Wokeism at Work: How “Critical Theory” and Anti-Racism Training Divide America
Following the death of George Floyd, books such as White Fragility rose on bestseller lists and “anti-racist” training programs saw a massive increase in demand in corporate America and governments at all levels, and concepts like “unconscious bias” and “internalized racial superiority” found their way into everyday conversation. What is the origin of Critical Race Theory that informs much of this training and what are its goals? And, will this new form of identity politics truly heal our nation? Join us for a discussion on the pervasive trends that, under the guise of equality, make diversity training in government, corporate America, and schools pernicious, divisive, and destructive.
James Lindsay, Ph.D., Founder, New Discourses and author of Cynical Theories
Christopher Rufo, Director, Center for Wealth and Poverty, Discovery Institute and Executive Director, The Documentary Foundation
Mike Gonzalez, Senior Fellow, Center for Foreign Policy
Angela Sailor, Vice President, The Feulner Institute
Andrew Olivastro, Director, Coalition Relations
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When the average man is sleeping, so-called revolutionaries who want to sow discord and hatred are plotting in the shadows.
Alot of people who believe in the wokeist lies will claim people with common sense like you and I are insane. But what is THE TRUTH of that matter? They've become compelled to believe in the insane lies while rejecting the truth. Instead, they accept their version of the truth which is not the truth but instead are their lies to replace the truth. That's what the truth is of wokeism. Good people of earth, I urge you to stand against the wokeism that has become a danger to men, women, boys and girls alike.
The radicals and their children of 1969 are in control of institutions?
So the Manson Family's relatives are around? I KNEW IT.
Do you really want humanity to die out like that? Is this really what you want to be remembered for? Wokeism is in fact Neo Marxism in disguise just as Charles Manson disguised himself as Jesus, making him a false Christ but was Jesus violent? Did He accept sinful actions? Did He become politically affiliated? Did He start a race war? Was He a socialist? No, no, no, no and no. Jesus was the exact opposite of Manson. Therefore, all these Neo Marxists are no doubt taking ideas from the time of Karl Marx to Antonio to 1969 Hippy's Movement to all the "free love cults", using John Money's false concept of "gender is a social construct" etc etc etc. Yes, wokeism is mixed of many many ideas that have been disproven because it has been proven to be only harmful and to cause misery.
I knew neo marxism was going to happen ever since 2016….I knew the leftists were extremely still in the process of taking over the world. I always knew!
How dare the wokeist fascist hypocrites aka neo marxists in disguise of the "liberationists" claim that science, rationality and reason only belong to white people. But this isn't true. Black people also know science, rationality and reason too as do Latinos and Asians. It's for all of us, not for white people. But when wokeist radicalists claim it is only for white people, they're the ones who are biased, racist and very heavily ignorant. They are blissful towards that and they are very violently driven by their own delusional state of self righteousness and self destructive insanity aka narcissists who don't care and just cause anarchy and chaos everywhere they go.
WOW!!! History does repeat itself. The Red Scare. Joseph McCarthy would be proud.
I was hoping for a semi-honest discussion from which one could learn, but instead found a highly bias presentation. That's what happens when you have expectations.
I don't hear any refutation of CRT,which they all have the wrong definition,all I hear is a dislike and distrust of democracy. The right is loosing power and are the ones actually doing the brainwashing and labeling.
And to think, a year later its only gotten worse.
Brilliant! I'm currently reading Critical Theories – not the easiest book I have read but essential!
All these categories that you are talking about sounds petty much like Apartheid – and I grew up in South Africa, so do not try to tell me what Apartheid was.Greetings from Patagonia.
Wokeism makes you a looser it ruins your mind and you as a person.
President Trump
How can we be allowing this to happen in this country. It is more than disturbing.
AAAAHHHAHAHAHAhahahaha … "The Heritage Foundation" is a Far Rt. Wing think tank that has no problems using propaganda, twisted wording, and … facts … to pump out its agenda. Please, do not be discouraged, the Lt. Wing has its own "think tanks" as well. "Think tanks" were set up to do your thinking for you … no different ALL western corporate media.
Wokeism is very dangerous. You risk becoming sleep deprived and that is a real mess, lemme tell ya. Sleep deprivation is very complicated to endure and extremely nettlesome to get out off.
This is just racist garbage on the part of the Heritage Foundation who want to ignite a new McCarthyism.
I first heard about the word "woke" just after.G. Floyd died. My first thought was,… "Awake, sleeper, And arise from the dead, And Christ will shine on you,” (Ephesians 5:14) where Apostle Paul wants Christ's followers to wake up, stop sinning, & do good works. Instead of burning everything down & spewing blame & verbal hatred, why can't the masses start helping others, doing good. You get in your harvest what you plant. Plant hate; get more hate. Plant peace; get more peace. The only woke I want is to be woke-up from the slumber of sin.
Marxists have been conditioned to think
their neighbors are sabotaging their work
and they believe that anyone that is wealthy is oppressing them.
Persecutory delusions vary in severity.
Some individuals with persecutory delusions
believe they have to go to great lengths to stay safe—
and consequently, they struggle to function.
When someone experiences persecutory delusions,
they believe a person or group is oppressing them.
They firmly believe this is true,
despite the lack of proof.
