mobs to be their friend so they will have to earn it by throwing Trump out and surrendering our elections 100% to the deep state. I hope I'm wrong but get ready for Biden's evil cabinet to so everything possible to destroy good hardworking middle class starting with new lockdowns on your businesses and ridiculous mask mandates.
This is a fraud election! Americans need to stand up for fair election and protect the integrity of the election! Biden can NOT even get 100 people to his rallies but all of a sudden can get more people to vote for him than Obama! It is very suspicious that all of a sudden hundreds of thousands of mail in ballots appeared after the election, and all for Biden!
Biden’s votes are from ballot harvesting, ballot stealing, computer system error and dead people voting!!
Why not audit instead of recount? An audit inspects the ballots not just count them.
The fraud wasn't in the minor things everybody is talking about-deceased voters, date stamps, wrongly filled out ballots. The fraud was in THE PROCESS ITSELF. Mass mail-in ballots compromised our election process. If the state legislatures did not approve them, they are unconstitutional. That should be the argument, nothing else.
The state legislatures determine how the election process is conducted in each state-not the Governors, not the Courts. Pennsylvania Court actions are unconstitutional. We need to abide by the US Constitution, not what the news media say.
Recounts not moving totals are historical evidence prior to mass mail in ballots
Don't forget the software!
Im just a simple everyday working joe! If it looks dirty, and it smells dirty! It just may be dirty.
Their should have been no extensions, people should be responsible enough to drop of their ballots so that it gets to the election office by Nov 3rd.
The entire pilitical establishment has so many sleezy secrets that I wouldnt put it past the DNC to have the attitude of "whatever it takes" to oust Trump…. The last 4 years has clearly illustrated that!
Perhaps Trumps legal team has a Trump card regarding deep widespread mail in voter fraud by the DNC constiuents… I assure you of this, that will be looked at…
They are going to be surprised when he wins! Probably should have been honest with us, huh? Huh media.
Make Trump president again
That’s why the Democrats cheated big . We the people are not dumb. President Donald J Trump won 💯🙏🙏🔴🔴🔴🔴
That was a coup d'etat in plain sight.
Overnight ballot dumps, counts changed, counts stopped .
The ID checked for every vote?
Democracy of no law and order!
Amazing America, #1 country in economy but a 3rd-class society in law and order?
Either now or four years from now, if these Marxist cheaters are not exposed and severely punished our country is lost.
You can't recount fraudulent mail ballots
I have witnessed voting fraud myself with my own eyes on November 3rd, in this 2020 US election. I saw one person who has no right to vote has voted for another registered voter.
The counting software used is enough reason to recount and audit all ballots in these swing states.
The mailing system of ballot papers and mail voting should totally be stopped. It is a very insecure way where polling workers get to know your identity, address, date of birth and signature. I want to let you know a weird incident that took place few days after this November 3, 2020 vote, only my apartment got hit by raw eggs in my neighborhood.
I am a Trump supporter but I never let anyone know that in my neighborhood.
When I went to the polling station there was only the option of voting by paper ballot so I doubt that when I voted and after the voting was over they separated my ballot and found my address attached to the ballot envelope and thus they got my address and got to know who I voted for and then attacked my apartment with few eggs thrown at my windows, I have been living in this apartment for five years now and such a thing never happened.
I saw with my own eyes that someone who has no voting right for not being a citizen, has voted for another registered voter. I witnessed this at a polling station myself.
I think the whole election process this year 2020 was a big big conspiracy beyond anyone's imagination.
The UNITED STATES Immigration Authority only let's anyone enter this country with 10 fingers' print of two hands.
I think the Election Authority must take each vote by computers at polling stations where each citizen voter must come with proper ID then activate or access into their own voting ballot through 10 fingers' print and then vote and leave.
This process should take less time too than the process now we are at and this computer application is not going to be a critical one.
What do you think?
I also want to say that this kind of corrupted election can only be seen in third world (developing)countries, and this kind of election can no way be accepted in The United States of America.
Demofrauds have only caused more division in America
People are sick of Democrats stunts & bs
MEDIA no longer journalists
Us Trumpers are smart. We know lies and spittle-goof when we hear it, don't we all?
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