Persecutory delusions are a form of paranoia.
While everyone may experience some false beliefs
about people being "out to get them" at times,
for people with persecutory delusions,
their beliefs take a serious toll on their lives.
Their delusions are symptom of a mental illness
that often requires professional help.
Individuals with persecutory delusions believe
that harm is going to occur
and that other people intend for them to be harmed.
Marxists feed upon this narrative.
They believe so deeply that they have been hurt,
that they develop a superiority complex
about their persecutory delusion.
A superiority complex is a belief that one's abilities,
accomplishments or beliefs are somehow dramatically better
than other people's. People with a superiority complex
are condescending, smug, or mean to other people
who don't agree with them.
Modern class struggle narratives are the union
of persecutory delusions to a superiority complex.
The Marxist believes it must kill the "wealthy" classes,
to feel superior to others because of the intense feelings
of inferiority.
Most people go through normal periods of simple self-pity—
as part of the grieving process, for example.
However, these episodes are temporary and minor
compared to the perpetual feelings of helplessness, pessimism,
guilt, shame, despair, and depression
that consume the lives of persons afflicted with a victim complex.
Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for people
who have actually been victims of physically abusive
or manipulative relationships
to fall prey to a universal victim mentality.
Sometimes associated with the term victim complex,
the “martyr complex” describes the personality trait of people
who actually desire the feeling of repeatedly being the victim.
Such people sometimes seek out, even encourage,
their own victimization in order to either satisfy a psychological need
or as an excuse to avoid personal responsibility.
Persons diagnosed with a martyr complex
often knowingly place themselves in situations or relationships
that most likely will cause suffering.
Outside of the theological context,
which holds that martyrs are persecuted as punishment
for their refusal to reject a religious doctrine or deity,
persons with a martyr complex seek
to suffer in the name of love or duty.
The martyr complex is sometimes associated
with the personality disorder called “masochism,”
which describes a preference for and the pursuit of suffering.
Psychologists often observe the martyr complex
in persons involved in abusive or codependent relationships.
Fed by their perceived misery,
persons with a martyr complex will
often reject advice or offers to help them.
Persons diagnosed with a victim complex tend to dwell on every trauma, crisis,
or disease that they have ever experienced,
particularly those that happened during their childhoods.
Often seeking a survival technique,
they have come to believe that society simply
“has it out for them.”
In this sense, they passively submit to their unavoidable “fate”
as perpetual victims as a way of coping with problems
that may range from tragic to trivial.
Some common traits of persons with a victim complex include:
They refuse to accept responsibility for dealing with their problems.
They never accept any degree of blame for their problems.
They always find reasons why suggested solutions will not work.
They carry grudges, never forgive, and simply cannot “move on.”
They are rarely assertive and find it hard to express their needs.
They believe everyone is “out to get them” and thus trust no one.
They are negative and pessimistic,
always looking for the bad even in the good.
They are often highly critical of others
and rarely enjoy lasting friendships.
According to psychologists, victim complex sufferers employ
these “safer to flee than fight” beliefs
as a method of coping with or completely avoiding life
and its inherent difficulties.
The victim mindset dilutes the human potential.
By not accepting personal responsibility for our circumstances,
we greatly reduce our power to change them.
I have already lost good jobs over this and I'm 63 and have no family so I needed those jobs. I feel like my life is being robbed from me.
CRT is anti-white
Maybe that's because the 60 % of Republicans are racist and the 25 % of Democrats are not Racist, you guys are just offsprings of those from the 1950s who marched and protested against public schools being integrated nothing more. I am glad to tell you all Slavery and Jim Crow laws were real in the united states.
You have no intention of peeling back any onion i know and I suspect you know the onion is rotten to the core. The word gymnastics don't work anymore and the less effective it is the more desperate you sound!!!
Can I just point out that three white men are discussing the evils of CRT? How is this foundation a thing? And no, you can’t hide your bias by having a black moderator in the video.
Communism was not created by the masses to overthrow the bankers, Communism was created by the bankers to overthrow and enslave the masses.
Linen called them useful idiots. Minorities are being used.
The original woke dialogue was used by Satan. He identified as a snake and changed the history by manipulating the word of the bible. Quote. "TRULY YOU WON'T DIE. Eve ate the fruit then passed it to Adam and he ate. Instantly they became guilty and shame. They then became victims and eve blamed satan. Adam blamed God. They both became homeless and devastated. But they were now equally fucked.
Can we get the link to "America Lost" in the description?
If you’re a government worker or a veteran that has applied for a government job your qualifications are based upon KSA = Knowledge, Skills, Ability.
DIE = Diversity, Inclusion, Equity (Equity is not the same as Equality) does nothing to prove an individual’s Knowledge, Skills and Ability to do the job.
If a company feels compelled to add a DIE hiring manager or change their company logo to rainbow colors to pander to the LGBTQ group or DIE group, it’s perceived as patronizing and thus that company may have had prior discriminatory hiring practices.
Bottom line…any public or private company that discriminates against a person’s race, religion, sexual orientation, political affiliation, economic status, veteran status or disability is in violation of State and Federal employment laws. KSA or DIE. Teach your children well.
WATCH >>> Joseph Loconte to Congress: Teach History—Don't Tear it Down: https://youtu.be/6mQXTi9MMuc